
Who rules the world

Hei Feng Xi is handsome and elegant while Bai Feng Xi is majestic and unrestrained. They are opposites like black and white and unrivaled in skill. Caught in the warfare and chaos of the martial arts world, the flowers of love begin to bloom amidst the blood that has been sacrificed in the last ten years.

nguon_vandhirna · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The dream is broken

The red sun rose to the east, the birds crowed, the morning breeze blew, and the flowers spit on the flowers, and the new day began again.

Opening your eyes, the goal is Bai Ruxue's gauze, dyed a few Molan, so Jie Yajing.

"Wake up." A faint greeting sounded.

Turning his head, the soft couch by the window reclined in abundance, authentic with fragrant tea, and the smiling face was refreshing.

Raising his left hand, the terrible purple has disappeared, the poison has been cleared, and he has been born again… What about him?

"Yan Yingzhou?" As soon as he opened his mouth, he felt a pain in his lips.

"Dead." The voice was soft and ruthless.

Closed eyes, my heart hurts. He eventually changed her life with his life!

"Xuan Ji?"

"No." Still a light reply.

Then the group of people in black snatched it! Those people… Seeing the skill of cutting hands, it must be the one who breaks the soul gate!

"How could you be poisoned? It was beyond my expectation." The voice mocked with a trace of gloating, and it seemed to hide some kind of fluke.

"Xuan Ji is poisonous and accidentally touched." He answered wearily.

"If you are willing to send me a letter, maybe I can save Yan Yingzhou." Feng Xi stood up, walked to the bed, and leaned over to check her look.

"Letter to you?" Feng Xi sneered, who knew that the corner of her mouth was too wide, and there was a tingling on her lips. She couldn't help touching her lips, a small wound on it.

Feng Xian looked with her movements, saw the wound on her lips, her smile did not change, but there was a hint of haze in her eyes.

"Letter to you, let you arrive early, Xuanji is yours, isn't it?" Feng Xi looked at him directly, with sarcasm in his eyes, "It's a shame, I missed this opportunity."

"You–" Feng Feng's voice fell, but he smiled easily in a blink of an eye. "At least he won't die. For people like him, you know I won't shoot."

"You don't kill him, but if you lose Xuanji, he will die as well. A person like him would be in the presence of a person, causing the person to die." Looking at the few Molans in the tent, it trembled into that. There was no regrets towards the black back outside the cave.

"Ling the person is here, the person is dead? Oh, in your heart he is an earthly hero." Feng Xi sat down by the bed, looked at her look, his face was still a graceful smile, just said The export was cold and bloody. "But you are not a hero. You can't even deal with the ten soul-breakers, and you die."

He kept his eyes on Feng Xi while he was speaking, and he seemed to want to get a glimpse from above, but Feng Xi looked at the top of the tent without expression.

"Huh, you don't know, your hero has a total of thirty-two knives in his body, and the fatal wound is three knives in the chest! But he also did it, he didn't make a hum, he also pulled seven soul-breakers to be buried, Even I admire his bravery and fearlessness, but it's just that the martial arts are still a little bit worse." Two fingers were shorter than a section after speaking.

Feng Xi's gaze finally moved from the gauze to his face, opening calmly and blandly, "Black Fox, are you ashamed that you are not brave?"

"Haha…" Laughing in abundance, like hearing funny jokes, and he laughed, still elegant and pleasant, "Woman, I think you want to know his heroes."

Feng Xi smiled faintly, "General Gale's heroic world is known to the world.

"Have you heard a word? A good person doesn't live long, and the scourge lasts for thousands of years. Your hero Yan has a short life, but the person with falsehood and falsehood in your mouth is alive and may live longer than you." Feng Xi didn't care.

"That's God doesn't have long eyes." Feng Xi closed his eyes and ignored him.

Feng Xi smiled indifferently, stood up, planned to leave, walked a few steps and stopped.

"Do you know that when I saw him, he had the last breath left, but he could no longer speak, just looked at me, and then stared at the hole until his eyes died…"

The sound of the abundance is low and soft, as if it was mixed with something. After speaking, he turned away and walked to the door to look back, and then he saw a drop of tears slowly falling down on the pillow. trace.

"Did you like him?"

These words blurted out, and both were surprised.

One laughed at himself and asked why? What's this for yourself?

A heart beats, is the slight pain in your chest because you like it? A person who has not known for two days?

Feng Xi opened the door and left, leaving Feng Xi lying quietly alone.

like? Not to mention.

dislike? It's not all without feeling.

If they don't know each other in this situation, then there will not be much intersection between the strong wind general of Jizhou and the white wind evening in the rivers and lakes. They will come across, perhaps passing by, perhaps nodding and smiling, that's all. Or they parted ways after saving him for the first time, then for a long time, they will slowly forget each other, maybe some time when she looks back, she will think of the galeful general who is seven feet tall and easy to blush.

But destiny just arranged for them to suffer together and die together!

Yan Yingzhou, the figure who turned back and stepped out of the cave forever will remain in her heart.

No matter how time passes, he is the one she will never forget.

At the middle of the red sun, Feng Xian walked into the room again, but he saw that Fengxi had already got up and was leaning on the soft couch by the window. His eyes were looking out of the window.

A sycamore tree outside the window occasionally dropped a few yellow leaves. The room was very quiet, so quiet that the sound of Ye Luo could be heard.

"Zhong Yuan said you eat very little." Breathless and relaxed voice broke a room of silence.

"No appetite." Feng Xi still looked out the window and replied lazily.

"It's really an anecdote. You would have no appetite for eating delicious food? Am I wrong?" Feng Xi raised her eyebrows and looked at her.

Hearing this, Feng Xi turned his back and glared at him, "You should only drink white porridge for me!" Whoever likes the light and tasteless clear water white rice!

"Of course the patient should have a light taste." Feng Xi took it for granted.

"Son, the medicine is decocted." Zhong Li came in with a bowl of medicine.

"Give me." Feng Xi took the medicine and heard it first, and a smile flickered across his face. "I was thinking that people who have been poisoned by wilting grass may not be able to save their lives. I really only save a "abundance"."

"Then why do you save? If you don't save, I won't blame you. If you save, I won't be grateful to you. Anyway, you black fox will never be so kind." Feng Xi looked at the bowl of medicine with eyes in sight A slight flinch.

"If you don't have Bai Fengxi in this world, wouldn't I be too lonely and boring." Feng Xi approached Fengxi with a smile.

"Huh, if I die, the only person in the world who knows your true face is gone, you will really be lonely." Feng Xi snorted coldly, and then asked, "What medicine in this world can cure the wilting grass?" poison?"

"Alas, I feel distressed when I say it." Feng Xi sighed with regret, "I wasted a thousand-year-old jade snow lotus, which is a hundred times more precious than Buddha's Heart Dan, used to save you from such unknowing gratitude. The guy is really not cost-effective."

"Jade Snow Lotus?" Feng Xi's eyes lit up, "I heard that Snow Lotus is slightly sweet?"

"Of course." Feng Xi seemed to know that she was thoughtful, and the smile on her face was a bit weird. "Just Xue Yulian was given to you at the time, and now this bowl of medicine is a cleansing tonic complemented by my doctor. Good medicine."

"You match?" Feng Xi frowned, looking at the bowl of medicine, as if looking at the most terrible thing in the world.

"Yes, I have it." Feng Xi saw the look in her eyes, and the smile on her face became more and more cheerful.

"I won't drink it anymore. I'm afraid this medicine is more poisonous than wisteria grass." Feng Xi was already alert.

"Xi girl, my son has turned over the whole Xuanshan in order to find you." Zhong Li sees Feng Xi's unconscionable appearance, and feels that he should speak for his son, "And when you detoxify with Yu Xuelian, you But the medicine was spit out as soon as the entrance, thanks to the son-in-law…"

"Zhong Li, when have you talked so much, do you want to trim your tongue?" Feng Xi Fengmu glanced obliquely at Zhong Li.

"I'm going down, son." Zhong Li murmured and retreated quickly.

"Women, come and take medicine." Feng Xi sat down on the soft couch, spooned a spoonful of medicine with a spoon and handed it to Feng Xi's mouth.

Feng Xi twisted her eyebrows and turned to the beginning. The medicine must be extremely bitter and astringent. Just smelling the smell made her sick, "I have my own hands and I won't bother you."

"Women, I care about you. There are not many people who can get my own medicine." Feng Xi chuckled, and the spoon in his hand was still in front of Fengxi.

Feng Xi was unmoved and turned her head as hard as she could to avoid it. The smell of the medicine was really bad, she was about to vomit.

"Is it possible that Bai Fengxi, who is famous all over the world, is afraid of suffering?" Feng Xi looked at her with all his leisure. "You can't finish the poison on your body. You have to drink this medicine for three days."

"Three days?" Feng Xi heard wide eyes. God, drink for three days! Even a sip will require her to live half a life!

"Women, when did you retire and become a child, you are as afraid of taking medicine as a three-year-old child." Feng Xi Feng Mu contains taunts.

"Humph!" Feng Xi snorted coldly, then held his breath, took a mouthful, held the spoon, swallowed the medicine, and then frowned, and then took a mouthful, wow, the medicine just swallowed out again, Fortunately, the abundance moves quickly and dodges in time, otherwise he will all spit on him.

"It doesn't matter if you vomit slowly, I told Zhong Li to fry a pot earlier." Feng Xi said lightly.

When Feng Xi heard it, his heart was half cold, and he looked up at the abundance and witnessed the complaint, but then he converged and said in a rare gentle voice: "Black fox, do you have any pills? I will spit out this water medicine."

"No." Feng Xi replied very simply, and then scooped a spoonful of medicine to her lips. "If you vomit this bowl, I will let Zhongli send another bowl. I will add Huanglian when the medicine is fried for the second time. ."

When Feng Xi heard it, he quietly stretched his hands into his sleeves, but he heard abundance: "Forgot to tell you, your white damask is in my room."

Feng Xi held a meal and looked at him bitterly, then closed his eyes, swallowed the medicine with his mouth open, closed his lips, swallowed, and grasped the clothes with both hands, and wrinkled his face into a bitter gourd.

Feng Xi looked at her movements with a smile, but his eyes narrowed as he scanned the wound on her lips, and the spoon in his hand subconsciously pressed it.

"Ouch!" Feng Xi screamed, "Black Fox, you are in danger! Don't hit me in the hand one day, when… Um… Um… cough… cough… Black fox, you… "

"Don't talk so much nonsense when you take the medicine." The faint tone is still, but it's not difficult to recognize the triumph of one of those tricks.

Zhong Li and Zhong Yuan shook their heads relatively outside the house. I really don't understand why the son was so gentle and polite to everyone, but it was the case with the Xi girl alone. Is it because the name of the Xi girl is in front of him?

Finally, after drinking a bowl of medicine, Feng Xi is already looking like a dead escape.

"Tea!" Feng Xi opened his mouth, breathing hard, desperate to dissipate the taste in his mouth.

"You can't drink tea after drinking medicine, you don't understand?" Feng Xi put the medicine bowl in his hand on the table, and then picked out a box of things from a plate on the table. "This is dried prunes, please solve your pains. "

Feng Xi could not wait to take it from his hand, and immediately threw a piece into his mouth, "It's sour!" Involuntarily reached out and patted both cheeks.

Feng Xi looked at her so funny, "No one can believe it, even the white wind is afraid of taking medicine."

"It's not afraid, I don't like it. My father and my brother don't like to drink it. This habit was uploaded from our ancestors!" Feng Xi corrected his words strictly.

"Oh?" Feng Xi's eyes flashed. "My ancestors passed down a method, saying that people who are afraid of suffering and not taking medicine will stubbornly give her some acid."

"What's the trick!" Feng Xi groaned with a wrinkled nose, waiting for the sweet and sour taste to overwhelm the bitter medicine, she squinted her abundance, "Black Fox, do you really go through Xuanshan?" I believe that this man with falsehood will go to Sousuanshan for her.

"I heard that there is an old custom in Jizhou. When men and women meet in the dark in the night, they kiss to make love, and if they bite the other person's lips when making love, then it means that Fei Qing will not marry, and there will be no regrets in life and death." Ignoring her question, she talked about gossip.

"Fei Qing does not marry…life and death without regret…" Feng Xi touched his lips, the hot breath in the darkness, the low and firm words-I will come back to you in my next life! Remember me-is that true? Make the oath of the next life? But is there a future life?

Yan Yingzhou…

Suddenly, the sweet and sour dried plums became bitter like medicine, making it difficult to swallow. Something in my heart sinks straight down… sinking down… until it sinks to the most secret corner, and hides deeply, maybe this life will not rise again.

"Women, who did you make an oath with?" Feng Xi picked up a piece of prunes, which seemed to be fed to Feng Xi, but when he reached his lips, he suddenly pressed against the wound.

"Hi!" Feng Xi recovered from the pain, glanced at the abundance, and then turned his head to look out the window, "How is it possible, that is the custom of Jizhou, what to do with me."

"Really?" A breath of intriguing smile floated on Feng Xi's face, but his gaze stopped on her face, as if to judge something.

Feng Xi Wenyan looked back at him with a very indifferent look, "Black Fox, how come you hear these gossips, would you be looking for someone to try the Jizhou Alliance? With your appearance, there will be some stupid women deceived by you Get it."

"Oh, why do I need an oath." Feng Xi smiled. Looking at her dull eyes and dark eyes, a glimmer of light flashed in the black eyes, but then the eyes drew together.

For a while, neither of them was interested in fighting, and the room suddenly calmed down, and after a while, they got up and left. "You haven't cleaned up the poison, rest more and pay less attention."

Fang Zhongfeng looked at his leaving back, his eyes deep.

At dusk on the second day, Feng Xi came to the foot of the southern peak of Xuanshan and looked up at Xuanshan in the twilight. It was still still and picturesque, and there was no slight change because of a heroic soul sleeping here forever.

I walked up the mountain and wanted to see the man, although it was just a tomb.

Suddenly, the nose seemed to smell something. Looking down, the grass seemed to have been cleaned, but there were still a few traces of blood. Feng Xi raised his eyebrows and raised his head. His eyes were attracted by a few stones. Such stones are large and flat. Unlike the natural stones here, how could they appear here? Upon closer inspection, there were traces of swords crossed on it.

She flew up and landed on a tall tree, looking around.

Sure enough, such stones were scattered not far away, but they were all moved, and some were thrown in a hidden place. She looked at the direction of the scattered stones. Suddenly, a thought jumped into her head, making her feet soft and almost falling down the tree. She was busy with her mind and counted the stones, one, two, three, four, five… No more, no less, one hundred thirty-six.

Sure enough…it was like this!

The weather was still very hot, but she felt that a cold chill came from all around the cage and reached the bottom of her heart.

Flying to the ground, still walking up the mountain, but a heart sank to the bottom.

On the mountainside of Nanfeng, a new grave was piled up, and five simple characters on the tombstone-the tomb of Yanyingzhou.

Feng Xi stood in front of the grave, petrified, and did not move at all.

After a long time, he stretched out his fingers and caressed the words on the tombstone.

Such a person would just sleep here forever. But three days ago, it was still a living life, and she hugged her tightly and protected her with her body.

A tear fell on the stone tablet, crouched down, and stared at the tombstone.

Yan Yingzhou, in the end… who died in the end? If it is a broken soul gate, I will avenge you! If he… if he…

As time went by, the sunset put away the last ray of nostalgia for the earth and plunged into the deep embrace of the Western Heavens. The black sky slowly lowered to cover the heavens and the earth, covering the green mountains and green water and red flowers and green grass on the earth.

"Are you going to be here to guard the tomb?" In the hazy twilight, the figure of breath and grace gradually approached.

Suddenly, a white shadow flew out and wrapped around his neck instantly.

Feng Xi turned around, clutching Bai Ling tightly in his hand, his eyes cold and cold.

The abundance did not move, standing gracefully, and Ren Baiya tightened her neck and tightened it again.

"Why? Why should it be so ruthless?" Feng Xi's voice forced out from between the teeth, like a sharp blade.

"You know." Breathing voice was still unhurried.

"Although you have cleaned the four mountain passes of southeast and northwest, the stones and blood stains left behind are enough for me to understand that the Shura Array was laid there! You even laid the Shura Array! That night, there were more than a thousand people in Xuanshan No one wanted to go down the mountain, and all his life was lost here!" Feng Xi trembling with Bai Ling's hand slightly, I do not know whether it was because of anger or sadness, "You are so cruel for a mysterious pole, you are just like those people Do you want to get Xuanji by any means? Do you think you can order the world if you order?"

"Sure enough, I do anything, but I can't hide the world, but I can't hide you alone." Feng Xi sighed softly, "Yes, Shura array is my cloth, that night everyone on Xuanshan, except you, all The soul is buried here."

He said it lightly, and it seemed that the lives of more than a thousand people were just a bit of dust at the fingertips. Sure enough, the voice fell, and the white damask around her neck tightened a bit.

"Xuanji finally fell into your hands? You don't want people to know, so kill all the people on Xuanshan that night?" Feng Xi looked at him, and the people in front of him suddenly became so strange. This is really more than ten years of acquaintance, Does she let that laughter and scolding the abundance? He has never been so cruel!

"Yes." Feng Xian answered simply, "Almost everything was under my control that night, but Xuan Ji was fake but it was beyond my expectations."

"Fake?" Bai Xia slowed down in Feng Xi's hands.

"I wanted to come to Yanyingzhou and I didn't tell you that the Xuanji in his hand was fake. After they got the Xuanji, Mingli was escorted back to the country by the strong wind general, leading the world to chase, but secretly sending someone away. Feng Feng secretly took a breath.

Feng Xi sneered at the words, "No wonder when I asked about Xuan Ji, you actually answered'no', so that so many people were killed by a false order, which is really ridiculous!" She looked around and looked at the tombstone , "And he has to protect the fake order even if he is desperate."

"I heard that the four generals of Fengshuangxuexueyu are all loyal to Jizhou Shizi, and they are not hesitant to go to Tanghuohuo. It seems that this statement is true." Feng Xi also looked at the tomb, a flash of appreciation flashed in his eyes. Yingzhou led the world to pursue the killing with a false order, and did not reveal the truth to his death. This faithfulness is rare."

"Regardless of whether it is true or false, so many lives are lost to your hand, but it is true." Feng Xi looked at the abundance and the light in his eyes was complicated. "Although you have the chivalrous name, I know that you never do anything that is not profitable to you. It's just that I didn't expect you to be cold-blooded here. Those Beizhou soldiers were just ordered to act. Many of those Jianghu people were confused by people. They didn't die, but you…"

"I have my own way of doing things." Feng Xian just said lightly.

"Do you want to make the world better too?" Feng Xi sneered. "How can such an indiscriminate killing of innocent people with **** hands be worthy of sitting on this splendid river!"

"Haha…" Feng Xi laughed suddenly, with a hint of sarcasm in his smile, "Women, **** hands are not worthy of sitting in the world? Then look at which one of the founding emperors is not bloodshed, corpse Chen Rushan can come to this world!"

"At least they won't be foolish to believe that a small token will allow them to get the world. They kill people on the battlefield, fighting for the land for the city and the people, not killing thousands of innocent people for a token! "Feng Xi Li said.

"Humph!" Feng Xi sneered. "Don't make those people so noble. In this world, anyone who has become a king is not the kind of hero you think."

This was like a heavy hammer hitting Feng Xi, and there was a gloom in his face. With a loose hand, Bai Ling slowly let go, and suddenly she tightened Bai Ling again, her eyes fixed on the abundance, "Did he kill you?"

A trace of anger flashed on Fengxi Wenyan's face, but disappeared instantly, and said lightly: "I have deceived you since you and I met? Is my Fengxi person who dares not admit to doing things? Besides, I have already said , I don't kill people like him."

Feng Xi heard his head down, then raised his hand, and Bai Ling turned his sleeves back, "If you didn't know you too well, I would have killed you just now!"

When he had finished speaking, he turned down the mountain and walked within two feet. He only heard the tinkling sound like the sound of a weapon returning to its sheath. She had a good meal, smiled bitterly, and then flew away without looking back.

Feng Xi looked at Yan Yingzhou's tombstone for a moment, and there was a wry smile on his face, "I want to see you like this, should I be so relieved? She even wanted to kill me for you. I have known you for ten years, but I can't reach you. This person who has known for a few days."

After he finished speaking, he went down the mountain. In the dark twilight, there was only a lonely new grave. Occasionally a few crows crowed, and the cold mountain breeze of Xuanshan blew past. Quickly dried.

The two went down the mountain in tandem, about five feet apart, without speaking to each other. At this time the sky was completely dark, but the two did not exercise light power, but went down the mountain step by step. When the foot of the mountain was reached, the night was already thick, and all of them were still. When I walked back to Ruan City again, it was the time when the street lights were sparse.

Suddenly, a beam of fire from the west rose into the sky and instantly dyed the night into crimson.

As soon as the two were awed, Dun Shi Qinggong flew away, and when he arrived, he saw the entire Korean house in flames.

In front of the house, there were some neighborhoods that were startled by the fire. They were splashing water to fight the fire.

"How could the Han family have such a big fire?"

"Who knows, after so long, I haven't seen anyone from the Han family escape."

"It's weird, won't you burn it all?"

"Oh, pitiful."

Before the fire, some people did not forget to discuss.

Suddenly, a white shadow flashed into the sea of ​​fire, and then flew in even if he saw another black shadow.

Everyone rubbed their eyes and tried to look at it again, but it was gone. They could not help wondering if they had just dazzled the wrong eye, otherwise who would rush into the fire in such a big fire, this is not to die.

Flying into the house, the gate was tied from the inside and walked all the way. Many people fell on the ground. No matter men, women and children, all of them were killed in the chest. Some blood has been drained, and some chests are still warm. Hot blood, some eyes staring round and round, and some eyes staring, some holding weapons in their hands seem to be up and fighting desperately with the enemy…

The threshold, the stone floor, and the steps were all full of red blood. When walking carefully, the place where the foot fell was still bloody.

"Anyone? Anyone else?"

Feng Xi shouted loudly, but no one answered, only the thick smoke and the raging fire.

"Old Man Han, are you dead? If you don't die, you should make a cry!"

"All dead, there is no living person." There was a sigh of breath behind him.

Feng Xi suddenly turned back to look at him, such a vision, cold as ice, like a sword, "Is it for the prescription?"

"It's not me." Feng Xian blurted, and immediately irritated his chest. Why explain? Why do you want to explain? Humph!

"Don't you stay in the Han's house for the prescription of Zifusan and Buddha's Heart Pill? Han Old Man treats you as a Bodhisattva, but don't think I don't know your intentions." Feng Xi's face slowed, but his tone was still cold .

"I have copied the prescription." For the first time, Feng Xi's face gathered a graceful smile, and it was replaced by frost indifference.

"Sure enough." Feng Xi sneered, suddenly listening to him, then quickly flew away, and the abundance followed behind her.

Through a sea of ​​fire, in front of the Han family's back garden, there was a low cry, and the two flew away, and they saw a small figure kneeling beside the rockery.

"Daddy…Daddy…You get up, get up! Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

"Han Pu?" Feng Xi whispered when he saw the little figure.

The little figure heard someone call him, looked back, and rushed at her.

"You bad woman is going to grab my medicine again, right? You rob it! You rob it! My dad is dead! You rob it again! Woo woo… See what else you grab!" While crying and fighting On the wind evening, blood and tears all over his face.

"Han Pu!" Feng Xi grabbed him, "What happened?"

"You bad woman! You blame you! Why curse my dad? Woo woo… Dad can't hold a birthday feast anymore! Bad woman! Dead woman! Hate you! You give back my father!" Han Pu died desperately Struggling, but could not earn a bite to Feng Xi's hand.

"Hi!" Feng Xi screamed and was about to break away. But Feng Yi waved his hand and clicked Han Pu's acupoint. Han Pu suddenly fainted in Feng Xi's arms.

"Take him out of here first, otherwise we will also be buried in flames." Feng Xi said.

"Good." Feng Xi nodded, hugged Han Pu, rolled his eyes, saw Han Xuanling on the ground, and sighed, "Black Fox, please take him out."

After talking, she picked up Han Pufei and left, leaving Feng Xuan staring at the body of Han Xuanling on the ground. After a while, she sighed and bent over to hug Han Xuanling. "My black Fengxi actually fell to the point of holding the dead. Sure enough, know That woman was the beginning of a lifetime of misfortune."

A new grave was piled up in a barren **** on the western outskirts of Ruancheng.

"Daddy, rest in peace, Pu'er will avenge you." Han Pu, who was kneeling in front of the grave in white filial pie, stood behind the wind and the rest.

"Dad, don't worry, Parker will take care of herself in the future, woo…" The tears of strong endurance fell down again, and the loving father could no longer open his arms to protect him. In this world, the Han family only He was alone.

Feng Xi and Feng Xi looked at Han Pu with mercy, but they couldn't have deep sorrow in their hearts. For ten years, the rivers and lakes have long been accustomed to parting with life and death. The only thing left is the last wish for the deceased, and they wish to rest in peace.

"When did you say he would cry?" Feng Xi asked.

"I don't know. I can't think of men crying like that." Feng Xi replied leisurely.

"You're wrong, he can't be considered a man, or a child." Feng Xi corrected her.

The voices of the two were not too big or small, enough for Han Pu to hear.

Sure enough, after hearing the gossip of the two people behind him, Han Pu glanced back at them, but his eyes were full of tears, and there were tears and snots on his face. There was really no deterrent.

Wiping his face, Han Pu tapped his head again, then stood up, walked in front of Feng Xi, and took out a bag from her arms and handed it to her, "This is before my father hid me, and told me to give your."

"What is it? Did your dad hate me for getting into my bones, and thought of a way of revenge?" Feng Xi took it cautiously and opened it cautiously, a timid look.

Opened the brocade bag, and pulled out two yellow silks, which were filled with words. Upon closer inspection, Feng Xi's face was filled with surprise, "It is actually the prescription of Zifusan and Foxindan. !"

Feng Yi couldn't help but was also a little surprised. When I looked closely, it was indeed the two prescriptions secretly copied when I secretly visited the Han family's secret room. "Women, I didn't think that Han Xuanling's mouth hated you. I secretly looked at you differently. I will give you a big gift before I die."

"I really can't think of it. Didn't Old Man wish to put me down? Why did he give me a prescription that was more valuable than his life?" Feng Xi murmured, and was so surprised.

"Daddy said that although Black Breeze looks like a big benevolence, but his temperament is unpredictable, if the prescription is given to him, I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse; and although Bai Fengxi is unruly and arrogant, he does not do anything chivalrous, and Wu Yi Gaoqiang gave her no need to worry about being taken away by the scoundrels, and she could benefit the world based on her temperament." Han Pu repeated Han Xuanling's words at a glance.

Feng Xi and Feng Xie looked at each other for a while, and then Feng Xi gently asked slowly, "Xiao Pu'er, are you sure that your father said that?"

"Huh!" Han Pu coldly snorted, "Don't you want it? Give it back to me!"

"Why! Why not!" Feng Xi hurriedly put the silk silk into the brocade bag, then put his hand in his arms and put it into his arms. "Xiao Pu'er, thank you."

"Don't call me Xiao Puer, it's disgusting!" Han Pu glared.

"So, that's calling you Parker? Xiao Park? Brother Park? Brother Park? Or…" Feng Xi's eyes rolled, his mouth chanting.

"I have a name and a surname, don't call it so nauseous, I have nothing to do with you! Woman!" Han Pu shouted, but when he finished speaking, he felt his neck was tight and his feet were off the ground. Feng Xi doubled her face.

"Warning you, Parker, you can't call it "women". Remember to call your sister in the future! Did you hear that?" Feng Xi raised Han Park and looked up.

"Cough cough…you…cough cough…let me down!" Han Pu coughed hard at the neckline, his legs kicking hard in the air.

"Sister!" Feng Xi ignored him, still grabbing him, his eyes narrowed into a slit.

"Sister…Sister Xi…Good sister…" Forced by force, Han Pu lowered his noble head.

"That's good, Parker." Feng Xi patted his head, and then let loose, Han Pu fell to the ground.

"Woman, old man Han just praised you, you bullied his son, if he knew, he must crawl out of the ground." Feng Xi shook his head and sighed.

"Hey, black fox, let's discuss one thing." Feng Xipi looked at Fengfeng with a smile.

"Do not discuss." Feng Xi refused flatly, without giving any face, "It's none of my business."

"It's not your business! You have stolen other people's prescriptions, and you have benefited from others, so you should take care of the three-foot orphans." Feng Xi didn't care about his rejection.

"The prescription was obtained by me on my own, and it was not his benefit. It was you, someone else gave it to you personally. For this gift, you should return it to Yongquan." Feng Xi has nothing to do with it. Looks like.

"Black fox, you don't need to take care of yourself anyway, don't you follow a bunch of people wherever you go, just call Zhongli Zhongyuan to take care of yourself." Feng Xi tried to convince him.

"You are a woman, and taking care of children is what women do." Breath is unmoved.

"Who stipulates that women take care of children." Feng Xi shouted.

"Why not let him choose?" Feng Xi looked at Han Pu who was still sitting on the ground and rubbing his little ass.

"Okay, I believe he will choose to follow you." Feng Xi agreed confidently.

"Han Pu, you come." Feng Xi beckoned Han Pu to the two of them, "Do you want to follow me or the woman?"

"Park Er, do you want to follow this black fox? You know, following him every day is a rare treasure, and along the way there are beautiful women with different styles, not to mention the wear made by those slim jade hands Endless Jin Yi, endless delicious snacks-I drool when I think about it." Feng Xi lured him.

Han Pu looked at Feng Xi, then turned his head to look at Feng Xi, and then faced Feng Feng, looking at him fixedly. Feng Xi couldn't help but feel happy at first sight, but who knows what Han Pu said was like this: "I don't want to follow you, I want to follow her." After that, he walked to Feng Xi's side, looked up at her, and looked merciful. "You take care of me in the future."

"What?" Feng Xi screamed, "Why are you following me? To know that following me is not good food or good clothes, maybe I have to sleep in the wild every day, follow him…"

"I know." Waiting for Feng Xi to finish, Master Han Pu nodded, "I know that there will be good food and good clothes to follow him, but I worry that someone will be sold in my sleep. Following you though Eat harder, but at least get a good night's sleep."

"Ah?" Feng Xi didn't expect to hear such an answer. For a while, she was stunned. After a while, she burst into laughter, "Ha ha ha ha… Black Fox!" She smiled with her waist bent and rubbing her stomach with her hand. , Pointing at the abundance, "Unexpected… Unexpectedly, you have even been rejected today by a child! Ha ha ha ha… ha ha ha ha… I am going to laugh to death."

And Feng Xi showed a shocked expression at the moment when he heard the words, but instantly restored his elegant son-in-law's appearance, with the signature casual smile on his face, "Women, it is so decided, this little devil will leave it to you It's just that Old Man Han had a smart son." But the last sentence was very low, seeming unwilling.