
The Next Step

I went to school that day to find my friends with my boyfriends friends. I was saying inappropriate things in my head when I saw one of them kiss. I walked up and asked what happened.

"McKenzie and Branden are together now. It's so exciting the gossip of the day starts here folks. I'll go call Caden over if you want to me to Auburn." Taylor told me way to enthusiastic.

"No I'm fine. When did this happen? I just got here and my parents aren't home. Pretty sure my cat is dead at my home. Was is going on."

"Auburn, quiet rambling you are driving me crazy. We've been BFFs forever. I don't understand what's happening, but I can come home with you." Taylor told me.

"That would be great. See you at the playground after school." I said.

"See you then" and Taylor went on her way.

The rest of the day was pretty normal as usual. Reading was a lot of boringness tied up into one. Math was when we passed notes about the gossip of the day. Without the teacher knowing. Writing was fun. Science we passed notes and got lunch detention. We had lunch detention. Then we went to social studies and learned because that teacher is really harsh. And lastly we went to art and sketched in our sketch books.

"Auburn, your finally here. I feel I've been waiting for hours. What took you so long? It's like 30 minutes after school."

"My math teacher had me take a math test that I failed on that my mom wouldn't be proud of. I'm sorry I made you wait"

"No problem, let's start walking. So can you tell me what happened". As I told her The Who,e story she was shocked to hear about my cat Myer. When we got home I was in aw. There was....