
Her Mother's Death

Paige felt disgusted the way Dylan touched her. She pushed him away but he grabbed her hand instead.

"I need money and I know you have the perfect body that would help me make money" he said.

"Dylan! What the heck are you saying? Do you think I'll do what you just said? You can pick one of those girls with you last night and take pictures instead. Not me!" She grinned her teeth.

"I finally see you want to remain living your wretched life. Go ahead!" He said and threw her hands away. Paige almost fell on the floor.

Dylan picked the key from the table and threw it on the floor.

"Get yourself out of this office. You shouldn't beg for help from me anymore"

Paige hurriedly grabbed the key and left the studio. Dylan threw himself back on the chair. He gave a fake gasp and slipped his fingers into his hair.

"Why did I do that?" He asked himself a little bit disappointed. He should have known Paige. She never submitted to anyone, including Nate why would he submit to him. He shot his eyes and leaned back on the chair, thinking about the way he held her.


Paige wiped the tears off her face walking along the road. She couldn't believe her highschool classmate could do something like this to her.

She kept hearing a car horning behind her. She didn't want to stop till it followed her for over two miles. She stopped and turned to the car.

The driver alighted from the car and walked towards her. She recognized him. He was the one that drove her to the club last night.

"I'm sorry for the disturb. I just wish to..."

"Don't talk to me please" He cried and turned to leave.

"Hold on, what is the matter?" He asked like he cared. Of course, he did care.

Paige remained silent. She threw her hair to the back and sniffed in.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it. But you won't like people seeing you cry on the road like this. Let me drive you home" he said.

Paige gazed at the car and stared back at him. For some reason, she didn't want to go with him but he had a point.

She lowered her gaze and walked to her car. She pulled the door wide open and sat down. He smirked and walked into the car also.

They zoomed off. That was when Paige's phone rang. It was the hospital.

"You... You need to come to the hospital now" the doctor said.

"What happened to my mother?" She asked. He stole glances at her and stared back at the road.

"You just need to come here" he said and disconnected the call.

"Can you please take me to the hospital?" She asked.

"Sure, I will" he replied and turned the car around. Paige started feeling uneasy. She wondered what would have happened to her mother.

He glared at her again, seeing the way she was uneasy and uncomfortable. He knew it was because of the news she heard from the hospital.

After some minutes, they got to the hospital. She hurriedly jumped off the car and ran to the hospital. He didn't know if he should drive away or wait for her. He quickly unfastened his seatbelt and left the car. He went after her quickly because Paige ran so fast.


"Where is she? Where is my mom?" Paige asked the doctor.

"She passed away few minutes ago. She left this note for you" the doctor said. Paige was dumbfounded. She fell on the floor, breathing hard. Hot tears rolled down her cheek at the thought of her mother's death.

"No! No! She can't leave that way. No!!!" She cried, hitting the floor repeatedly. The driver was behind her, staring at her. He swallowed hard and took a step forward. He didn't know if he should console her or he'll end up getting scolded again.

But he couldn't watch her cry that way. He walked to her and held her shoulder. Paige threw her hands around him and hugged him tight. She needed a shoulder to cry on and someone to talk to. She didn't even know who she was hugging.

He was surprised himself. All he wanted to do was to help.

"Let it out. Come on, cry" he said.

Paige continued crying non-stop. They remained in that position for about twenty minutes till she was tired of crying. As she disengaged from the hug, he stared at her face. It was all swollen.

"I should take you home now" he said and helped her up. Her eyes were half closed already. Paige nodded in agreement. She already had a lot running in her mind. He helped her to the car and zoomed off. He picked her at her house last night so he remembered it vividly

After driving for almost two hours, he got to her house.

He pulled over and stared at her. She sighed deeply and alighted from the car. He watched her as she head into the house. He was about to drive off when he saw her purse lying on the passenger seat. She must have forgotten it.

"Hey!" He yelled but she was gone already. He grabbed the purse and left his car, that was the only way to give her the purse back. He locked the car and head up the stairs. He started looking for Paige's room. There was a hundred room in the building. Paige's room was so difficult to find but he came across one that was wide open. Slowly, he took few steps back and peeped inside. It was a little dark inside the room but he saw someone lying on the floor. It was Paige. He shot his eyes wide open and rushed into the room.

"Hey!" He muttered as he grabbed her. He touched her face, shaking it slowly. She didn't move at all. He didn't even know what to call her, because her name was unknown. He was panicking.