
White rose tears

Experiencing loneliness has become a natural thing. All the bad memories that she experienced in the past she always buried so that she didn't want to talk to anyone. But when she was about to go to the flower garden to water, she instead found someone who was in quite a worrisome condition. His body was dirty, covered in bruises. And also a scar on his left eye. They look at each other but in different ways. One sees the person as a lost memory of the past. One sees that person as a good person who has been treated unfairly. A love story between two people who share deep dark memories. a cafe employee who has another identity, and a flower gardener but hides a singing talent and is always haunted by guilt because of inner ability. They both try to complement and heal each other's wounds in their hearts. Behind the suffering of bad things that causes one of them to be dragged into the search for an unsolved murder for 3 years.

Scarlet_Wolf96 · Fantasy
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33 Chs

26. like a cloud covering the soul.

While listening to the man's explanation, Brian's feelings became mixed.

He still didn't fully understand, but for some reason, it made his soul feel like he couldn't just move.

The man remained calm even after he explained everything to Brian.

"I understand that your attitude is now like that. It's not easy to accept this explanation from me, so you don't need to force yourself first," he explained.

"Sir. Uhm.. sorry. Not that I don't believe it, but.. "

Brian's way of speaking is full of doubts. But he tried to be calm.. seeing that, suddenly made the man immediately understand.

"You must have a lot of questions on your mind. Right?"

Brian was silent for a moment.

"Calm down. Such a thing should be natural for anyone."

As soon as he said that, he saw brian was so shocked.

"Did what I said bother you?"

Suddenly the man approached Brian while holding something. It scared him..

"I forgot to tell you my name huh. My name.."

The man hesitated, but for a moment...


Brian didn't realize that he had been injected with an anesthetic by someone who has been hiding. But he still heard Sean's words before he finally lost consciousness.


"From today onwards, he will become a member of our family. I hope you two get to know him well. His name is..."


"Look. You're not the only one suffering. Your father, as well as me... those who killed our little sister so brutally. And they also use your amnesia to kill you too. Unfair. They have done so unfairly to you. "

Sean is still hugging the unconscious brian. His shaking hands seemed to be a sign that how much he missed seeing him.

"sir! it's time"

He lay down brian to the floor, then got up.

"Take that woman to the beta team. Make her say anything. If necessary, torture her so she can open her mouth. Bring your team to protect lucas immediately. I felt that he had been targeted by someone with bait. And make sure that Alpha Team is still protecting Emily Clyra same as plan. Do it!"

"yes, sir!"

When the members left, he saw brian first. Hold the feeling..

(You've done a very good job, selena. Leave this matter to me. I will make them regret for making you suffer so much. And I will make sure that he will get back his lost memories. This time, it was my duty to protect him. Wait and sleep there. My little brother.)
