

Jimoh_Maryam · Urban
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14 Chs

It was time!

After the phone conversation with Sam, Stella couldn't contain her excitement anymore, so she immediately call on Peter.

"Hey, Peter. Thank you for your concern. I have gotten in touch with him and he's okay." She informed him, with a pleased smile.

"Oh, he is? Wow, that's great to know. I wonder what kept him away for so long and made you worried that badly." Peter stated, with a small forced smile.

"It's one ugly situation like that. That's the other reason I asked you to come see me." She maintained.

"An ugly situation that concerns that man? I'd love to not get involved, please! If you're not seeing that I'm hurting here, let me keep to myself." That was the response that Peter's brain wanted to shoot at her face but his heart won't allow him to hurt her with even his words.

So, he cleared his throat and pulled a straight face.

"How may I be of help to you, ma'am?" He inquired. Stella smiled, gratefully. That was Peter that she knew.

He was always there to help her. In every ways, both office related works and personal works. He was always coming through for her. And she was grateful for his kind of person.

"So, I have a place to be tomorrow and might not be able to come to work. As usual, I need you to fill in my space, perfectly. Do everything that I'd need to do, tomorrow, like I would do it, please. I wouldn't want to be disturbed for anything, and I know you're capable of doing that for me. Then, I'd need you to give me the number of that car dealer you introduced me to, last time when I needed a range rover." She explained to him.

Peter was surprised.

"You can trust me on filling in your space, perfectly. But ma'am, why do you need another car? The cars in your parking lot are still okay and in vogue." He pointed out.

"No, it's not for me. It's my man that needs a new car. So, I'm thinking of getting a range rover for him, although I'm not sure of his preference. We'd find that out, when we get there, tomorrow." She informed him.

Peter was dumbfounded. He had closed and opened his mouth repeatedly for some seconds before he could form a proper sentence.

"You want to buy a car for that man? That man?" He asked, like he hadn't heard her clearly.

"My man, yeah!" She confirmed his doubt.

"What? What are you doing?" Peter blurted out. He couldn't control his emotions.

It was Stella's turn to be rendered speechless.

"What do you mean? What do you mean by what am I doing?" She asked him, bewildered.

With the way she looked at him like he'd grown two heads, Peter suddenly remembered his place and became sober. He was still determined to say what was on his mind, but in a more polite manner.

"Ma'am, I do not mean to pry into your affairs, and I understand that you're more than capable of making your decisions but I don't think this is the right decision." He summoned courage and decided to advice her.

"What decision are you referring to?" She inquired, cluelessly.

"This decision... of buying an expensive car for a man you hardly know anything about. You can't just pick a man from the street and want to start taking care of him like he's yours. Like he is homeless or an orphan who need help. If you want to help people, there are..." Peter was still saying when Stella cut him short, annoyingly.

"Stop, Peter. I won't condone that. I won't allow you to be speaking ill of my man. I won't tolerate that." She informed him, sharply.

"You just said it, my decision not yours, so how's that your business? If not because of how you are to me, I won't take that lightly with anybody." She added, without allowing him to speak further.

Peter rubbed his sweaty palms on his thighs and sighed deeply, like he was blowing out some of the pent up anger and frustration.

"I guess we're done here. You can go back to your office, Mr Peter." Stella stated. He knew she was angry and he started feeling bad.

He knew if he leave the office like that, his whole day would be sour. He wouldn't be happy, knowing that she was mad at him and there was nothing or nobody that could uplift his mood.

"Forgive me for prying, ma'am! I'm so sorry that my voice is getting you upset, but before I would go, I'd love to remind you that you haven't eaten breakfast not to talk of lunch and it's past 2pm, now. I suggest you let me get you something to eat." He stated, awkwardly.

Stella could see he was feeling sorry and her mind softened a bit, but she refused to reply him immediately, as she wanted him to know she was serious about her stance.

And he knew. They had stayed together for long to know those things about each other. He pressed further with his persuasion.

"I'm actually going to *Eat&Chill restaurant*... Assorted native rice with fried plantains, and their signature hibiscus drink is going to be perfect for your stomach that has been suffering in silence since morning." He analysed.

That was tempting for Stella. She knew he was trying to bribe her by volunteering to go to that restaurant which was far from their office but sold her favorite. On a normal day, he'd talked her out of eating from there and rather guilt tripped her into eating at the company's cafeteria, with the claim that she wasn't setting a good example for the employees by always eating outside.

He knew she loved the food and drink that the restaurant served and would never say no to it.

Reluctantly, a smile she had been suppressing, spread across her face as she started salivating for the food.

"This P.A of mine sure knows how to seek for forgiveness!" She exclaimed, with amusement.

Peter smiled, happily. He was glad she was finally happy with him.

"And here's a strict warning, I don't want to see *Eat&Chill* nylon filled to the brim with their signature peppered chicken drumsticks and fried plantains. Remember your purpose of going there is to appease me, and not for yourself!" She stated, jokingly and Peter burst into laughter.

That was Peter's favorite from the restaurant and they both knew he would never forget to get it at any given opportunity.

"That'd be the worst punishment for me and you know, ma'am." He replied her, still laughing.

Stella laughed too and shook her head.

Peter stepped out of the office, all smiles, feeling satisfied that he was able to make her smiled and be pleased with him again, but immediately he closed her door behind him, he remembered what he needed to do apart from ensuring she smiled.

It was time for him to go after Sam, and nothing could stop him.