
Where the hell am I, and is that a Kaiju!?

A CYOA try-harder never thought his 'adventure' would come to fruition. Now, left in a world he'd forgotten all about, aged down, and surrounded by enemies, he's forced to make do with the situation. Hopefully he won't be murdered by one of the many Superhumans, Kaiju, Gangsters, or even a random thug with a knife... --------------------------------------------- This will be a Worm fanfic with smaller bits added from other series, including Devil May Cry, Highschool DXD, and Fate. I'm aware that the Webnovel is not too widespread so I'll be explaining things as they progress. Just a warning, most consider this setting a death world version of DC and Marvel, well, more 'Death World'. Also, shoutout to PixelGMS and ltouroumov for creating the foundation of which the fic was birthed, specifically the CYOA that sparked my interest : https://ltouroumov.github.io/worm-cyoa-v6-fork/viewer/ Discord : https://ltouroumov.github.io/worm-cyoa-v6-fork/viewer/ Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/Nagross Check out my other stories! : Elder Blood Witcher : https://www.webnovel.com/book/elder-blood-witcher_15882698206325105 Steel Waste : https://www.webnovel.com/book/steel-waste_18419577106748205 Modern History : https://www.webnovel.com/book/modern-history_16738054905046405 Harry Potter and the Tragic Path : https://www.webnovel.com/book/harry-potter-and-the-tragic-path_19734319605086005 Unbound Familiar : https://www.webnovel.com/book/unbound-familiar_21400494206391105 Cyberpunk's Singular Peculiarity : https://www.webnovel.com/book/cyberpunk's-singular-peculiarity_24454941605533905

Niggross · Book&Literature
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A week later...

♦ Private message to Canary_Cryxx:


[ZIP Sent] there, done and dusted. Tbh its a pain in the ass to get all this together but its done. Vocals, instrumentals, and some other notes. Sorry if the slight brit accent is too much but I think it fits the song better... Also, bare with my vocals, they're only intended as the example.... I swear, if I hear my dogshit singing in the final cut imma be mad.


Wow! That was quick! I'll send this to the studio so they can look at it! Really looking forward to having a go at it! If it's anything like your other songs I know it will be amazing!

there any other projects u got going that i can look at? i dont wanna look like im intruding but im actually interested!


Not really, all i got going rn is my youtube [Link] check it out if you want, its the same sorta thing I showed you last time so dont expect anything groundbreaking.


Did you just subscribe to my fkin youtube!?


haha yeah! Your stuff is cool and it doesnt cost me anything. Why? something wrong?


no its fine... thanks anyway, lemme know when you've had a chance to look at the song.


Will do! Shouldn't take more than a week or two to finish it if everything you said is in there. Look forward to it!


I stuff my phone into my pocket after looking at the chat, inwardly wanting to cry as notifications from Youtube continue to pile up, buzzing incessantly against my leg. Canary's channel was your typical star musician's, only used to post old songs, music videos, and demos, almost entirely run by her agent or a proper PR team... Fun fact, she hadn't subscribed to anyone except me with it, leaving me at the mercy of her dogged fans. Most, thankfully, assumed I was a nephew or something similar, while others got it into their heads that a thirteen year-old had won the heart of their twenty-two year-old singer.

The weird death threats aside, my channel basically exploded from what it was. From one to ten thousand views per video to a hundred thousand. While I didn't have many videos to my name yet, it'd surely be enough to live off of once I became a Youtube partner... Though, my age meant I'd have to discuss this with Tieu to make it official.

I let out an amused huff and almost take a soccer ball to the face, courtesy of Takeshita's friend Jae. I duck it just in time, only afterwards realizing what I was supposed to be doing...

"You're supposed to stop the ball, stupid Kieu!" Takeshita exclaims from the left side of the field.

"Ah? My bad, I'm not really cut out for this." I shrug, hoping for a chance to slip away. I'd been dragged over to this street by Takeshita to 'make friends my own age', of course Tieu had all but ordered me to accompany her, leaving me where I was now...

Acting like a gave a shit and wanted to play with these kids was grating, to say the least. I had many better ways to spend my time than this, none of these people were even worth knowing either, especially as most of them likely had ABB parents.

I imagined the older ones, two years apart from me, had also gone through the same thing that I had... Judging by how sharp some of their reactions were to rough tackles or overly enthusiastic 'nudging', I'd wager at least a couple of them had been 'blooded'.

God I fuckin hated this city.

"Hey, I think Tieu'll probably need my help at the stall anyway, it's about time for rush hour." I say, throwing a wave over my shoulder as I make my way out.

"Hey wait! We're not done yet!" Takeshita protests, but her friends ridiculing taunts at my back prompt her to stay, not wishing to become a 'target' too. The fact I'd been on my phone and let balls roll past me for an hour had definitely pissed a few of them off... It's a wonder no one had replaced me yet? Maybe no one wanted to end up as goalie afterwards?


My mind drifts to the past week, cramming Someone Like You for Canary had isolated me from most of the ABB's attempts to 'buy' me. But Mr Kiyoshi occasionally appeared at our door to invite me to a party, celebration, or hell, a couple times to play a song for them. The last time they'd tried the latter they'd offered to buy me a whole fucking piano as payment.

I didn't know why they had such a hard on for me, but it was unnerving to say the least. I had half a mind to say some pedophilic higher-up in their organization had decided they 'wanted' me. Nishihara hadn't struck me like that, so maybe it was one of the others at the poker table?

Either way, their attempts were not only starting to piss me off, but Tieu as well. The fucking business cards and 'Definitely not an ABB business front' job applications slid under our door alone had Tieu almost spitting fire. They were trying to get us both working for them, all so they had something over use they could use.

It was an obvious and blatant strategy, but one the truly desperate would lap up like dogs. Maybe they saw a 'single mother without a job lucrative enough to pay for the extra mouth to feed' as an easy picking?

All I knew was that I didn't want to associate myself with those murderous, child abusing fucks. Thank fuck Nishihara's 'deal' to not bother me after the initial job stuck, their definition of 'honour' as vague as it is, meant something to them... Even if they were willing to try find ways around it, observe the pile of sketchy business cards now awaiting use in a bonfire.

I shake my head as I read the market, stepping past the people lining up at Tieu's Bahn Mi stall and throwing on an apron as she fills a roll with vegetables.

"What needs doing?" I question out of nowhere, almost making her drop the change she'd just been handed.

"Kieu? Shouldn't you be over with Takeshita?"

"Twisted my ankle, don't worry about it." I shrug before taking a businessman's order.

"Do you want to sit? It's not too busy..."

"I'm good, it's not like I'm moving much in this hovel anyway." I remark sarcastically. I 'sneakily' steal some marinated pork from the grill, earning me a slap as Tieu spots me chewing. The rule was no eating on the job... Bearing in mind, it'd only been created because I kept eating the food, almost leaving us empty on a particularly busy day.

What can I say? Shit's good.

An hour passes and the initial rush thankfully comes to an end, allowing us some moments of reprieve to restock, clean up, and brew some tea.

Unfortunately, just as the kettle starts whistling, a loud, obnoxious, and familiar voice makes itself known.

"Four sandwiches with everything." Takata audibly orders despite the sign clearing stating 'On Break'.

"You will have to wait." Tieu says, not giving the teen and his two friends another look as she pours two drinks.

Apparently not liking this, Takata steps forwards and knocks on the side of the stall, "Come on, the lady can sit down but the brat can make the food."

"She told you to wait, I know you guys can barely read but surely you three can rub your individual brain cells together for this? Take the hint and wait ten minutes." I spit. This guy had been a pain in my ass since I started living in the area, and after the shit with the merchants he got worse, cockier, louder, throwing out insults on a dime with a shit-eating grin.

I knew he was trying to get a rise out of me for an excuse to start shit, but I hadn't expected him to do this so blatantly in public. Mr Kiyoshi had a word with him last time about this, the ABB had a reputation to uphold and wouldn't let some little shit run the name through the mud.

"Hammer-boy's got a mouth on him." Kenji jeers at Takata's side.

"That's all he's got. Can't even call him a race traitor, just a fucking faker. Make us the Bahn Mi and we'll leave." Takata growls.

"Race traitor...?" Tieu asks in confusion.

Takata nods, "There's a thing called disrespect around here, and the brat's as far as he can get. Even if you are one of us, we won't thank you for spitting on our kindness for a week."

I crook a brow at him, "Maybe you should stop making shit offers if you don't wanna get rejected." I fold my arms, "Go eat somewhere else, we don't need you starting trouble here, some of us actually have to work."

"Kieu won't join your gang either. Tell your boss to leave us be." Tieu adds with an eagle-like glare.

Takata frowns before folding his arms behind his head, he leans forwards and 'casually' turns to the side, accidentally knocking over some salt and pepper shakers on the front of the stall, shattering them on the ground. "Oh! So sorry! My bad!"

Kazuma, the fatter one of the group snickers at this and steps forward to make an 'accident' of his own. Before they can damage anything else though I hold a hand up with an aggrieved sigh, "Stop, I'll make your fucking food."

"Yeah, knew you'd see it our way." Kenji says.


I cut open some buns when Takata starts speaking again, the two of us almost standing face to face with only the stall counter separating us. "You should start thinking about our offers. There's shit loads to gain but even more to lose." he trails a finger across the stall while his eyes trace over Tieu behind me.

"Make all the threats you want, but if you touch a hair on her I'll gut you like fucking sashimi." I growl, locking eyes with him while finishing the first roll.

"And what're you gonna do about it, brat? You got everyone eating out of your hands for what you did to Leet, but it was all luck. I'm sick of hearing people talk about you, hearing Nishihara-sama ask if you accepted the last invitation..." he leans forwards so that his buddies and those around us can't hear, "You're not worth shit. You're not one of us and I know it, even if that bitch lies about you every step of the way. You're a liar, a faker. It pisses me off!" he seethes.


I match his glare with a dispassionate one of my own, apparently my worries were unfounded, this is just a douchebag jealous that those he looks up to pay more attention to me than him. I as someone who doesn't want anything to do with their gang, isn't even Asian, and has made every effort to separate himself from their movement, still garners more good will than Takata.

A mocking, smug smirk manifests itself on my face as I wrap up the Bahn Mi, maintaining our staring match all the while. "That'll be ten bucks, plus another two for the property you broke."

"YOU FUCKING-" he reaches over and grabs my apron in rage, "YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN ME!?"

I shrug, preparing myself to take a hit... I wouldn't fight this guy, that was just asking for the ABB to retaliate in some way, even if I lose. That said, there was nothing I hated more than people who thought they were hot shit.

"Dunno, maybe it's the fact I'm better looking, smarter, more talented. all that while years younger... But hey, they say your worth isn't decided on external factors..." I drawl, luxuriating in how angry he was getting, "Which means bad things for you, I'd trade you for a bucket of shit, at least that can be used as fertilizer-"

I tilt my head to the side as a fist passes over me, grazing and scratching my cheek from one of the guy's rings. I step back, touching my cheek for a moment before returning my gaze to him. "Piss off or we're calling the cops." I warn, causing Takata to pause.


"You really gonna let him talk to you like that?" Kenji asks Takata.

"This is our turf, fuck the cops." Kazuma adds.

"Leave it, he's not worth it." Takata mutters, taking a deep breath to calm himself. "Hand over the food and we're gone." he offers some sort of compromise.

"Sounds good to me." I drop the Bahn Mi on the counter, "Twelve bucks."

"Ten." Takata grunts, but before he can fish out the funds Kazuma opens the fourth sandwich and spits a fat loogie into it. "Take this one back, someone spat in it."

I look at him as if he's stupid, this jock bollocks is getting old. "Twelve bucks."

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to : https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.

Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :


Faruk Ereng

Peter Evans


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