
White Clothes

Noah has reincarnated into a world full of magic and fantasy. But he soon realizes this world isn’t what it seems. From getting experimented on in a strange lab where they but an exaggerated amount of security to keep Noah inside the lab to getting found and adopted by a powerful mage to even enrolling into the magic academy. Noah’s life definitely keeps him on edge especially when he gets feelings for his roommate also known as the crown prince himself.

Who_Knows12 · LGBT+
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4 Chs

Blacked out

Once Matilda left I immediately sat on the ground into a sitting position and faced toward the food she had left.

I don't know when she set the food down but it was there now. On the metal tray there was a single loaf of bread but it looked stale and slightly moldy. Next to it was a glass filled with slightly grayish-brown water. Then my eyes moved to the single piece of cake. I reached out and took hold of the piece of bread and started eating. Once I finished the bread and water I looked at the cake as if trying to decide wether to eat it or not.

No. I can't just decide if I want to eat it or not because if I don't the people bringing me food will stop coming until I finally eat the cake out of hunger. I reached out and grabbed the cake, stuffing it into my mouth I could easily figure out it wasn't made very well.

as I kept eating I suddenly became sleepier, but that's as expected. Finally I blacked out.

my eyes shot open as I gasped for breath "Huff…. Huff…." As my breathing slowed and my heart rate went down, i slowly relaxed.

I looked around to find the solid white walls and floor of my room.

My trembling body slowly got up and walked over to a mirror on one of the walls.

in that mirror I could only find a boy staring back at me. He had pale skin and wore a white hospital gown with white socks. If you looked at his bare skin it was covered in scars. Some more faded than others showing that some had been there since a while.

There was also bandages along his arms, legs, neck and half of his face. the boy also had pure white hair. It didn't stand out since he was wearing white clothing and around his neck was what looked to be a shock collar it was also white and his rooms surfaces were also white, but if you put him in some other colored clothing his hair was sure to stand out.

The thing that stood out the most was his bright golden eyes. The boy in the mirror seemed to be looking for something in particular when he found what he was looking for his pupils changed into explanation marks.

if you haven't figured it out by now the little boy in the mirror is me. It's definitely an upgrade from my past life's appearance. In my past life I was born with brown hair and brown eyes with no interesting traits.

I looked into the question marks in my eyes. This is one of the downsides to a power of mine. Since I was born I've had these eyes, it turns out that while I can detect anyone's emotions they can also detect mine.

my pupils change according to my mood. The only emotions that don't change are happiness and love. When I'm feeling these two emotions nothing happens to my eyes, they just stay the same circular shape they usually are.

It would honestly suck if my pupils went heart shaped for every hot person I met. It also helps me trick people into thinking I'm actually happy when Matilda visits me.

What I was looking for was a new bandage. The cake that Matilda gives me has a sleeping potion in it. Whenever I eat the cake I always black out and awake back in my room. But I can't just not eat the cake. I've already tried several times but every time I do they stop sending food to me. So it's either eat the cake with a sleeping spell cast on it or die. Personally I rather the latter but being starved makes one crazy even me.

Whenever I black out and fall asleep they conduct an experiment on me. Whenever they do an experiment while I'm awake I try and fight back, when I do atleast 3 people are severely injured. So they send Matilda in to give me the cake with the sleeping spell.

Every time they experiment a new scar turns up on my body from it. I've kind of made it my routine to check for the new bandage every time I wake out from the sleeping spell.

This time I found the bandage on my neck. Plus the back of my neck is throbbing so I'm guessing they cut into my neck.

I traced my finger along the bandage then turned around and walked towards my bed. I figured sleep would be the best way to get rid of the throbbing or atleast forget about it for the time being.

I feel a headache forming.

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