
White rose tears

Experiencing loneliness has become a natural thing. All the bad memories that she experienced in the past she always buried so that she didn't want to talk to anyone. But when she was about to go to the flower garden to water, she instead found someone who was in quite a worrisome condition. His body was dirty, covered in bruises. And also a scar on his left eye. They look at each other but in different ways. One sees the person as a lost memory of the past. One sees that person as a good person who has been treated unfairly. A love story between two people who share deep dark memories. a cafe employee who has another identity, and a flower gardener but hides a singing talent and is always haunted by guilt because of inner ability. They both try to complement and heal each other's wounds in their hearts. Behind the suffering of bad things that causes one of them to be dragged into the search for an unsolved murder for 3 years.

Scarlet_Wolf96 · Fantasy
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33 Chs

05. tears in dark wound.

how shocked he was after hearing what Damien said.

" i understand that your reaction will be like that. " he said unsurprisingly.

Silence certainly didn't escape the look on Brian's face. but it could be understood by him, considering the other side he found when checking Brian's condition earlier.

" it's hard to believe. even though she looks very quiet "

" that's right.

but you should know that, Emily is going through a very painful time.

she has been like that, and has been holding back her emotions since she was 11 years old. due to the fire incident that killed her parents. "

For some reason, when Damien said fire, he suddenly heard a voice that made his head ache again.

and oddly enough, another memory image has emerged, forest, and also fire. but unfortunately, he doesn't remember.

" you ok? " said Damien, looking worried.

" yeah. i'm fine. just headache. " said Brian trying to endure the pain in his head.

Seeing Brian holding his head, it made him pause for a moment.

about 30 minutes later..

" thank you. and sorry for bothering you. " said Brian while bowing his head.

" don't worry. You're now on my list of main candidates. I'll take care of you, and Emily's as best I can so you both get well. now, go to sleep. " while smiling.

and when he was far enough from Brian's room. suddenly he leaned against the wall and sat on the floor. he was able to express his sadness.




" i heard that the day after the fire, she was taken to the hospital due to a severe shock. she kept crying, screaming, and calling her parents every day.

however, she was kidnapped and her whereabouts are unknown.

until I found it in a narrow alley 6 kilometers from this house about 2 months ago. Her condition is very worrying and you could say, she's like a stray cat who doesn't want to be disturbed. "

he didn't think that Emily had actually experienced such a terrible thing to make her like that.

" sorry.

as long as I talk about Emily, I try not to cry. she is like a daughter to me. So, I hope you can understand that I'm trying to cure her, though not completely. "

" That's not true. you tried so hard. Also, I believe that Emily will be full recover.

i believe that.."

shout Brian confidently.

" thank you. you're a good guy. I'm grateful to be able to tell you about her condition.

( I believe that you too can help and heal the wounds in her soul. ) " said Damien while smiling.


" May I ask. "

" yes. "

" do you know Emily? " asked Damien who looks curious

" i don't know.

I feel like I've known her for quite a while. somewhere.. " said Brian trying to remember

" i see. Okay. It's time to go back to rest. "


( Now I understand why you want to protect him so much. You have fought well to protect your precious friend. )

He remembered the letter that arrived 3 days ago.

because the letter reads like this :

( Dad. I will keep an eye on this my friend. He's the one I told you about the car accident caused by chasing the criminal 3 years ago and putting him in a coma.

I watched him as long as he was able to lead a normal life, since Captain of the SWAT team also gave me permission because he actually wanted him to become an official SWAT member.

The results of the examination said that he suffered a hard enough impact to cause amnesia. he couldn't remember his real name. but he said that his current name is Brian J. seth. i don't know how he get that name, but right now he works as a cafe waiter, and to be honest, I envy that he's always the center of attention for women. especially teenage girls.

but apart from that, I believe that you can check it out when I persuaded him to come to your house.

Oh yeah, maybe that's all I can tell you.

and also, give my regards to Emily.

i love you DAD. )

and when he got word from the phone that an attack had occurred that left a woman injured and unconscious, he was unsure if it was a coincidence, or if it was fate.


( now leave the rest to me, I will heal him, and Emily too.

You have to get well if you want to see them here.

my beloved daughter.. )
