
Chapter 38

Chapter 38

After winning the competition, the group was overwhelmed with people congratulating them.

"Hey Radiant! Congratulations on winning!"

"Hope we'll see you next year too!"

"Kyaaa! They really do look cute and handsome up close!"

"Please give me your autographs!"

They didn't know what should they do but before they could do anything, suddenly water fall on the crowd. Though it didn't hit the group.

"Holy crap! Now I have to change some clothes...!"

The crowd slowly dispersed. The group was totally confused. Who actually casted a spell...?

"I'm sure they won't leave you guys alone for a while."

They look at the owner of the voice. And viola! Siro was there with Sumire. He put his baton away with a sigh.

"Dad...are you the one who...?", Xenon slowly questioned.

"Of course I am the one.", Siro shrugged, "I know they won't leave you alone."

"Even so, that's a bit overkill..."

"Anyway, congratulations on winning."