
Whoever Marries The Princess Will Become Immortal

When Princess Athana of the Kindal Kingdom was born, she was visited by the Three Monks, who noticed a unique birthmark in the shape of a serpent on the back of her neck. According to their mythical books, this birthmark signaled that Athana had been cursed. The curse stated that whoever married her would attain immortality, but Athana herself would live a mortal life. As Athana approaches the age of marriage, Kings and Princes from all five kingdoms are fighting for her hand and the prize of immortality.

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4 Chs

Chapter 3: The Royal Ball (Part 2)

Athana sighed and looked around her. Despite all eyes narrowing on her and Karius, the two were isolated enough that others could not hear them if they lowered their voice.

"The Prince of Jaund is the last person I wish to be betrothed to. I understand that one day I must marry, but I do not wish that marriage to cost me my throne. As the only heir, I will lose my rightful seat if I am married off to the heir of another kingdom," explained Athana, as Karius listened carefully - intrigued by her ambition. "In order to achieve my goals, I will need the support of someone who has your set of expertise and connections, and in return for your services, you will be the future King of Kandal - with me as its ruler and Queen."

Athana carefully selected Karius for her ploy. He was the second son, but clearly ambitious, he had no chance at power without risking his life and the stability of his kingdom. Giving him the option to be married to a Queen may allure his interests. Although he claims he doesn't care about immortality, surely he must have some interest in power?

Karius glanced to the side, taking a moment of thought.

He smiled gently, "no thanks, I'm not interested in your offer, as I said, all I want to do is get to know you better. In exchange for my help, you will agree to meet me on a regular basis and we can have discussions like these once more. Who knows, perhaps we shall race on horseback or spar, but from now on, you and I, we will be acquainted."

Athana released a great sigh and agreed to Karius' offer. But before the two could start discussing plans, a large figure appeared from behind Prince Karius - the towering Prince Eamon of Juand.

He was a tall, muscular man with short, blonde hair and piercing green eyes. He was known for his strength and bravery on the battlefield, as well as his ability to command respect from those around him. He was fiercely loyal to his kingdom and his people. He was also known for his determination and stubbornness, which sometimes got him into trouble. He is to be betrothed to Princess Athana by way of force, he had no interest or love for her, she was simply his prize for immortality.

"Perhaps the news has not reached you, Prince Karius, but you are dancing with the future Queen of Jaund," said Eamon with a voice that rumbled in the chests of those that heard it, looking down at Karius with a menacing stare.

Karius raised an eyebrow and took a step back away from the giant prince, "there is nothing to be worried about, in fact, we were just talking about you. You see, Princess Athana and I are close friends, nothing more."

Eamon's eyes moved left and right looking at the two, with a pinch of suspicion.

"I'll be taking my leave," said Princess Athana, turning around swiftly and angrily, she didn't want to give the Prince of Jaund an ounce of attention.


A group of princesses from the other kingdoms watched Athana carefully. They were jealous of the attention she was receiving from the princes.

"I can't believe she's stealing the show like this," grumbled Princess Beatrice of Thorn, smoothing down her own elaborate gown. "She's not even that pretty."

"And the way she's flirting with Prince Karius is just scandalous," added Princess Caroline of Jaund, her nose wrinkled in disgust. "She's not even trying to be subtle about it."

"Well, we can't just stand here and do nothing," said Princess Isabella of Tind, her eyes narrowing with determination. "We have to do something to bring her down a peg or two."

The other princesses nodded in agreement, eager for a plan. "What do you have in mind?" asked Princess Beatrice.

"We need to get close to her," said Princess Isabella. "Become her friend and find ways to tarnish her reputation. My claims will be more believable if I'm one of her closest friends."

The other princesses nodded, excited to support Princess Isabella in her plan to orchestrate Princess Athana's downfall. They knew that it wouldn't be easy, but they were willing to do whatever it took to bring her down.

As the night wore on, the princesses made their move, approaching Princess Athana with fake smiles and flattery. They knew that it was a dangerous game they were playing, but they were determined to emerge victorious.

Princess Athana was wary of the group of princesses, sensing that they had ulterior motives. But she played along, pretending to be flattered by their attention. She knew that she had to be careful, as one wrong move could ruin everything she had worked for.

As the night came to a close, the princesses bade each other farewell, promising to meet again soon. Princess Athana watched them go with a smirk.

'All according to plan,' she said to herself.