

Jimoh_Maryam · Urban
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9 Chs

Another man?

The erotic session was going on fantastically, not until Sam, through the corner of his left eye, saw a man standing and staring at them, shockingly, from the dinning hall.

Sam was shocked to the bone. He stopped abruptly, to recheck, for confirmation. The man was still there. It wasn't an illusion.

He freezed on top of Stella.

Stella, who was confused by the sudden cessation of everything, looked at the direction of where he was looking at, and yelped in shock when she saw the man, too.

She quickly pushed Sam off, from her body and sat up.

Sam was flustered. He didn't know how to react to what was happening.

He prayed fervently in his mind that the man wouldn't be her husband. He had already started thinking of a thousand things that could happen to him, if he turned out to be her husband.

"Is that your..." He started to ask shaking, but Stella replied him sharply before he could even land.

"No, I'm not married yet, and he's not my boyfriend. You're safe."

Sam released the breathe he didn't know he was holding. He felt a bit relieved.

At that point, the shocked and confused man who had interrupted their steamy session, snapped out of his trance and stepped forward.

"What are you doing, Peter? Why are you still here? I thought you would have left, since you didn't see me on time." Stella snapped at the man.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. When I texted you earlier about that work, you said I should come wait for you at home, while you handled the surveying. So, I've been waiting for you. I told you the work is urgent." Peter replied her, a bit nervous. Stella gasped lowly as she remembered the urgent work that needed her signature.

That little exchange enlightened Sam of the duo's relationship. They were work partners. He was relieved but uncomfortable.

"Am I disturbing anything? I think I should just take my leave, now." Sam announced and wanted to stand up. Stella stopped him.

"Hey, wait! No. I just need to make some corrections on one document and append my signature on it. He's my PA. I'm sorry, I didn't know he'd still be here." She apologized to Sam.

"Oh, I see. That's okay. It's fine. I really think I should excuse you, you guys definitely need some privacy for what you have to do." Sam stated.

"Ma'am, I need to remind you that getting a contract from Romolad limited is really competitive. I'm afraid, you have to calm down and take your time in checking everything, to ensure there's no mistake." Solomon chipped in quickly, as he saw that Stella wanted to stop the man from leaving.

"This thing needs your full attention and you might be at it, for like five hours. How would you concentrate on it when you know you've someone waiting for you?" He added, persuasively, as he eyed Sam, scornfully.

Stella snorted.

"Peter and exaggeration!!! Why would I be at it for five hours?" Stella exclaimed and shook her head.

"I really should go, now." Sam insisted and stood up. He was feeling uncomfortable with the way the PA was looking at him, weirdly. He was shooting daggers at him.

"Okay, I understand. You aren't comfortable, anymore. But before you go, can I get your number, now? So we can keep in touch!" Stella requested and stood up.

Peter's mouth was agape. He couldn't believe Stella would bring in a conpletely unknown stranger into her house.

He hated Sam instantly. He believed no cool man in their right senses would follow a woman they didn't know from anywhere, to her house, and started making out with her, right there on her sofa.

"That's okay. Let me have your phone." Sam replied her. She gave him the phone, and after putting the number on it, Sam walked out of the house.

Peter looked at his retreating steps, and seethed. He wanted to follow him and beat him up for being cheap. He felt he was a disgrace to manhood.

"Ma'am, I think you need to tighten the security around your house, henceforth!" Peter informed Stella, with concern after Sam left the house.

"Are you coming to break in and cart away my properties?" Stella inquired, jokingly.

"Ma'am, I'd implore you to be wary of that man. You would know from how round is eyes are, that he is a dangerous man. A very dangerous man at that! You shouldn't have brought him in, like that. How would you pick a man by the roadside and bring him into your apartment? It's dangerous! Aren't you scared?" Peter pointed out, exasperatedly.

"Only God knows what he would have done to you, had it been I wasn't here to stop him. You have to be security conscious. Unexpected, dangerous things are happening these days and we all don't pray to be victims of circumstances." He added.

Stella's jaw was almost touching the ground. She wondered what was getting him so worked up. He was behaving like a concerned parent.

"Dear, concerned father, I didn't pick him up by the roadside. And all eyes are round, so if he's dangerous because of his round eyes, we're all dangerous, then." She replied him, begrudgingly.

He frowned his face, he wasn't satisfied with that answer. He wished she would just stay away from the man, and every other men on earth.

"Ma'am, you can't..." He wanted to start but Stella had heard enough.

"Enough! I'm sure you haven't come here to discuss how I will live my personal life, with me. Let's do what you've come here to do. Where are the documents? Have you made the research I asked you to do? What did you find out?" She cut him short and inquired, sharply.

Begrudgingly, Solomon swallowed the remaining words he wanted to pour out, and bit his lower lip, regrettably. He gritted his teeth, painfully.

"Peter!" Stella shouted his name after waiting for his response to no avail. He flinched.

"Yes, ma'am! I'm sorry. Yeah, I have done the research. I found out that Romolad limited appreciates a company that is capable of handling both the sourcing and packaging of the raw materials, and not just sourcing. They believe a company that sources and packages by itself, won't give them any problem, in terms of quality and even quantity, and would be reliable." Solomon analysed.

Stella nodded, contentedly.

"We won't have a problem with that. Let's add that to our strengths so they'd know we're the best company for the job." She informed and he concurred.

She nudged him to sit beside her so they could get to work.

A bright smile broke out on Solomon's sullen face, and he quickly sat down beside her.

Being by her side, always made him feel very lively, bright and satisfied. He forgot his anger and allowed her sweet fragrance to invade his senses, as they worked.