
Whoever Marries The Princess Will Become Immortal

When Princess Athana of the Kindal Kingdom was born, she was visited by the Three Monks, who noticed a unique birthmark in the shape of a serpent on the back of her neck. According to their mythical books, this birthmark signaled that Athana had been cursed. The curse stated that whoever married her would attain immortality, but Athana herself would live a mortal life. As Athana approaches the age of marriage, Kings and Princes from all five kingdoms are fighting for her hand and the prize of immortality.

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4 Chs

Chapter 3: The Royal Ball (Part 1)

The annual royal ball was always a grand affair, and this year was no exception. The Thorn Kingdom, known for its wealth and luxury, had pulled out all the stops to make it the most lavish ball yet.

As the guests arrived at the palace, they were greeted by a chorus of trumpets and a line of bowing servants. The nobility and aristocracy of the five kingdoms mingled and chatted, eager to see and be seen.

But all eyes were on the entrance of Princess Athana of the Kindal Kingdom. She had fought long and hard to convince her father, King Parathys, to allow her to attend the ball. Despite his concerns about her safety and the manipulations of the other rulers, she had insisted that she was more than capable of handling herself.

As she descended the grand staircase, she was a vision of beauty, her royal dress shimmering in the candlelight. Her long, brunette hair was styled in an elaborate updo, adorned with diamonds and pearls. She moved with grace and poise, seeming almost otherworldly as she made her way through the crowd.

But despite her beauty and royal status, Princess Athana was not one to seek the spotlight. She hated the way all eyes were on her, following her every move.

As she mingled with the guests, she tried to avoid being the center of attention. A task which she failed at miserably, as whispers followed her everywhere she went. She found her target, Prince Karius of Pingar, the second son of the King of Pingar. She would glance at him from the corner of her lashes whenever she got the chance. She would immediately look away when he caught her staring. She saw Prince Karius approaching, he stopped in front of her and asked for a dance.

Prince Karius was a tall, handsome man with jet-black hair and piercing blue eyes. He was known for his charm and charisma, which he used to his advantage in all aspects of his life. He was also known for his network of skilled assassins. He was ambitious and cunning, always looking for ways to increase his power and status, despite being the second in line to the throne of Pingar. He had a certain air of mystery about him, which only served to make him more alluring to those around him.

"I'm afraid I'm not much of a dancer," she said.

"Nonsense, Your Highness," he replied, offering her his hand. "I'm sure we'll manage just fine."

Princess Athana reluctantly placed her hand in his and allowed him to lead her onto the dance floor. As they moved to the music, she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable under the burning gaze of everyone at the ball.

"You seem troubled, Your Highness," said Prince Karius, leaning in close. "Is there anything on your mind?"

"It's just the usual, Your Highness," she replied coolly. "The threat of war is a bit overwhelming at times," she said sarcastically, earning a chuckle from the Prince.

"I can imagine," said Prince Karius. "But perhaps I can help alleviate some of that burden."

"I appreciate the offer, Your Highness," she said, pulling away from him. "But I don't think there's anything you can do to help."

Prince Karius grabbed her arm before she could escape, hard enough to stop her, but gentle enough to not hurt her.

"Perhaps you think I'm like all the princes here, who are after only one thing, but I assure you, I am not in the slightest interested in immortality," he said.

The Princess raised an eyebrow, "you are aware it is my father's command to keep the curse a secret from me, yet you confidently blurt it to me as if his word means nothing."

"Yet I knew you were already aware of it. Based on what I've heard about you princess, I am merely interested in knowing you better. Most other princesses bore me; but the horse-riding, sword-fighting princess who finished reading half of all the books in the grand library by the age of ten, now that is someone who is interesting," he said with his charming smile. "If you didn't know about your curse, I would've been disappointed."

"You're not interested in immortality? Yet you are interested in knowing me better - is it simply a friendship you are after?" she inquired.

Prince Karius pulled Athana closer, and whispered to her, "make no mistake, princess, I am not interested in a platonic relationship, but who said love must only exist through marriage?"

The curse could only come alive once the marriage takes place, and the marriage is consummated. However, it was not clear what would happen if this order was not followed.

"I would advise you to not speak to me as if I am a lady of a brothel," she said taking a step back from the Prince.

"Forgive me, princess, I merely wish to prove to you, I am not interested in living forever. You must've wondered why it was called a 'curse', correct?" he asked.

In Athana's eyes, Karius suddenly turned from a typical spoiled prince to someone who intrigued her. Not many understood why it was called a curse, but Athana understood from the first day she found out about her birthmark why it was indeed a curse.

"Life loses its meaning when death ceases to exist," said Athana, causing Karius' eyes to light up, impressed.

"You summed it up perfectly, not only do you have to watch everyone around you die, not only will time become less valuable and therefore your enjoyment of it, but you must watch the one you married, the one you love, grow old and weak and wither in front of you very eyes as you live unharmed only as a consequence of your marriage to her. What a cruel fate" explained Karius.

Athana eyed Karius from top to bottom, with an inquisitive look. It seems there was more to the Prince than she had initially given him credit for. However, this was good. It meant he understood reason, and this will make Athana's plan all the easier.

"How do you intend to help?" asked Athana.

"I thought you were the one who would explain that, you think I didn't notice you trying to catch my attention from the moment you stepped into this ball?" he said with a confident smirk.

Athana was taken aback, and was suddenly worried, as it seems it will be more difficult to manipulate someone like him. He was shrewd, smart, well-spoken, and calm. The most dangerous characteristics in a man.