
Magus Day

June 5th, 2025 just two years after the end of the covid-19 pandemic, and only a year after the Chinese government seized total global control. Making the new world order under the "Xin Dynasty". It was a totalitarian regime, silencing outcrys from the mistreated public and executing the rebellious fighters. In that singlular year before 2025 the government had completely silenced the rebellion, and took to teaching the youth how they saw fit. Few of whom were bold enough to speak out against their teachers. Much less the officers who wandered the school halls. China would have had a reign that lasted several thousand years. Had it not been for what happened on June 5th, 2025. The day that would soon be known as "Magus Day".

It is an ancient legend, dating back to the Aztec era. One saying that humans not only could use magic, but would one day gain what they lost. The phenomenon known as Magus Day wouldnt be noticed by the population until 8 am when what happened had become abundantly clear. See this is where I come in. My name is Darian Lancet, and i am a senior in highschool. I had just turned 18 the day before and was waking up to a hangover. I had partied a bit too hard last night, and smoked enough cigarettes to make my throat raw. My coughing woke me up, and I immediately looked towards my alarm clock that jad given up on trying to wake me up well over 30 minutes ago. "Looks like I'm late again. Mr. Bumgartner isnt gonna be happy." I said to myself as I began to get out of bed. Mr. Bumgartner was the school principal, but he held little consequence to my life. Not many people did, I was what you could call a distant person, not many friends and even less love for family.

I was getting dressed, sliding my shirt on over my head when I realized something felt different about today. Something that was off from the moment I had awaken, hidden away by the morning haze. There was something inside me, something that had never been there before. It was like someone slipped ecstasy into me just before I woke up. There was this buzzing sensation, running all through my skin. I figured it was the typical staticy sensation one feels when their limbs fall asleep. Sp I pushed the thoughts I had about it to the back of my mind and headed down stairs to the bathroom. "I suppose I should still brush my teeth." I say squeezing mint flavored toothpaste across my tooth brush. I looked in the mirror as I did every time I brushed my teeth when I noticed something rather odd. "I must be tripping." I say through a mouth full of toothpaste and brush. Around my face and shoulders was a thick, yet invisible haze. I put the toothbrush into the sink and spit out the toothpaste and spit mixture i had made. Looking back into the mirror I hold my right hand out in front of me, facing my palm towards the mirror. The irregular haze was surrounding it as well, and I could plainly see that it took on the shape of a whispy wave of energy that flowed like water. "What the entire hell? I think my imagination is in overdrive today." Even at 18 years old I had the imagination of a child. Indescribably vivid, yet not really there. Always like we were seeing ghosts, or if we really were looking into another world. But this was different, this time I could feel it and once I noticed it it seemed to notice me too. Swirling more rapidly than before, and I just knew. How i knew I couldn't tell you, but I knew that this was magic. Not that it made any sense to me at all, but I knew that if I raised my hand and invisioned fire it would appear. "Its not like I haven't tried before." I said as I snapped my fingers. To my surprise, my hand engulfed itself in the flickering warmth of an orange flame. "What the fuck!! oh shit, shit shit!!" I exclaimed, waving my hand around rapidly. I reached for the water faucet rapidly, franticaly trying to turn it on. Even though my brain was telling me that I would be fine. Though on fire my hand did not burn, that was rather irrelevant to me. Who wouldn't react poorly if their hand lit itself on fire. So I plunged my hand into the frigid water that came from a water heater that didn't work. Thankfuly the fire went out, and my heart stopped beating out of my chest. I took a deep breath, and pulled my hand from the water. Exclaiming to myself once again, much louder than the last time. "Are you freaking kidding me?!" Lucky for me my mother was slaving away at her job as a mechanic. She wouldn't be here to worry about me and bang on the door asking what's wrong. The natural adhesion of water determines that no matter what you do, some residual water will be left over after getting an object wet. Not enough to be able to drink however. Like a bubble around my hand some of the coldest water I've ever felt was stuck to it. "Okay so.. get the hell off me." I said as a shook my hand rapidly.