
Magus Day(cont.)

After the first few shakes I realized that the water wasn't going to fall off my hand. "Since when is gravity fickle?" I asked myself amd thought about this situation. Ignoring the fact that I was even later to school than before. It hardly mattered. My mind was racing at a million miles an hour, and suddenly I understood. "This is magic? isnt it?" I said, somehow expecting an answer. Naturally no answer came, at least not one that was spoken. Simply put, the area around my body began to glow all sports of different colors. From dark reds to bright yellows, all shades of the rainbow and so many more surrounded me and flowed like an ethereal veil of life. It was then that I understood, I was an elemental. As if the knowledge was gifted by god himself I knew all I needed to, and I wormed my fingers to an apex. Allowing them to flow with the water, and just as I willed it to. All the water that was on my hand dripped sideways into a wavy sphere of water. And just like before, the knowledge of creation flowed into my mind. But not just of water, of all the elemnts and even their subclasses. Air, Water, earth, fire even things like metal, light, and the very plants that give us the oxygen we breath. The only thing I didnt know was how I was to use this all the way I wanted to. Up until now id only fantasized about magic. Never once had I thought it possible, much less possible without uttering some kind of phrase or spell word. Yet never once did I let the fantasy pass into forgotten memory. given how much time I've thought about having super powers, figuringthis out would be a cinch. "So, what the hell do I do now? I guess I should go to school. no time like the present to show off." I said as i left the bathroom and headed outside. It was a bit cold outside, roughly 38° F and there was a slight breeze. The wind seemed to greet me with a subtle gust and a low pitched howl. I wondered if I could fly and my mind answered. I spoke the understanding and my confusion aloud. "Flight is a high level ability apparently." I felt a little frustrated and the lack of understanding i still had was proving to be problematic. I reached into my pocket and grabbed my.phone to call my grandmother. She always came through for me when I needed something, and now was no exception. She answered after the third ring, which was expected. She was nearing 65 hears of age and moving grew ever more difficult. Her eyes were failing, and her body ravaged by crones and celiac disease. She never once tried to tell me no, evin if it meant putting herself in a bad place. I loved my grandma that's for sure. So I picked up my cellphone, it was a Galaxy S6 and was a few years out of date. This hardly mattered to me because it worked. One ring led to silence, she was likely to already be headed to the phone. Two rings made my fingers count to two, amd by the third ring she was at the phone and I heard a click followed by her voice. "Hey there sweetie, how are you today? Did you hear thw news?" obviously I hadn't because my face was beset with confusion, and I asked with a similar tone. "I think today is the first real good day I've had in a long time grandma." this was an ignorant faced lie. id had many good days, yet for some reason I hated them all. "news? what's the news, and can you give me a ride to school?" She chuckled into the microphone and spoke once more. "If you haven't heard then I wont spoil the surprise." She paused for a moment to remember what id asked about after the news. "Of course I can give you a ride, come on over." She said with a gleeful tone. So I turned around and began walking down the street that lead directly to her house.