

Jimoh_Maryam · Urban
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9 Chs

The two men!

Sam wasn't sure of his feelings for Stella, even after the latter's confession. He wasn't sure the feeling was mutual.

He wasn't sure he wanted to be that committed to her.

But he was sure he wasn't ready to be tied down in such huge commitment.

However, he couldn't push her away or stop her from hugging him because her sweet fragrance wasn't making him think straight. He just wanted to feel her warmth and inhale her scent, at that moment.

The affectionate hug led to something more steamy and they found their ways back to the bed.

And from the bed, they went into the kitchen, cooked, had fun while at it, and finally to the sitting room, where they snuggled up with each other and watched a movie.

They were inseparable.

Stella didn't allow him to leave her place, and she also didn't go to anywhere. Even when her P. A had called her to inform her of a pending work for her, she had instructed him to bring the work home, to her, instead of going to office.

In the mid day, when Peter got to her place with a female colleague from work, he was really furious to meet Sam, dressed casually, and being all cosy with Stella, on the luxury loveseat, in her living room.

He nearly yelled at him to stand up but bit his tongue and shot daggers at him, instead.

"Ma'am, you didn't say you have a visitor at home. Had it been we knew, we wouldn't have come to disturb you." Adejoke, the female colleague who was with Peter, pointed out, all smiles. That was after they'd exchanged pleasantries.

Adejoke couldn't hide her excitement. She was really pleased that their boss had finally found love, after many years of being alone.

"Well, I'd prefer you guys didn't come but Peter here said it's something really urgent." Stella replied her.

"Ah! Urgent? Peter, is it not about that Ocean City deal? It's not that urgent, now. Have you forgotten you even told me by yourself this morning that we ought to leave it till next week and let them pay for always delaying us?" Adejoke analysed.

Meanwhile, Peter was busy signalling to her with his eyes, to keep shut but Adejoke, being Adejoke wouldn't hear or see any other thing until she had said what was on her mind.

"Really?" Stella inquired, with surprise.

"Well, maybe he has something to pick up at your place, though. But if it's about that deal, there's absolutely no reason why it can't wait till you come to work, next week." Adejoke maintained.

"Oh! So, Mr Peter, what do you have to pick up, here?" Stella inquired, with curiosity.

Sam, who had been quiet all along and only focused on his phone, raised up his head to look at Peter, after hearing he had something to pick up.

Peter gritted his teeth, painfully.

"Ma'am, don't mind this woman. I don't have anything to pick up here. I just wanted you to attend to it as soon as possible, since you always prefer to get what needs to be done, done, at the right time. I know you'd want that. I'm just being thoughtful of your ways of handling works. I know you do not like unnecessary delay." Peter gritted out and prayed she didn't question him further, on that.

Thankfully, Stella concurred.

"Well, you have a point, there. I like getting my works done and ready before the deadline. And it's okay since you're here already, let's get it done." She agreed.

Peter heaved a low sigh of relief.

Stella collected the document and went into her room for a pen and to thoroughly check through, while Peter and Adejoke sat down.

Adejoke was busy trying to make small talk with Sam, in excitement, while Peter was busy shooting daggers at Sam.

"Peter! Peter... didn't you hear what we just said? Wait, are you okay?" Adejoke snapped at Peter. He flinched.

Apparently, she had been talking to him but he didn't hear her because he was busy beating up Sam with his eyes.

"Of course, I'm okay. What did you say? I wasn't listening to your conversation." He maintained.

"Mr Sam here is asking me how close you are to our boss, and I told him that I met you two working together when I joined the company." Adejoke narrated to him.A deep frown etched on Peter's face.

"Then, I asked her of the kind of person that you are ..." Sam informed him. Peter didn't know what to do with the information, so he just glared at him.

"Peter is a very nice and friendly person. I can say he's hardworking, very good at his work and cool headed." Adejoke chipped in, excitedly.

"Really? Nice and friendly? A person that is always frowning his face and glaring at me, is nice and friendly? Wow, that's interesting!" Sam exclaimed dramatically.

"Peter doesn't glare at people. He's such a sweetheart to everybody, that's why our boss even likes him so much, that he remains her P. A since a long time, ago." Adejoke insisted.

Sam scoffed. He opened his mouth to talk but Peter beat him to it.

"Adejoke, as the diligent informant that you're, you should have informed him that my spirit chooses for me, how I interact with people I'm just meeting and don't know anything, about." Peter addressed his colleague, loudly. Then, turned to face Sam directly.

"If it seems like I'm glaring at you, then my spirit tells me to do so. I didn't even know I'm doing that. I hope you understand, Mr stranger." He stated to Sam, harshly.

Sam was astonished. He could see Peter was clearly displaying his dislike for him and he wondered how he'd wronged him.

"My name is not Mr stranger. I am Sam." Sam pointed out to him, also harshly.

"Oops! I forgot. I hope you won't mind that, also. My spirit tend to forget any information about people it doesn't want me to mingle with. It's like it warns me, you know." Peter announced and chuckled, trying to make it look like a joke.

Sam clenched his jaw, tightly.

"Oh, that's a disrespectful spirit you've got there. Mine is more respectful, trust me. It acts cool with even the weirdest persons, as long as they don't mess with it." Sam threw back his response, subtly, even though he was boiling inside.

The two men glared at each other, in silence.

Adejoke noticed the thick tension in the room, and cleared her throat, awkwardly.

At that moment, Stella walked back into the room. Since she had no idea of what was going on, she smiled at her guests and asked them what they would love to eat.

"Oh, yes... Peter and I have actually been planning to go grab lunch at a restaurant, we can definitely make good use of your food here, if only we won't be interrupting your happy hours with your guest." Adejoke stated, in her usual bubbly self.

"I can't really remember you and I planning to go grab anything. And moreso, our boss has a visitor, we need to respect her privacy. C'mon, get your butt up, let's go." Peter said to Adejoke, firmly.

Even Stella knew that wasn't Peter's usual self. Peter was someone who would always be happy to spend time with her. She wondered what was wrong with him.

"No, it's fine. The more the merrier! Or is there something going on?" Stella tried to persuade him, as she looked from one person to another. She could feel the awkwardness, thick in the air.

"Actually, we still have some other stuff to get done in the office. You know, it's weekend, we have to ensure things needful for Monday's work are put in order before going on weekend break. That's what you've taught me." Peter lied, smoothly and stood up.

Adejoke wanted to protest but a mean glance from Peter shut her up, immediately.

"Yeah, that's understandable. Thank you for being diligent." Stella appreciated them and handed back the documents to Peter.

Peter collected it, took another glare at Sam, and bade him bye through his teeth, then started walking out of the house.

Adejoke did her usual elongated farewell, before rushing after him.

"Hey, Peter, what was that display back there, for? What's wrong with you?" Adejoke snapped at him, when they walked out of the compound.

"What display? Nothing is wrong with me. It is that man that something is wrong with. Aren't you feeling what I'm feeling about him? Does he looks like a good person to you?" He snapped back at her. Adejoke squinted her eyes, with disbelief.

"Don't look at me like that. I know what I am saying." He protested.

Adejoke nodded, as they walked on.

"What? Don't you have anything to say to what I just said?" He asked her.

"Hun!" Adejoke sighed deeply then stopped walking and faced him. He stopped walking too.

"Are you perhaps having problem in your relationship? Is your girlfriend cheating on you? You look like a man who just got dumped. Trust me, you can confide in me. Share your problems with me. I'm good at solving relationship problems." She assured him.

Peter was bewildered. He couldn't believe what she just said.

"What relationship did I tell you I have? You're out of your mind, Adejoke." He replied her curtly and started walking away. Adejoke burst into laughter and trotted after him.