
When we dream

Several small random texts (fanfics) about some anime \ mangas

_Hllo · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs



Uchiha Itachi was a superior, perfect art, impossible to be copied even by the strongest sharingan. However, like its outbursts, Itachi's art will also be felt, lived, transitory and, above all, ephemeral.




Deidara's life was calm and peaceful in Iwagakure no Sato. Skilled elite ninja, considered a prodigy for his age, Deidara effectively became a renegade ninja by stealing kinjutsu from his village, fleeing for his independence and freedom of speech - something he didn't have in Iwa. Thus, he found himself a bombing mercenary at the age of thirteen.

His explosive deeds were quickly seen in the five corners of the Shinobi World, including by the secret organization called Akatsuki. In his last days on the run, Deidara was about to leave a temple after stealing his treasures and secret scrolls when he was surprised by a trio of mysterious ninjas. One redhead claimed to be the leader; the other was hiding in a huge puppet; and the last, dark, gave Deidara a strange feeling. That bastard's name was Uchiha Itachi.

The leader stood in front of the other two, showing his hierarchy, speaking about Deidara's prominence in his terrorism and how his name was recognized by the five great nations. Finally, he made a proposal that he thought was irrefutable: he proposed to Deidara a place within Akatsuki.

Deidara obviously refused. His only goal when leaving Iwa had been to be free. Being able to express his supreme art wherever he wanted, when he wanted and how he wanted, ties and affiliations with standards only hindered his goals. For Deidara, only his art mattered.

Akatsuki did not accept his proposal, trying to convince him a few more times, being denied at all times. That was when the mysterious member took a few steps forward, saying that if Deidara defeated him in a duel - there and now - he would be able to leave freely and would never be disturbed by the organization. Knowing to be an extremely skilled ninja, Deidara accepted, attacking him.

What was Deidara's surprise at being defeated. Not only defeated, humiliated. Itachi, with long hair and intense eyes like the starless night, won the duel by using only one attack: genjutsu. The supremacy of the Uchiha's sharingan deeply angered the shinobi - now a member of Akatsuki - with golden threads; not only because of the defeat, Deidara had lost half a dozen times in his fourteen years, but the worst of all was to have his art considered ridiculous. Being humiliated by a mere blood doujutsu. How that pissed him off!

Since that day, hatred for Uchiha Itachi and his sharingan only increased.

Deidara quickly became acquainted with the other members of the organization. Konan was kind, doing the best hairstyles in his hair; Hidan was scandalous and dirty mouth, always filling his patience; Pain, the leader, was silent and when he spoke it was about "being a god"; and Sasori, finally, was his teammate, an artist like him, someone he thought was wise, his master. Of all, those were his favorites. The most hated, of course, remained Itachi.

Itachi was the perfect shinobi stereotype: skilled in ninjutsu, genjutsu and taijutsu of all kinds, above average intelligence, strategist, calculating, perfectionist, strong and, most of all, the sharingan. The all-seeing blood eyes, the trademark of the Uchiha clan. The art of Uchiha Itachi.

Itachi's first impression of Deidara did not change for the next three years, when the fuse happened.

The blonde already considered himself part of the family, spoke and made everyone happy, building bonds of friendship mainly with Akasuna no Sasori, the artist of eternal, immutable and perfect art, something that went totally against his philosophy - the art that must be felt, fleeting - but that did not diminish his admiration for the master. However, everything changed when Pain held a last-minute meeting with all nine members - the tenth, Orochimaru, had fled, taking the last human chakra binding ring with the Gedo Statue - to talk about a secret topic. Arriving last at the meeting he proposed, the leader dropped the bomb:

- For administrative reasons, we will need to make some internal changes at Akatsuki. - the members looked at each other, confused. - Some pairs will be changed starting today.

Buzz and parallel conversations filled the place. They were anxious, indignant. How did Pain plan to change the pairs that had been interacting for years? What the hell was going through your mind? Certainly, the "deifying" thought went up in his head and left him obsolete for good.

- I have an addendum, Pain-sama. Said Kakuzu, the treasurer. - Hidan and I cannot change partners. Not that I like working with this scandal, but I don't give a week to any other member who comes to fight by my side. - crossed his arms. - You know I tend to be a little aggressive when I get angry.

Pain sighed. The Zombie Kombi - the duo Hidan and Kakuzu - was always a delicate exception. After all, being two immortals, one was prevented from killing the other, which increased the success of the missions. In addition, they couldn't look for a new partner for Kakuzu every week.

- Okay, you don't change. - massaged his temples. - So, Itachi and Sasori, you will reverse. Kisame will stay with Sasori and Deidara, with Itachi.

But what the fuck is that ?; thought Deidara, astonished. Both he and the other three were surprised. My synchronization with Sasori at Danna has always been perfect for fighting, how does Pain-dono think I can work with this messed-up Uchiha ?; he wanted to scream and blow up his pierced face, but, fearing for his own life, Deidara only grudgingly accepted. He would have to live for hours with the monotonous company of Uchiha Itachi.

On the other side of the coin, Itachi was sunk in his own thoughts. Kisame is the closest member to me, I even venture to say that we are friends, I thought, not even noticing that the meeting had ended and that only he and his new partner were in the room. Deidara was never easy to deal with, it will be complicated.

Itachi came out of his thoughts, facing Deidara, who was with his arms crossed and sulking. If it weren't for his strong temper, I would have considered him cute.

- Of all people, why are you fair? Deidara complained, her husky voice exuding hatred and contempt. - Pain-dono must be going crazy, hn.

- We will be forced to live together during the missions, I suggest that we try again. - held out his hand. - Partners?

Deidara looked at his outstretched hand and rolled his eyes, turning to the exit without giving him an answer. Itachi withdrew his hand, frowning.

- Why does Deidara hate me so much? He thought aloud. "Perhaps he still has a grudge against the day I defeated him." I can't do anything if he was a complete idiot. - Itachi spoke to the walls. Zetsu, hidden in the shadows, found him more stupid than Deidara. - It was so long ago, he should have gotten over it.

But, knowing Deidara as he did, Itachi knew that the blonde would not easily forget that moment. Not because of defeat, but because of the literal humiliation provided by the Uchiha. A miserable genjutsu has canceled all his defenses. Fast, illusory and painless: the mantra of Uchiha Itachi's art; the opposite literal of the true, painful and subjective art of Deidara.

Itachi did not consider himself an artist, but in himself he had a lot of admiration for the arts. As such, he found Deidara's way of thinking something unique that had its own importance. Live life as if it were the last moment, deeply feeling all emotions and feelings, treating it as if a miserable sigh was something temporary that could be finished in a second. That philosophy, for the Uchiha, was superior to any existential thought he could have.

For Itachi, Deidara's art was - really - admirable.

* * *

Days have passed since Itachi and Deidara had become a pair and, since then, they have not made any great progress. On the battle front, they were incredible, Deidara's long-range attack served as a perfect cover for Itachi's sneak fight, completing itself perfectly - making them understand Pain's lapsed mind a little. However, outside the missions, the pair hardly talked, and when they spoke, they cursed and coarse words, if not irritable monologues.

They definitely didn't get along.

- Suna should be a few minutes to the east - Itachi broke the silence. She didn't usually care about him, but with Deidara, it was different.

- I was the best at the Academy in space reconnaissance missions, don't talk like you know more than I do. - as always, a rude answer. - You stay outside while I search for jinchuuriki, hn.

The pair had been assigned to capture Gaara, Ichibi's jinchuuriki, but they fought more than tried to communicate.

- Why don't we go together? - frowned. - The success of the mission increases by 15% if we attack at the same time.

- Sasori no Danna and I have always parted and we have always been successful, your argument has been refuted, hn - she looked at him with fire in her eyes.

- No argument is justified with previous experiences. - crossed his arms. - Cases are cases, Deidara, and I'm not Sasori.

Somehow, being compared to Sasori irritated Itachi.

- I say the same to you. - He smiled in a corner. - I am not Kisame, your argument cannot be justified with experiences with him, hn.

Smart, Itachi rolled his eyes.

In the end, Deidara gave his arm to twist and took the Uchiha with him in his clay bird. He hated to admit it, but Itachi's help was instrumental in capturing Gaara, which ended up shortening his mission time. As always, Uchiha Itachi is right, he laid the faint body of the jinchuuriki on the clay wing. How I hate this damn bastard!

The trip went strangely quiet. The pair succeeded in capturing the right to brief praise from the leader, who soon began the sealing ritual. After three long days of chakra drainage, Gaara was presumed dead and Deidara and Itachi were left with the task of getting rid of the body. And they really would if Konoha hadn't shown up.

- There are four shinobi. - Itachi analyzed when the cave collapsed. - Of all, Kakashi is the one who knows my skills best.

- You keep the obaa-san and the rose that I take care of the jinchuuriki and that Kakashi. - Deidara got on his bird. Itachi tried to argue, but the blonde was quick to interrupt him. - If he knows your skills, it is best to keep him away from you, hn.

- Right. - sighed. I hated to admit it, but he was right. - Be careful.

- As if I needed to, hn.

Deidara left the cave taking Uzumaki Naruto, Kyuubi's jinchuuriki, and Hatake Kakashi, the copy ninja, away from the sealing cave. It was difficult to fight two shinobi from his ranks - especially with Hatake's sharingan -, but soon Deidara made a breach in the enemy guard, returning to where he left Itachi taking care of Haruno Sakura and Akasuna no Chiyo.

As expected, Sakura and Chiyo had been defeated, but Itachi was awkward. Kneeling while breathing hard, holding one eye tightly while letting out a grunt of pain, it was definitely not the Uchiha facet that Deidara expected to find. That ended up bothering him.

- Itachi? - landed beside him. The Uchiha grunted in response. - Are you alright?

Okay, that was a stupid question.

- What do you think? He asked sarcastically.

- I tried to be polite, baka. - grabbed him by the wrist, pulling him to the bird. - Let's find a place for you to rest, hn.

- And the jinchuuriki?

- Konoha takes care of him, let's go, his eye is bleeding, hn.

The bird took the pair to a small cave miles away from the sealing site. As the sun was already setting on the horizon, Deidara built a fire and went out to look for something edible so they could eat and spend the night there. It was seven o'clock when he showed up with a market bag full of onigui.

- Improved?

Itachi nodded in agreement. His robe was folded, on the floor beside him, and a small cloth with blood rested on his hands. He seemed distant, looking at the fire as if he saw something beyond the flames.

- I've been to a library before. Itachi looked at him with a frown. - Eye bleeding is normal for Uchihas with their level of sharingan, and it must also have something to do with spending chakra in the battle against the girls. - how did he discover all this in a library ?; thought the Uchiha. - But I remember seeing you coughing and, you know, sharingan is not linked to coughs, hn.

After his speech, Itachi contorted his features and coughed hard. Saliva and drops of fresh blood spurted from the dry throat.

"You shouldn't know that," he said, wiping his mouth with the cloth.

- We are partners, aren't we? - approached, sitting beside him. - Even if you don't want to, I'll be by your side most of the time. There's no point in hiding things from me, especially when I'm sick, hn.

Itachi let out a long breath, smoothing his back against the cold wall of the cave. He began to tell his story briefly, from the Uchiha Massacre to the day he discovered he was ill. The Uchiha had little reason to live. His parents and friends were dead, he had no dreams and his little brother hated him. Why fight for life? It didn't make sense. If he had to die, then die soon.

Deidara understood at that moment the contrast of his arts. Yours was joyful, spontaneous, full of emotions and feelings; Itachi's, in turn, was sad, accepted even if grudgingly, waiting in silence for the death that each day took another step towards him. While he wanted to enjoy life, Itachi seemed to strongly want to be killed at once.

He seemed to suffer more alive than when he was going to die.

- Didn't even consider looking for Zetsu? I heard he knows something about medicine. - his voice, unlike the other times, was still. As if, for a second, Deidara understood that he needed this. - Maybe there's still hope, hn.

- Death is my destiny, there is nothing I can do. - yet, Itachi did not want to prevent his failure. - Dying at the hands of my otouto is all I desire. Just this.

Accepting his own death and loss of freedom to fulfill the wishes of his blind brother for revenge, while he himself sinks more and more into solitude, he reflected. He realized then that Itachi was not as self-centered, self-centered or superior as he thought, no. The Uchiha was a human being like any other, he had good and bad feelings, thoughts, ideologies and flaws. It was like him, he had his own way of expressing art. Deidara had never felt so close to Itachi as at that moment.

At that moment, Deidara saw Itachi from another angle.

- Only I know that?

- Kisame knows a part, but not everything. - Itachi didn't even know because he had told the whole story. In fact, why did Deidara look so nice to you? - Do not tell anyone.

- I'm not one to tell secrets. - held out the pinky. Itachi frowned. - In Iwa, we seal secrets like that, putting pinkies together, hn.

In Konoha, this means that we are forgiving each other after finishing a fight, put your pinkies together. He smiled unconsciously. In fact, it seems that we are in a truce.

- Still hurts? He asked as he separated his very mature covenant agreement.

- I feel my throat closing and difficulty breathing. - She looked at him and smiled small. - I've suffered worse things.

This must be the first decent conversation we have had in years, the bonfire light painted Itachi's white face with a beautiful orange watercolor. It gave life to his opaque eyes and felt his small curved lips. Deidara bit her bottom lip. It must also be the first time I notice your details.

A stupid idea crossed his explosive mind. Deidara chuckled.

- We have many customs in Iwagakure. - caught Itachi's attention, who looked at him. - There is a surefire method that we use to decrease pain, hn.

Itachi frowned, that looked suspicious.

- What is?

Deidara approached the Uchiha dangerously, holding his chin precisely. The doubt and disbelief in his dark eyes made him adorable - and attractive. The blonde closed his eyes, sealing his lips with those of what had once been his rival.

Contrast was perhaps the word that best defined their union. Deidara's lips were warm and full, unlike Itachi's cold and thin, along with the adventurous tongue that fully explored him. It had been quick, by surprise, it didn't take long for Uchiha to get carried away, bringing the blonde closer to him.

Iwa's method was very interesting.

The kiss was broken when none of them could keep their breathing rhythmic anymore. They were staring at each other, still embracing, with hearts beating in sync.

Itachi broke the silence with a small laugh.

- Iwa's method, no?

- It's not like you didn't like it. - crossed his arms. - Apparently it worked, he even came back with the funny jokes, hn.

- I thank you for that. - she looked at him. "But don't take me by surprise again or I'm going to kill you."

"You wouldn't have the courage," he teased.

- If it continues like this I promise to throw what you call hair on the fire.

Deidara grunted. Not my hair!

- My hair is hydrated and very well taken care of, it's not like that nest in your head. - Itachi narrowed his eyes. - Besides, I have the advantage here, hn.

Without realizing it, Itachi pushed Deidara until his back hit the cold floor, standing over the blonde. What does this bastard think he's doing? thought Deidara indignantly.

If he had an advantage before, now he had no more.

"In Konoha, we have a surefire method of shutting up scandalous blondes like you," he whispered hoarsely in her ear. Deidara could feel the smile tearing at her skin.

- Good luck then, Uchiha - showed his hands. - because I have four mouths, baka, hn.

When their lips came together and their bodies hugged, Itachi no longer felt pain. His life took on a greater meaning than just waiting for his brother's revenge. Not only that, but he himself began to want to live, to enjoy every second he had as if it were - and probably would be - the last.

Deidara had taught him again how to live.

* * *

Strangeness was little to define the feeling of the other Akatsuki members when Itachi and Deidara arrived in the organization laughing instead of grotesque curses. There were no more silly fights or complaints, just jokes; speculation said that they had become colorful friends. It was strange, unexpected, but nothing worse than seeing their hate - and love - story.

After their last mission together - the capture to Sanbi - the pair were training outside the organization. Their teamwork was perfect and needed no adjustments, but they were testing the new member of the team: Deidara's anti-genjutsu device. Itachi hated to admit it, but not even his most powerful illusions were able to circumvent the defenses of that technological apparatus.

- I said! - disarmed him, trapping Itachi in a tree. The Uchiha was trapped. - My device has no flaws, hn.

- Everything has flaws or defects - analyzed it with the sharingan. It is not possible that there is not even a breach.

- I won, Itachi, that's it! - Deidara celebrated. - I'm on top today, hn.

The Uchiha snorted and disabled the sharingan, crossing his arms. Betting for dominance in bed was ridiculous in itself, but worse than that was losing in the area that dominated most: genjutsu. Perhaps Itachi felt a little of the humiliation that Deidara suffered when being recruited by Akatsuki.

- A device that repelled even my Tsukuyomi. - she looked at him with disbelief. - I didn't know about your technological knowledge.

- You are not the only prodigy, baka. - removed the device from his left eye. - But you were right, it has a flaw: the device is powered by my chakra, hn.

- So if I had held on a few seconds longer, would I have won the bet?

Deidara laughed.

- Probably.

The pair walked through the open field until they came across a small lake of crystal clear water, almost like a natural mirror in the open. They admired their reflections united in the transparent liquid. Even the lake, pure as it was, was unable to hide Itachi's sad countenance.

Deidara noticed her sadness, but decided to remain silent, just listening to the breeze blowing her hair in the wind. If Itachi wanted to say something, it was in his time.

- I talked to Zetsu. - he said after quiet minutes. - He gave me a week.

Shock. Deidara knew that Itachi's illness would someday reach an impossible point to reverse, but he was never prepared for that news. Right now that they were starting to get along these things happened. What would life be like without Itachi? I didn't even want to think about it.

- There's nothing to do? - Despair was visible in his voice. - Anything? Nothing at all? Maybe some kinjutsu or ...

- I'm going to die, there's nothing to do, the disease is consuming the cells in my lungs. - Deidara fell silent, feeling an urge to cry. - I think it's my end.

Deidara sighed and gave a small, melancholy, brittle smile of false acceptance.

- Let's enjoy it then, shall we? - Itachi looked at him, surprised. - Nothing is eternal, Itachi, but the moments are always unforgettable, hn.

Itachi smiled, pulling him into a hug.

- Since I'm going to die ... - here it comes ... thought Deidara. -, can I be on top for sympathy?

- Fuck you, Uchiha.

Deidara and Itachi made the most of the last six days. In the first and second, they disguised themselves, staying on a "vacation" in the refuge of the Country of Termas; in the third, they took an air tour of the five great nations; in the bedroom, they helped Hidan to declare himself to old Kakuzu - they could even be called cupids; in the fifth, they played tricks on all Akatsuki members, including Pain - who was not very happy, by the way; on the sixth, they were alone in the bedroom, enjoying each other's company while telling old stories, loving each other.

On the seventh, Deidara woke up alone in the room, with only the memories of the previous days in her mind, the delicious sensations running through her naked body and a bad feeling in her chest. He knew what was going on, it was expected, but no less suffering.

Itachi had gone to look for Sasuke, his avenging brother.

He rose from the bed, feeling his cloak between the messy sheets. Deidara chuckled when he realized that Itachi had taken his cloak in place of his own. He took the black robe and brought it to his face, inspiring the characteristic smell of the Uchiha. He sighed, dressing in Itachi's outfit.

He was combing his hair calmly when Zetsu passed by the wall. In the last cases, the bicolor was the messenger of Akatsuki, always appearing by surprise to pass the latest news. Deidara swallowed, sweated cold, shivered. If he's here, then it's not a good thing ...

- Zetsu ...

His gaze delivered everything.

- Uchiha Sasuke won.

At that moment, Deidara's world fell. When Zetsu left the room to pass the news to Pain, the blonde fell on his knees on the floor, shouting and shouting insults at Sasuke. His greatest desire was to get out of there stepping deep until he found Itachi's brother, exploding the bastard to disintegrate at the cellular level. But Deidara knew that Itachi's will was not that, he had died to save his brother, giving him his much cherished revenge, and had left with the feeling that it would save him from the darkness. Deidara would not be able to go against the desire of the beloved.

So I would live for him, maybe sad, but I would try.

* * *

His golden hair swayed in the wind as he felt the breeze hit his closed lids. He wore a plain red cloak, barefoot, feeling the grass nudge his feet. His former teammate, Sasori, looked at him with strange concern. Deidara smiled small to herself, then coughed loudly.


- Why didn't you look for Zetsu? You are getting worse by the moment, baka - despite the angry tone, Sasori was concerned. Deidara was an idiot, but an idiot who knew about art.

- These are my reasons, Sasori at Danna. - it was not a lie, Deidara simply did not feel able to go against the events of life. Catching Itachi's illness, even if unexpected, came as a lifeline. - At least I won't see the chaos of war, hn.

- Baka. He growled. - Others will miss your annoying voice.

- I'll miss you too, Danna. - Sasori did not deceive him with his pride. Deidara admitted that he would miss the redhead, the one who was his first friend and partner in the organization. - I will join Itachi and watch you from afar, hn.

Sasori shook his head. I didn't believe in those dreamy and illusory things. For him, when death came, it just came, there were no things after that. However, Deidara was too stupid to die. I always knew he would die young, but I didn't think he would be nearly twenty.

- Baka ...

- You know, Sasori no Danna - Deidara took a clay figurine from inside the mantle. Sasori was not surprised to see the sculpted figure of Uchiha Itachi in his hand. -, Itachi if he decorated a perfect art, hn.

Perfect art?

- The art that is felt at the moment, which provides unique emotions and feelings, fleeting - opened his cloak, pulling the seams that closed his fourth mouth. He suppressed another bloody cough. - ephemeral, hn.

A passionate artist, is that what you have become, Deidara? Sasori got involved in his puppet, moving away from the place. He was distant when he heard the explosion. That's your face, idiot.

- I will become art just like you, ita. Deidara closed her eyes. His body was compressed into a pure chakra ball. He sighed. - Wait for me, hn.

Before becoming art, Deidara opened his eyes to catch a glimpse of what he had become. Amid the intense white that blinded his vision, a pair of blood-colored eyes shone in his direction, warm, resplendent, joining with him as a perfect and superior art.

Becoming perfect art was his dream, finally, realized. He was at the mercy of eternity with the presence - this time, immutable - of Uchiha Itachi, a white canvas that Deidara was able to color with his colors and emotions. Connected, harmonious, contrasting.

The perception he had when disconnecting from the world was that art was not just an explosion. Love, like art, is a lived, transitory feeling that must be felt and used in the moment, ephemeral.

Love was, after all, superior art - true art. And for Deidara, Uchiha Itachi was the pure definition of love.

It was hard to do this ... did you like it?

_Hllocreators' thoughts