
Where the dream losts

She was the messenger of God, sent on earth to end the war between human and the witch realm and bring the peace back. But she did more than that, she fell in love with the price of the witch realm. But the problem was she had to return. As the phoenix was not supposed to fall in love with earthly beings. He became her shadow on earth, but for her, he was her lifeline now. At last she did what she had to do, rebel against heaven and got banished from there. But what she didn't know that “love could bring the end of immortal beings too” But she would rise from her ashes again to burn everyone who was part of the conspiracy and claim what was hers. In the 21 century For the past 21 years, the king of the witch realm was trying to find his lost prince through the blood trekker spell. And finally, he found him when the seal was broken. But the search opened the door or many more hidden secrets of past centuries. ***** An arrogant CEO who thinks the world was his, but beyond this facade, there was a lonely person who was trying to fight his demons. A bubbly and mischievous heroine who believed in an eye for an eye. Let's see how much havoc she would create in the CEO's life. He was the lost prince and she was here to find him. But they both were unaware of the betrayals, and schemes waiting for them. Would their love survive or their dream would be lost. Come and join the journey of love, betrayal, loyalty and magical war of witches and wizards with a dip of past lives. THE COVER IS NOT MINE, OWNER CAN CLAIM IT ANY MOMENT.

nishidurani · Fantasy
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208 Chs

Spend sometime together..

"Yes mother, I am going to the human realm for a few months" That's the least reply her mother was expecting. To say she was shocked was an understatement.

The royal family is not allowed to leave their realm. If the enemies came to know about it, they would surely take advantage of it.

"No, I don't approve of it. You can't go to the Human realm. You are going to get married in a few months honey, spend time with me. And what about your classes? Weren't you preparing to be the queen with Austin? Why the sudden change?" Her mother asked eagerly.

"Mother, relax it's not that dangerous. Don't our people always go there? And I always wanted to visit them and see their technology. I will be alright and Victor and Valerie are also coming with me.

I will be back before you even start missing me. Alright now tell me what you want from there?" She tried to divert from the topic, she didn't want to lie to her mother, but she also didn't want to break her promise with her father.

"You really are going there then, May I ask you the reason?" asked her mother realising there is no way of discussion as the king has already approved her visit.

"Dad wants me to learn about their family. It's their family business to trade with the human realm. Since Victor is busy with a knighthood, and Valerie is not that responsible.

He wants to train me in case I don't be the queen. I still have an empire to run." She lied but she didn't really have a choice. There really are many servants here. If she asked them to go out it would sound more suspicious.

"That's a good plan, they care about you a lot cyn, but still I don't like that place." Deadpanned her mother with an ugly face.

"Mother, weren't you also a part of their business. You also used to go to the human realm. Then why are you so against it now." It's not like her mother's family were rich or royals. They were also businessmen.

"That's the reason I don't want you to go there honey, I am afraid he is still there somewhere waiting" whispered her mother.

"Mom, hello what happened?" She asked while waving her hand in front of her mother who is lost in her own world.

"Nothing, just remembering those days, my sister and I used to have fun there. But because we were commoners, not a royal like you dear." she said with indescribable emotions, a lone tear in her eyes.

"Ok, Okay not about aunt again. No one would know about my identity there. I am going there to train myself as a Normal businessman, not as a royal. Now cheer up. I am going for a long time and you are not even asking me for a meal!! I am hungry" she pouted with a sad face.

Her mother chuckled at that. Only she was able to see this side of her daughter, not even her father or husband, well would be husband." Okay okay, my bad! I will arrange it just now, even though I am hungry.`` She instantly ordered maids for their meal and had a hearty conversation with each other.


In the villa, At Jubilee street.

(Jubilee street is not any common street but a small modern town like area, this whole place belongs to Harold's family. It has all types of shops and warehouses full of human-made things. Here you can find from pin to the car, everything available. That's why Harold's family was one of the richest families in their country.)

"Mom, I don't want to live in an apartment. Why can't we have a villa there? And why should I live with both of them, I will be served dog food* whole day. Mom, how about I take my friends sha sha, and Mia with me. and..." She was cut off in the middle by her father.

"Why don't you purchase the whole city and ask each member to come and let them check by you. huh??" His father said with a scowl.

"Wow! It's a great idea but the city is on sale. why do I not know that human cities can be purchased!" She replied with an innocent look like she is really considering the idea.

"Okay, you two stop arguing, come let's spend some time together as a family before you go. Don't always fight with your father honey. He is trying to make you responsible" her mother tried to coax both.

This is her daily routine Clara, in spite of being duchess of Mythward. only see herself as a referee, who always tries to maintain peace between father and daughter and both siblings.

She loved her daughter, it's just that, she is a bit too mischievous for her husband's liking. While his son was a very responsible and serious person, that's why they often just can not agree over anything.

Let's try the last resort." Since you both don't agree, Vale you deserve a punishment for denying the king orders," she said in an angry tone

"What are you speaking honey, she did not deny the orders, she was just asking innocently. Right Vale?" her husband changed the words and tone right away. He can't see his precious daughter getting punished.

"Alright then let's have a good family dinner then" She replied with a smirk. She knew this idea would always work.

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