
Whispers of Darkness: The Hero of Shadow

War engulfs the vibrant land of Warna. Monstrous shadows, unleashed by an Arcfiend, devour empires and shatter lives. Amidst the carnage, a 19-year-old orphan grapples with his lost past and struggles to survive. Fate, however, has other plans. Thrust into a desperate quest by a divine spark, he finds himself a reluctant hero, wielding power he barely understands. Haunted by tragedy and pursued by the King's claws, he navigates a treacherous tapestry of war-torn kingdoms, each ruled by a warring god. His unlikely companions? A monoma, a mage, and a band of shadows. Together, they must unravel the secrets of the Archfiend, confront the darkness within the enigmatic Empire of Umbra, and discover the truth about the orphan's destiny. Will they rise as champions against oblivion, or succumb to the encroaching darkness? Join the fight for Warna's soul in this epic saga of redemption, sacrifice, and the unyielding power of hope. Author note: Since it is my first time writing I will lack in many fields, sometimes I will not be able to explain the plot properly or sometimes I will cut short it. My readers will encounter my hazardous writing that I am proud of but as the journey of both mine and the hero goes on, we will improve. So I the author will urge my viewers to give my novel a try, I am just a boy trying to bring my fantasy out to you. I will not ask for power stones nor will I enter into the contract if my readers want it but please give my chapters your honest review and tell me where I can improve. For now, I will hope to see you in my chapter comments. See you soon. Asura going dark......

Warwolf_asura · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Return of Emperor!

Aldric turned towards the noise coming from behind him. Ribbit! A three-eyed toad jumped out of the darkness. "Oh, it's just a three-eyed toad. I was getting nervous for nothing," said Aldric, sighing in relief. But his joy didn't last long, as behind the toad, a massive shadow approached.


The shadow growled as it neared Aldric. As it came into the light, Aldric saw a massive body made of something unusual. Instinctively, Aldric felt a great pressure and knew he was facing an unknown monster. [You are facing a unknown monster that uses cosmic energy to maintain his body, you are advised to form a physical touch for retrieving better information] System notified Aldric about his current situation. "A physical touch,are you out of your goddamn mind,how am I supposed to touch this monstrosity" Shouted Aldric as he watched his new enemy approaching.

Out of the darkness of the cave, a tall four-eyed monster approached Aldric. It resembled a four-eyed hound, glaring at him. Aldric couldn't understand what this monster was made of. It was not like the luminescent sprites or stellar wisps he had encountered before. The monster stood almost 2 meters tall, with dark brown skin and blood-red eyes, representing its aggressive nature. As the monster drew closer, Aldric felt the air around him tense, as if it was under heavy external pressure.


The hound growled, and Aldric knew that engaging in such close quarters would likely result in his demise. He decided to retreat to an open space. As he planned his escape, a claw came down towards him. Aldric narrowly dodged it, feeling grateful to have avoided or he would have ended up the crushed ground . "Thank heavens I got out of the way in time, or else I would have been turned into paste," thought Aldric.

After the surprise attack, Aldric abandoned any thoughts of heroism and focused on luring the monster away. He constantly grabbed its attention as they reached an open ground. "Let the party begin, my friend," said Aldric, preparing for a fight. However, the monster suddenly disappeared, leaving Aldric confused. He used his Hunter's Eyes ability but couldn't find the monster's mana track."Impossible it should be impossible every thing posses mana so how isn't there a single mana track left behind by him," asked Aldric himself


A sound came from right beside Aldric. He looked around, trying to understand what was happening. Suddenly, he felt a bone-chilling sensation, realizing he was in danger.


The hound appeared above Aldric's head, but he managed to dodge it. The hound vanished again, only to reappear in front of Aldric, slashing at his chest.


Aldric was thrown back and landed on the edge of the island. Any movement would send him plummeting into the groundless sky. He cried out in pain as his chest bled from the deep claw marks. The armor he wore was torn and cut.

[Alert! Alert!

Your health has dropped to 1%. It is recommended to escape the perimeter immediately.] The System's voice rang in Aldric's head.

"It looks like the end for me," sighed Aldric, watching the hound approach. He began to lose his vision due to the loss of blood.

[Alert! Alert!

You have lost consciousness while a life-threatening monster is nearby. Initiating auto-defense mechanism. Defensive mechanism failed due to low health of the host...] The System notified Aldric. After a pause, it continued, [An unknown consciousness is taking over. Do you want to reject this consciousness?] The System paused again before speaking nonsensical words, [Since there was no rejection, consciousness will be imparted for 7 minutes... Impar#--3+*+)#)#]


A loud burst occurred, and Aldric's motionless body started floating in the sky. A golden, soothing yet murderous aura surrounded him. "Finally," a voice from Aldric exclaimed, carrying a murderous aura that Aldric couldn't imagine releasing. Ripples were sent out from the voice alone. As Aldric's body floated, the wound on his chest began to heal rapidly. "I knew this guy was a chosen hero, and on top of that, a semi-dragonborn. He is perfect for my will to be imparted," said the voice. The hound, once acting like a predator, now hid in the bushes like a scared cat. "Are you okay, scaredy cat?" taunted the voice.

"That's right that is how things should be" said the voice while looking at the hound.

"World, bow down and greet the Dragon Emperor, the mighty Vorondor Stormscale has returned," proclaimed Vorondor, who was currently in possession of Aldric's body.