
Why can all the Heroine heart my inner voice?!

Author: Vana_
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Ongoing · 727 Views
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What is Why can all the Heroine heart my inner voice?!


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The magical badass lady

The story is about a girl in ancient times who is extremely beautiful but unknown about it. She is tortured by her stepsister and stepmother. Her father had died due to blood cancer. Her fiancé Cheng Lin Joon had betrayed her. She is so hopeless now and only choice she has to kill herself to protect herself from others. she jumped into a well and tried to drown herself. While she was dying the pink gloomy light appeared before her eyes. A beautiful fairy can be seemed there. That fairy was her fairy godmother named Luna. "Oh I am so sorry my child. I am your fairy god mother. I couldn't come when you were bearing all those things. what they had done to you but now I am back. I will get your revenge back." She said these words and whispered some magical words. suddenly the girl opened her eyes but it was not Chu Yu Jo (the original owner of the body). It was Chen yu Yan a modern girl of 21st century, completely different from Chu Yan Jo. yes their souls had transmigrated. Yu Yan is more likely to be Moana than Cinderella. She is not like that weak Chu Yan Jo who can be scared so easily. She is a tomboy girl who has brilliant marshal skills. Beside this She is a genius minded girl who doesn't have any interest in love relations. She has good hand in many other arts. she also have many supernatural powers and she is the second most powerful creature in the universe after god. it's said that her soul contains god's part. Now, it will be kind of interesting to see how she will get Chu Yu Jo's revenge? Will She ever fall in love?Will she ever get back to her real world? Will her identity be revealed? Let's check it out.

Nwriter · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Hunter x Hunter World - Reviewers Rage

A loser famous for his reviews was suddenly standing before a supreme being. His arrogance angered the higher being. His lifelong wishes to be special like the main characters of the stories he obsessed with were granted in return that his feeble efforts entertaining them. Sadly not in the way he wished for. He was ordered to gain strength in any of the worlds he would like, but in exchange, he would fight in a death match against a transcendental being for entertainment. After countless "runs" the supreme beings became bored. They allowed "him" to keep his memories and gave him enough authority to create his system. There wasn't any animosity between "him" and the beings that played with him since he had no memories of his countless lives. He intended to train but to enjoy mostly his life. -Scene from Chapter 1 How am I supposed to fight this guy when I already lost so often before, maybe this time it's gonna be different.... or I will just spend my days not training and living in the world. Sounds good to me. "HAHAHAHAHAHA" His deep voice shook, cracked and almost crumbled the white and seemingly endless void. "YOU TRIED IT! HERE ARE SOME MEMORIES FOR YOU!!" ------------------ The memories flooded in of the Mc's death, comrades, wives and children from countless lives dying before him and in his arms. He only gained the memories of his most torturous moments. The rage he obtain was fire that couldn't be extinguished no matter how much times passed. This is the story of a rageful Mc that had to partially seal 2/3 of his memories. The story of a loser having all the motivation he needs to become stronger. The ever upgrading system went from the most useless system with only an annoying A.I that was copied from the Mc' previous personality. That barely qualifies itsself to be called a system in the beginning with only fight simulator, but becomes the strongest system in all realms. The first system that presents 3 options to select from to grow stronger. The Hero, Villian and Legend path. The Mc could save people he doesn't care about, slaughter whole bloodlines of his enemies, or do both or nothing. This is the typical story of a useless ordinary guy becoming ...the strongest? most evil? most heroic? most rageful? No one knows, but one thing is certain. He is a delusional novel reader. --------------------------------------------------------- What to expect: Mc will enter the Hunter x Hunter World as his first world. The story will only follow canon by Mc participating the Hunter Exam, the rest will be original. I planned that after the Hunter Exam that the Mc will get his system upgrade of hero, villain and legendary path and of course his Nen ability. The first 40 chapters are slow paced because I want to establish the atmosphere of the novel. Mc personality: The Mc is ruthless when he needs to be. He is neither truly good or truly evil. He is the kind that would help an old woman cross the streets, but trick, blackmail or torture people for what he wants. He is not twisted or has a split personality. Most of the time he is indifferent and just numb to his emotions thats why often he wears a mask hiding his real self. You can suggest cool things by commenting. That goes also for everything else like villains, worlds, abilities, names and so on. ----------------------------------------- Rewards: 2 chapters a week 10 power stones -> + 1 Chapter 5 - 5 Star Reviews -> +1 Chapter Every Gift -> +2 - 10 Chapters

Vernable_Reviewer · Fantasy
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Beautiful Ending - Zhou Jingfeng's Fate

(BL NOVEL) In the vast and mystical realm where the art of cultivation shapes the destiny of its inhabitants, lies a tale of ambition, vengeance, and unforeseen companionship. This is the saga of Lǐ Chuàngxīn, a cultivator born into modest beginnings but destined for greatness. His journey from a prodigious talent to a vengeful spirit seeking to reclaim his lost honor and power unfolds against the backdrop of a world rife with danger, betrayal, and the relentless pursuit of supremacy. Once hailed as a rising star within the cultivation community, Lǐ Chuàngxīn's early twenties were marked by remarkable achievements and the promise of an illustrious future. However, the ruthless nature of the cultivation world, with its alliances forged and broken over the quest for power, led to his downfall. Betrayed by those he once considered allies, Lǐ was left for dead, his legacy tarnished and his potential seemingly extinguished. Yet, the flames of revenge burned fiercely within him, igniting his determination to rise from the ashes and exact retribution on those who wronged him. This quest for vengeance threatened to disrupt the delicate balance of power that had long governed the world of cultivators. Amidst these tumultuous times, an unexpected twist of fate intertwined Lǐ Chuàngxīn's path with that of Zhu Jingfeng, a fellow cultivator of noble birth and considerable prowess. In recognition of Lǐ's past heroics that saved Zhu Jingfeng's life, a marriage promise was invoked, binding the two in a union that neither had anticipated. Zhu Jingfeng, renowned for his exceptional skills and untainted lineage, stood at the opposite end of the spectrum from Lǐ's humbled existence. Yet, their fates were now irrevocably linked. The arrival of Zhu Jingfeng as Lǐ Chuàngxīn's unwelcome spouse introduces a complex layer to an already intricate narrative. Zhu's presence in Lǐ's life raises questions about loyalty, utility, and the true nature of strength. As Lǐ navigates the path of vengeance, he must determine whether Zhu Jingfeng is a mere pawn to be used and discarded or an unexpected ally who might hold the key to his redemption and the fulfillment of his ambitions. Will Zhu Jingfeng's introduction into Lǐ Chuàngxīn's quest for vengeance serve as a catalyst for change, or will it deepen the chasm of animosity and mistrust that defines the world of cultivation? As alliances shift and secrets unravel, the bond between Lǐ and Zhu may either become their greatest strength or the final blow to their undoing.

outisp03 · LGBT+
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