
where in the world

Hello my name is Lauren Smith , this is the how my life began but I don't know what is going to happen in the future , read to see what the future holds for me.... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Divine_Sanipe · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

  It was In the early hours of the ninth of August a Saturday, that day was a special day for Mrs  Fiona Smith because her birthday falls on that day ,on normal occasions he just buys stuffs like new dresses 👗, purses👛or new heels👠, But on this occasion he was quite confused on what to do for her but he decided that he will take her out but normally he normally doesn't like going out of the house, he says " sit and relax babe it's your b-day" and he planned to give her a surprise 🎁.

    While in a mansion a man is seen at the window talking to himself his name is Harry Nathan and it seems he is holding the picture of a woman and a man.

    " Oh my sweet Fio look what you have made me do today is your birthday but you can't spend it with me" as he uses a knife to stab the man next to the woman in the pic.

    " And you took over everything away from me but you will have to pay either with your life or you return everything back to me" he said as an absurd laughter followed.

    " Ben Ben come here now" he said like a fearsome beast.

    " Yes sir, what is the problem" said Ben his______.

    " Go to this address , the house of the Smith's and find out were they will be going to and when, go right now I'll explain everything later" said Harry as Ben rushed out.

         * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Back to the house to the Alexis , in a very lavished room with a king sized bed and a Gold painted table at the table a woman is seen applying makeup but it seems she's reminiscing about something, she remembers when Harry took her out on her birthday some years back and when something drastic changed the whole story...

" brrrrrh brrrrrh" Fiona's phone rings as she sees the number.

" Fiona I am at your front porch, look at the window" he said as she sees him waving at her.

" Then what are waiting for, come in " she said in anger.

" Alright I'm coming in, are you re -- aady , uuuuuuh you look stunning" he stated as a matter of fact he walked up to her and her hand firmly.

" Shall we"

" we may" and off they went in a Honda CRV....

Now in della's restaurant, a popularly known restaurant in Boston, Fiona and Harry are seen sitting on a table for two ...

" Hey "

" hhhmmmm"

" what wrong with you I have been watching you for some minutes now, you haven't said anything to me" Harry said .

" Ohh, I'm so sorry I was just looking at my birthday wishes from my friends.

" That's nice, what did you plan on doing today hmmmm" he asked.

" I didn't have any plans actually, as usual I would stay home listen to music, chat with friends and invite my besties to come over, that's all" sha blurted out.

" But that's kinda boring you now that right" he said as he awaited her answer.

please dear readers don't forget to leave a comment 📝💬, rate ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ and like, thanks.



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