
Where the dream losts

She was the messenger of God, sent on earth to end the war between human and the witch realm and bring the peace back. But she did more than that, she fell in love with the price of the witch realm. But the problem was she had to return. As the phoenix was not supposed to fall in love with earthly beings. He became her shadow on earth, but for her, he was her lifeline now. At last she did what she had to do, rebel against heaven and got banished from there. But what she didn't know that “love could bring the end of immortal beings too” But she would rise from her ashes again to burn everyone who was part of the conspiracy and claim what was hers. In the 21 century For the past 21 years, the king of the witch realm was trying to find his lost prince through the blood trekker spell. And finally, he found him when the seal was broken. But the search opened the door or many more hidden secrets of past centuries. ***** An arrogant CEO who thinks the world was his, but beyond this facade, there was a lonely person who was trying to fight his demons. A bubbly and mischievous heroine who believed in an eye for an eye. Let's see how much havoc she would create in the CEO's life. He was the lost prince and she was here to find him. But they both were unaware of the betrayals, and schemes waiting for them. Would their love survive or their dream would be lost. Come and join the journey of love, betrayal, loyalty and magical war of witches and wizards with a dip of past lives. THE COVER IS NOT MINE, OWNER CAN CLAIM IT ANY MOMENT.

nishidurani · Fantasy
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208 Chs

Your new home

Next day.

After bidding goodbye to everyone, they went to the portal leading them to Rowan city through the river.

In the human realm

They all arrived at a restaurant and had dinner together after that traders parted their way with three of them.

They arrived at their new apartment. It's a six-room house, covering a whole eighteenth floor. A big living room, dining room and each room has a floor to ceiling windows with balcony.

Three of the room were Furnished as a bedroom with a walk-in closet, while the other three were designed as a study for each one of them. Each room has almost similar furniture, a king-size bed, chest of drawers, side tables with a night lamp, a recliner chair with a coffee table, a swing chair in balcony and some paintings on the wall.

The rooms can be identified by their walk-in closet, while one has male clothes, other two can be also defined as their owner with styles, while Cynthia has mostly business suits and elegant one-piece dresses, Valeria has all ripped jeans, crop tops, hoodies, Caprese, even her office wear clothes are bright colours and a bit seductive.

She knew her mother was the best at clothes selection, Valerie instantly called her mother and thanked for her room design and clothes even her favourite bags, sandals and makeup series is perfectly available. The colour theme was also according to them while Victor has a bit of grey and black in his room.

Cynthia has red and golden while Valerie has a tinge of every colour like her room is painted with a rainbow instead of paints. She smiled at her mother thoughtfulness.

Meanwhile, in Cynthia's room, while she was looking around, victor entered and hugged her from behind, and put his chin on her shoulder. "So do you like the room? " He asked while looking around.

"Yeah, it's just according to my taste. I really love mom for her thoughtfulness." She replied with a bright smile on her face.

"Mom is very biased she only thought about her daughters and forgot about her son," she said disappointedly.

"Why is your room not to your liking?" she asked with a frown while turning towards him.

"No, can I shift here?" He asked eagerly while coming close to her, their breaths are almost touching, just a bit more and their lips also will.

"Oh, sure, I will pack my stuff and you can shift here anytime." Although she liked the room very much but it's his mom who designed it. He should have the right to shift. She tried to repeat this sentence in her mind because she doesn't want to leave.

"No, he almost shouted. I mean can I shift here with you. you know.." He reached for her ear and slightly nibbled it "together, hmmm?" He whispered in her ear seductively.

She almost held her breath this is the first Victor is behaving intimately, he often comes to the palace to see her and they walk in the garden together and talk a lot. but max to max they held hands, nothing else.

This all was making her flustered.. her whole face and neck turned red. She teleported herself a few feet away. "I.. I... "

Before she could say anything, she heard a hearty laugh from him. "You liked the room, don't you. Still, you were ready to give it to me. Why Cyn? "

"Because you.. you wanted it." She said with a confused look.

He sat on her bed and patted the place near him while looking at her, so she came and sat there while looking at him still not understanding what this whole thing is about.

"Cyn, you know our marriage is arranged. But that's because I requested my father for it, so technically it's love marriage for me." That made her eyes wide.

"I love you Cyn, I loved you from childhood, I have never seen a woman like you, beautiful, wise, responsible, independent, yet humble but that's not why I love you, I love you for who you are Cyn, you can not even imagine how much I love you .."

Looking at her flabbergasted look he Chuckled again and continued "And you never have to be responsible in this relationship. I am not your father Cyn, who has a lot of expectations from you to make you feel burdened, I want you to snatch everything you like, be stubborn, immature, childish, do anything you want, you can even scold or beat me If you are angry"

Now she has a look of horror on her face " but never throw me out of the room, or make me sleep on the couch. I will cuddle and kiss you while sleeping even if you kick me all night, and do a lot more things to you. only at that place, I am very demanding"

Now that made her shy and embarrassed again. He is amused to see so many emotions on her ever so stoic face in few moments. Thank God, he came to talk to her.

Although they are engaged from a long time and talk often they never get to have the heart to heart talks because of a lot of flies following her in the name of security.

But this is his chance to make her fall in love with him. This was his mission to come here. "And as you said it's mom who designed it for you, what do you think, how she had designed it so well?

Because she treats you as your own daughter cyn, never think that your mother or my mother it's our mother, alright? You are my everything Cyn, never do that again.Okay?" Now she is a bit emotional.

"Hmmm" she just said and looked at him a bit fidgeting.

"Do you want to hug me?" He asked arching a brow at her.

She looked down and nodded like it was a very big thing to ask. He just smiled and hugged and kissed her hairs. "So, can I shift here?"

"No..." They both looked together at the door because of the sudden voice. As Cynthia was not the one who replied. It was none other than Valerie.

"No, you both are not going to live in the same room, I will tell your highness and dad if you do that." She said instantly while seeing anger in his brother's eyes.

"It's for the safety of Cyn, I know you are a big bad wolf trying to lure sheep in his liar" for which he gave her an ugly scowl.