
Chapter 37

Chapter 37

Radiant was fighting against a group called Squad of Tricks. (Shhh, don't judge my lack of naming sense lol-)

They were fighting against each other but when Xenon jumped back to dodge some attacks, he suddenly felt incredible pain on his chest.

"Ugh...!", Xenon kneel down, trying to hide the fact he's in pain.

"What's this...!?", The announcer sounded surprised, "The leader suddenly kneel down on the ground...!"

' Crap...I knew he's not feeling okay yet I let it happened...!', Maia thought as she blocked an attack from a sword user.

Xenon just stayed there, not moving at all. The person who attacked him took this as a chance and tried to hit Xenon unconscious but Eirito intercepted his attack and tried to push him away.

"Argh...!", Eirito struggled, "I...will not...let you hurt him...!!"

Aoi immediately helped Eirito by throwing her daggers at the sword user, who barely managed to dodge it. Eirito kneel down and hold Xenon.