

Harissa Camargo, a mature woman aged 44, widowed for more than 10 years, dedicated herself entirely to her life's work, Teacher, Psychopedagogue, Neuropsychopedagogue, Therapist, Specialist in Emotional Intelligence, Violinist, writers in her spare time, she and owner of a clinic specializing in NLP, DISC, and HMI, had her life on track. She sees her life turn upside down, but everything happens when she receives a proposal to speak at the headquarters of a multinational, and meets the CEO Willian. Willian Negrao and a man in his 38s has never married, after the heartbreak he owes to the bride who left him at the altar to run away with his cousin, and promised himself that he would never give his heart to a woman again, he is outgoing, and funny, owner and CEO of a worldwide, London-based multi-national enterprise and business in his own private retreat. But everything changes his mind when he sees Dr. Camargo at a conference In Brazil, he was impressed by the woman's beauty and friendliness and wanted to have her. She didn't count that in the middle of the way a ghost of the past would rise from the ashes...

Noize_Cristina · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 10 Hari

"You and my heartbeat, every second of my life and your love,

I'll be yours forever, if you look at me and see who I am completely,

a woman who loves and has love to share with you everyday with nothing between us,

just me and you, open your eyes to see what you have by your side the woman in love, ready to be donate,

not only in words but with attitudes and actions, my love for you goes beyond everything and everyone goes beyond the mountains".

Author: Noize Cristina

We arrived at the company, each one went to their sector as they would still have to profile the employees in the collective then in the individual and see the results of the HMI of the executives, and of the other employees, the morning was full and I didn't even have time to have lunch and it was already It was after 1 pm and that's when I remembered to go to the bathroom and when I peed I felt discomfort in my intimacy and I remembered sex, and I worried because after 12 years practically without it, now two days in a row doing it non-stop , and I remembered that every time we went without it for hours and then went back to doing it, I felt pain during penetration so I decided to talk to my gynecologist by video call, I left the bathroom and made the call;



-Hello dr. What do I owe the honor?

-All right Cesar, and how is Anne?...

-I'm doing fine and so is Anne, but I can help Hari...

-Well, that I met a person you know... it's... it's... it's...

-Wait my dr. Are you ashamed to say you had sex and that?...

-Horas Cesar is just that, but when I go to do it at the time of penetration, I feel a little pain, you know, this could be because of the time without...

-Yes, it can even because your hymen and elastic reminds you, and after Perine you didn't break it and it took a long time, it may be that it was just like a new elastic of that very strong one...

-Hmm, and that's the discomfort, to pee...

-Yes too, that depends on when you did it...

-I understand, can I worry about that?

-No, this is normal for you who are coming back active, after so long...


I answered him and turned around and found him looking at me, and the hell of a man who has a habit of picking me up on the phone when I'm talking, I scare intimates... I looked at him who approached already pulling me by the waist... and smelling my neck... I didn't hear anything Cesar was saying anymore... and I groaned

-Hari is everything okay, the pain is so much?

And at that time he saw William...

-Okay dra... then we'll talk...

- Wow, this and I miss you heart...

-Yes my hot cat, so my cat has elastic hymen...

I looked at him with my mouth open, he had heard the conversation...

-Hmm, you heard my conversation...

-Yes enough... to want to bury in you right now...

Having said that, he rubbed against me and the man was ready, but the place wasn't suitable for the act...

-Will someone can come in...

I felt their mouth on mine and they lifted me by the ass putting me on the table, but we heard the door open and we looked at Otavio and some other executives were there looking at us all with their mouths open, I went downstairs quickly and fixed my clothes and hair , Willian with a face that would kill someone there...

-Sorry, we didn't know you were busy Dr....

I felt my cheek heat up with embarrassment...

-Don't you know how to beat Otavio?

-Sorry sir... yeah, yeah...

I didn't know what to do, the shame only increased, and I saw that Willian was very angry with the situation...

-Gentlemen, let's sit down, please and I pulled him by the arm, Otavio lowered his head awkwardly, and I composed myself and started delivering the results with my opinion to each one I made some comments and some suggestions I couldn't look at Willian or to Otavio, what will he think of me... after everything was over, it was time to go as I had made a lot of progress in the morning and in the afternoon I would stay late at the company it was after 9 pm I was tidying up all the my things for the staff to take to the hotel, when the door to the meeting room was opened by Otavio who looked at me with a sad look...

-Hi, Otavio, something happened...

Having said that, I approached him...

-Yes Dr.

-So I sat down and tell me how I can help?

I pulled out the chair for him to sit down, but he didn't...

-Okay, so you can say, you're not happy with the result of my work here and that...

-No, you as always were a great professional, and another thing...

- So tell me, if you have it within my reach...

-Harissa, I've been waiting for you for a long time, and this time I would ask for a chance, but it seems I'm late again, in your life...


-That's what you heard, when we were in college you preferred James now you chose my boss...

-Otavio can be clearer, I don't understand what you're trying to tell me...

- Hours dr. You know what I'm saying yes, don't play dumb it doesn't suit you...

-Ok..., but I didn't choose anyone because I didn't know about your feelings for me until now, I've always had you as a friend, and a co-worker, we are different Otavio, it would never be right, and you know that how I am...

-Yes I know that's why I'm disappointed in you, you suffered at James' hands and now you're with a man you don't even know well...

-And you know me!...

We heard Willian's deep voice behind us and we looked at him, who was looking at us with his arms crossed, with the face of little friends...

-Dr. And I are adults, we are able to choose who we stay with and we want to stay, and we are getting to know each other, no one needs to tell us who we are...

-Sorry sir, I didn't mean to offend...

-Okay Otavio, I'll let Harissa tell me what to do with you because of your invasion I don't need your services in my company, I don't admit that people invade my privacy by coercing people close to me...

I looked at him scared, it's certain that Otavio didn't have the right to interfere in our lives but to send him away that was too much...but I couldn't do anything or give an opinion if he didn't trust Otavio I wouldn't be the one change that, Otavio didn't say anything and left us alone...

-I'm sorry William for that I didn't know his feelings for me I always had him as a brother...

-It's ok my kitten I know it wasn't your fault, I think I'll have to keep an eye out and watch you, I know it's not just him who drags a truck for you has much more than you can imagine now come let's go to the hotel you must be tired...

-Yes, I am, and I am very hungry, and I am also very hungry...

-Dr. Did you eat today?

-I have breakfast, I didn't have time for meals today and I'm very hungry...

-So let's go feed my kitten food and then something better...

-You're a bastard, you know, life...