
Whispers of the Apocalypse

Growing up in poverty, Dante never expected anything good from life. However, he did not anticipate finding a special implant that granted him extraordinary abilities. In a technologically advanced city plagued by conflicts, where everything is unjust, he has to fight against the system and other people with advanced cybernetic implants and special abilities. It is a battle for survival, self-discovery, and understanding the universe in which he lives.

DantesHell · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Rebirth in the Darkness

[...Analysis completed...]


[Technique: Very Poor]

[Physical Condition: Very Poor]

[Strategy: Normal]

[Strategy Execution: Normal]

[Elegance: Very Poor]

[Overall: Very Poor]

Just as Dante was about to complain about what elegance had to do with killing, the system continued informing:

[...based on the overall performance of the carrier, an optimal skill will be created in a few seconds....]


[...skill learning conditions not met....]

[...searching for solution...]


[...anatomical diagram unlocked(forced)...]

[...proceeding to create a necessary implant for the carrier...]

Dante was in shock. He couldn't believe the system could create skills or, even more, create implants. How would it do it? His mind filled with questions and possibilities. He imagined the implications of having an implant created by an unknown machine and without his consent. The idea of being modified in such a way was terrifying. Would it be painful? Would it cost him his humanity? However, deep down, a spark of hope flickered. Maybe this implant would give him the power needed to save his sister. As his thoughts oscillated between fear and hope, the seconds passed quickly.

[Implant to create: Eyes of Death.]

[Proceeding with implant integration]

The bioluminescent mark on his arm began to glow more intensely, emitting a blinding blue light. A flow of light traveled up his arm, snaking over his shoulder, along his neck, and finally reaching his eyes. The moment the light concentrated in his eyes, an unimaginable pain overwhelmed him. It felt as if thousands of burning needles were piercing his retinas, burning every optic nerve. Dante screamed, his voice stifled by the intensity of the pain. It seemed that whatever was in his arm was destroying his eyes, leaving him blind in the process. At one point, the pain stopped abruptly, giving him a momentary respite, but it was only the prelude to an even greater torment. The pain returned with renewed fury, piercing his skull and resonating in his brain. It felt as if his eyes were being ripped out and replaced by new ones, formed from pure light and agony. Every passing second, the intensity increased, his vision fragmented into a kaleidoscope of colors and shadows, distorting reality. The agony was so overwhelming that his mind couldn't take it anymore, and finally, he succumbed to the darkness, fainting.

After a while, a system notification appeared:

[Integration complete]

[Skill unlocked: Death Line]

Dante couldn't see the notification as he lay unconscious on the floor, his body motionless, submerged in darkness.

-A few minutes earlier-

Marcus entered the room where Kade was, pointing his smart weapon directly at the criminal leader. The room was lit by flickering neon lights, and the air was heavy with the smell of smoke and sweat. Kade was sitting behind a desk, his imposing figure betraying his cowardice. He had several visible implants: a metal arm with sharp fingers and reinforced plates on his chest and shoulders. Despite his imposing appearance, it was evident that Kade didn't rely on his physical strength to maintain control; his obese body showed that he preferred to depend on the help of his subordinates and the technology he had implanted.

"Where is the kid?" Marcus asked firmly, his gaze fixed on Kade.

Kade tried to remain calm, but a spark of surprise and fear crossed his eyes. He smiled with a false bravado. "That girl turned out to be a good deal, Marcus. She had rare genetics, and I sold her very expensively to Neotech."

Marcus stepped forward, pressing the gun against Kade's forehead. "I'm not playing, Kade. When did they take her?"

Kade swallowed hard, his brave facade starting to crumble. "About two or three hours ago. She must already be on her way to the facilities. But listen, Marcus, you and I can profit from this. Join me. Help me catch the brother who escaped, and we'll share the profits."

Marcus looked at him with a coldness that chilled the blood. "I'm not interested in your dirty deals. Tell me exactly what route they took."

Kade shivered, sweat falling from his forehead. "They took the southern route, towards sector 12. That's all I know, I swear."

Marcus looked at him with disdain, then lowered the gun and turned to leave the room. "I hope you're not lying, Kade. Because if you are, I'll be back, and it won't be to talk."

Kade, sweating and trembling, nodded quickly. "I wouldn't, Marcus. I wouldn't."

As Marcus left the room, his mind focused on what he had to do next. However, he soon noticed Dante's absence, and a growing concern overtook him. He quickly walked through the halls, his steps echoing in the tense silence of the building. Passing by an open window, a flash of movement on the balcony caught his attention. He approached cautiously, his senses alert to any potential danger.

When he reached the balcony, the scene he found froze his blood. Dante was sprawled on the floor, covered in blood, especially around his eyes. Beside him lay the corpse of the thug who had come out of Kade's room. Marcus hurried over, his heart pounding with worry. He knelt next to Dante, quickly assessing his condition. The young man's face was covered in blood, but looking closer, Marcus noticed that his eyes seemed different, as if something had deeply altered them.

"Dante! Wake up!" he whispered urgently, fearing the worst.

Marcus lifted Dante carefully, feeling the inert weight of the boy in his arms. The gravity of the situation was clear. He knew they couldn't stay there any longer. With considerable effort, he carried Dante back inside the building, looking for a safe place where he could better assess his condition and think about the next steps to take.

-A few hours later-

Dante woke up in a bed in a room he didn't recognize. Instinctively, he brought his hands to his face, feeling his eyes, remembering the pain. Turning his head, he saw someone sitting in a chair, smoking an electronic cigarette. It was Marcus, the same man with an intense and determined look. He had an athletic build, with defined muscles and scars that spoke of a life full of battles. His black skin contrasted with the tactical vest full of compartments and weapons he wore, ready for any situation. He looked just as prepared and determined as when Dante had seen him for the first time, but now there was a worried expression on his face.

"You're awake" Marcus said, exhaling a gray smoke that quickly dissipated in the air. "How do you feel?"