
At Home

I stepped inside the door and found my cat, alive. I'm was so shocked that this happened I almost cried. "What the h***!" I screamed, "That cat was DEAD AS A DOORNAIL THIS MORNING!!"

"Auburn, obviously your cat is still alive. But your parents are coming home tonight right?" She asked me.

"The haven't told me anything, the only thing I have is the note" I said.

"Call them, it seems pretty responsible. I mean I would be worried. You can talk it out with them, if they aren't coming home soon you can stay at my house. I can hold a sleepover and invite all our friends over and stuff. Oh it will be so much fun!" She squealed.

"Ok, I'll call my parents but only if you calm down" I mentioned.

"No problem" she said.

"Hello, mom are you there?"

"I have 1 minute what do you need?" She sounded panicked.

"I'm worried, when will yo......."I didn't complete what I was saying as she hung up on me.

"So, what did she say?" Taylor asked.

"I didn't ask, she hung up before I could. What is happening? I need your boyfriend. The geek of tracking phones. Can you get him for me? Please Taylor! Please! Please! Please!" I said.

"I'll see what I can do. But we aren't boyfriend and girlfriend. I'm waiting for him to ask me. " Taylor told me.

As she called her boyfriend Tomas I sat there waiting what to do next.