

With all the training my brother left me with, I was ready. Ready to go to the infamous academy for assassins. There was however, one small problem. I had no 'real' experience with killing any lower class vampire or demon. Fallen angels were out of the picture for sure. Only the highest class of assassins were even considered to be angel slayers.

I sigh as I look at the building in front of me. The large silver gates looming over me, taunting me almost. I take in a deep breath and walk to the entrance. I was met with a guard who was clad in black boots covering his knees, black pants and a black and gold tailed coat. He held a staff in his right hand, a gun was resting on his left hip and he had a bow and a few arrows on his back. To top it off, he wore a black barrette that was lined with gold. Probably noticing my stare, he turns to me, his expression blank. "State your name and business." His tone was cold and if looks could kill, I bet even fallen angels would, well, fall.

"My name is Choi Soojin. I'm here as the new guard. The old one got, uhm, killed." I said, hesitating with the last part of the sentence. The guard looked me up and down, probably not believing what I told him. "I talked to Mr. Jeon Jungkook today morning. He said to meet him here at 9:00 pm? I know I'm here early but-"

I was so rudely cut off by a man claiming to be Jeon Jungkook. "Sorry Ms. Choi, I seem to be the one you're looking for. I'm Jeon Jungkook." I squint my eyes at him and look him over. Not the person I pictured to be running a high class, high security prison that mostly held fallen angels and demons. He seemed to chuckle at my examination, because he spoke up "We spoke about the academy and how this would be a good experience." His lips curve up into a smile "Your brother's name is-"

"Nice to meet you Mr. Jeon! If you will, please take me inside, there is much to see and not much time in which to see it!" I basically shout over him and start walking forward. Dying to get inside as soon as possible.


Once Jungkook and I stepped inside, the overwhelming smell of blood hit my nostrils and I almost threw up the small amount of food I had eaten before coming here. Holding back the desire to cover the ground with my stomach acid, I quietly followed Jungkook towards the dorms. "Ms. Choi, I hope I can call you Soojin now that we'll be working together. I also would be thrilled if we could drop the formalities." I nod, not daring to speak. Once again afraid to decorate the walls with my vomit. "Soojin, if you keep holding your breath, you'll never get used to the shitty smell. Take a few deep breaths and you'll be ok." I let out the breath I was holding and did as Jungkook instructed. After 7 or 8 breaths, the smell of blood got a little more tolerable.

Jungkook stopped at room 1395 "This, Ms. Choi Soojin, is where you'll be staying until you get enough experience to go to the academy." There was a bed, a small 9 x 10 bulletproof, silver bar entrapped widow, a dresser, a small mirror above the dresser and a small washroom with a standing shower, a sink and a toilet. "Get settled and fix your things, go to sleep and wake up early so we can start familiarizing you with the way this place works and where everything is." I nod and smile towards Jungkook. "Thanks for letting me stay here and allow me to work as a guard until I gain experience." Jungkook smiles and rubs his nape. "Not at all, I should be the one thanking you! You're so open minded and also agreed to stay in our dorms. I know the comfort of our own houses so I appreciate this."

I shake my head, "I really have to thank you but I don't want to argue so late at night. I'll take a step back and let you win this." I chuckle. "Night Jungkook." I smile and shut the door. Leaving my suitcase near the door, I take my shoes off and flop on the small bed. Sleep hitting me like a 20 ton bus. Before I knew it, I was asleep and dreaming of the days I spent with my brother.

First official chapter up!

I don't know if many people like reading these author foot notes but if not then I'll stop doing it.

blqckqqerrorcreators' thoughts