
Why Are You Crying? Because I Married Your Mom After You Broke up with Me?

Author: A Small Purple Umbrella
Magical Realism
Completed · 1.7M Views
  • 489 Chs
  • 3.1
    46 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Why Are You Crying? Because I Married Your Mom After You Broke up with Me?

Read ‘Why Are You Crying? Because I Married Your Mom After You Broke up with Me?’ Online for Free, written by the author A Small Purple Umbrella, This book is a Magical Realism Novel, covering SYSTEM Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Xu Wenping was forced into a blind date by his mother with a stunning CEO, Su Yurou, who was ten years older than him bu...


Xu Wenping was forced into a blind date by his mother with a stunning CEO, Su Yurou, who was ten years older than him but still had a breathtaking figure and appearance. The two quickly fell in love, and everything seemed to be going well until they ended up in bed together. That was when Xu Wenping saw a photo of two women in Su Yurou's room—one was Su Yurou and the other was his ex-girlfriend from college! Xu Wenping asked, "Dear, who is this woman?" Su Yurou replied, "She is my daughter... oh wait, our daughter!" Xu Wenping was speechless. When the three of them met, Xu Wenping said with righteousness, "So what? You broke up with me, and now I'm marrying your mother. Why are you crying?"

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I’m confused It’s either he’s a pedophile or maybe it’s a translating error and she’s at least 16 years older Maybe she gave birth at ten💀💀💀💀


I mean it's not bad. The generic urban alongside the same faceslapping and proving wrong. If you have been on webnovel for a long time then you exactly know what I'm talking about


Raw: 你提分手,我娶你妈你哭什么?


Just went back and decided to read something that sounded interesting. Then I started looking at the reviews and thought that there was a lot of absurd things going on. The whole pedophile nonsense is just that. It really does not matter as the story is about the MC and him being married to his ex's mother. It matters not one bit about the background or the ages involved with the MC and his ex or even when the mother got pregnant with his ex. That is just background information that plays no role in the story itself at this point. Now the story, I absolutely hate the concept of systems giving things like companies, cars, villas ect..., as we need to really ignore all the hand wavium going on. Here we have a situation where the system bought the things using system power to influence things. That very system influence is actually improving the impression of those who are researching about the background of the MC. This is actually where most of those system with physical rewards that have past owners comes with major problems, but is handled fairly well in this story such that the system is effectively being a major 'background' for the MC and people realize that the MC has someone major handling things for him. Even at chapter 40 there is not much that has gone on. I find it a bit disappointing that the MC is the only one who is aware of his "wife's" affiliation with his ex. Just another thing to look forward to if I am able to read more of this one.


doesn't that mean she got pregnant 10 years old 😧


Story is boring, mc is complete trash. If it weren't for the system trash mc couldn't even make a decent decision. Forces him not to be a lil bit**. Guy is so dense its pathetic. If the mc was better the story wouldn't be such garbage.


"If your Girlfriend breakup with you, there is always her mother"by Master Oogway.


The age of consent in China is 14. 16 for Japan was 13. 15 for South Korea. Remember this novel is written in China.


The worst summary I've read in my entire life. Not only does it tell me nothing about the MC or the setting, it spoils... the entire plot??


(1 1 3 3 2)/5=2this is trash. and I regret that. heck! I was excited for the story and for the milf.but the MC is inconsistent and unfaithful. not harem, but unfaithful.I'm only still here because I'm a man of culture. but the translation is abominable and so is the grammar.this seems to be just the regular wish fulfillment young master story. the romance seems fast but turned around and it's a slow burn.I wouldn't be surprised if my more review got deleted because that's what some of the generic authors have done.


Reveal spoiler


Reveal spoiler


This keeps popping up as recommended for me. I'm not interested in any way towards this story. I've not read it nor will I read this. My rating is to hopefully get this to stop being recommended to me.


i am confused first the MC has been introduced as a kind pure person who has come to a blind date and their relationship scene is good at start and all but after getting his system he became a Playboy.🙃


well it's same old typical Chinese face slapping novel .. his system gives him reward if he slappes faces and you need to turn off your brain to read it .. .or many things would not make sense .if you are okay with everyday Chinese novel cringe then it's a good read .


until confirmed otherwise. Also the age of consent in China is 14. Though people marry or have kid(s) around in their 20s-early 30s like western counterparts. and yes, teen pregnancy is a thing in China much like Western counterparts, id*ots being idi*ts. abortion is also a thing. Some may have kid(s) but believe they can't provide for them so they give it to the hospital for adoption. Most Chinese are quite traditional so having kids, if willing enough, the parents or even grandparents are willing to take care of the child(ren).


i love this novel. i want this novel to be Harem


It was pretty good for a while. But then the main character changed all of a sudden. He became a man w**** When he was supposed to be getting married and and being a good husband. He talked real big about marrying and being in love with the main female character. But the moment there was a real chance that he could cheat. He took it big time. It shows he's a little weasel, man. The girl that activated his system and gave him all the wealthy has gave him all the things he has. And he just throws it away. Basically the synopsis of this novel is bunk.


Here is B**chSlap for yah another piece of trash


I have a question. When will the Mc and his ex meet?


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