
where in the world

Hello my name is Lauren Smith , this is the how my life began but I don't know what is going to happen in the future , read to see what the future holds for me.... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Divine_Sanipe · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

    The next day, in wills brough International school a very large complex with various kinds of courts : Basketball courts, volleyball courts ....  Two children are seen entering , they  are the children of Mr Smith , Davies Smith and Devi Smith they are seen coming into school surroundings and the place becomes serene as Tess walked up to them.

    " Oh, so who do we have here" said Tesa.

     " oh dear Tesa Good morning" said Devi in irritation as her little brother walks straight into the classroom.

    " I don't need your pleasantries, what are your plans for today, huh" said the girl.

    " Why are you bent on totally destroying my life" said Devi in response.

    " I am not, you took everything away from me my frame, my place in the class, everything ...I just f******ly hate you, why did you even come to this school and even my life". She stated almost in tears.

    "What the hell did I ever do to you", you know what I never meant to do what you said I did , in order to solve this stay away from me" said Devi now in tears.

    " Alright don't make yourself look clean"

    After she said the both walked in opposite directions crying while Davies was not aware of what just happened outside he was so engrossed in his books, he never interfered in their matters because if he did it would escalate.

    That same day in a large office at Lewis Don enterprises, the blue walls, brown shalf and sofas and a desk which has a nameplate that bears the name Mr alex smith but it seems the person isn't Mr Smith.

    " It must be done as soon as possible" said the unknown guy.

    " Yes sir, it will be done as fast as possible, but what is my reward?" From the other end.

    " 20,000 USD " Mr Smith replied rapidly as footsteps were heard coming towards the office. He ends the call and out of the window he goes.

    " Pheeeeew" he went straight to his table with his smoothie in his hand to continue his work. When he started work he saw a black material on the edge of the table he looked at it puzzled.

    " How did this get here did someone come in here " as he looked around he saw the window wide open he kept on pondering on who and what the person wanted.

    Later in wills brough International school the students are seen having their lunch and Devi is about taking hers as Tesa is applying glue on her favorite sitting spot after she applies it she moved quickly to her seat everyone watched the whole scene as Devi sat on another seat as her friend that joined her sat on the seat this made Tesa very angry.

    " Shreeeeek" as diana adjusted as everyone laughed aimlessly at her on seeing the whole scenario.

    " Whaaaaat the h*** is going on here , who did this" Diana said angrily.

    " I know who did it, it's Tesa she always pretends to be friendly and baaaam she goes at you all over again" said Devi in disgust .

     " Tesa stop all of this rubbish" and Paaaaah she throws a slap at her.

     " You will regret this Tesa replied as she walked out.

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