

Vampires, demons and even fallen angels had come to live among us. The creatures of the night seemed to have waged a war a couple thousand years ago and from those wars the humans created assassins. The assassins were specially trained and given blood from the one of three races they were specialized in.

Vampires had mahogany coloured blood. Their blood was high in poison and if not taken in the right amount, could turn a human into a vampire or even kill them. Vampire blood, if taken correctly, could give you the few rare abilities that vampires have. Inhuman speed, sight and strength.

Demons had onyx coloured blood. Their blood was known to be very subtle with the poison, if you took too much, you'd never know because death would come over a span of weeks or months. Demon blood however, had a way of sending a fire through your body when taken in the right amount.

Fallen angel blood was a clear. It had no specific colour unless the angel was sick. Fallen angel blood was the most toxic and deadly out of all three. As these angels were exiled from heaven and sent to hell, God had cursed them to be the worst out of the three night races. There were very few fallen angel hunters. Korea only knew about 3.

There was a rare case of a child being 'accidentally' injected with the blood of all three races. Her father was a fallen angel hunter and being overwhelmed with anxiety and concern for his baby daughter, he had stolen three vials of blood and done an experiment. Injecting the baby infant with all three blood types.

The baby cried. She was suffocating, not being able to breathe. Her face turned unnatural colours of red, blue and purple until she stopped squirming all at once. No breaths, no movements. Nothing. Her father stood there in confusion and panic. Until his daughter took a deep breath and opened her once closed eyes. Her father sighed, happy he didn't turn her into a monster or worse. Killed her.

After that fateful day, her parents had both died slaying angels and demons. Her older brother, Minho stepped up and came back home as a fallen angel assassin. He taught her many tricks for defending herself from all three races. Trained her with various weapons. From all that at home training, the child had grown into a woman. Her weapons were any type of blade although she did specialize in long distance swords.

She was the daughter of famous assassins and the sibling of the greatest fallen angel assassin in history. Her

Ying Yue Jiang.

This is the story of how I, Ying Yue Jiang survived and thrived in this hell on earth.

As my very first webnovel I feel a little nervous publishing this. I do hope all of you enjoy this story.

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