

Harissa Camargo, a mature woman aged 44, widowed for more than 10 years, dedicated herself entirely to her life's work, Teacher, Psychopedagogue, Neuropsychopedagogue, Therapist, Specialist in Emotional Intelligence, Violinist, writers in her spare time, she and owner of a clinic specializing in NLP, DISC, and HMI, had her life on track. She sees her life turn upside down, but everything happens when she receives a proposal to speak at the headquarters of a multinational, and meets the CEO Willian. Willian Negrao and a man in his 38s has never married, after the heartbreak he owes to the bride who left him at the altar to run away with his cousin, and promised himself that he would never give his heart to a woman again, he is outgoing, and funny, owner and CEO of a worldwide, London-based multi-national enterprise and business in his own private retreat. But everything changes his mind when he sees Dr. Camargo at a conference In Brazil, he was impressed by the woman's beauty and friendliness and wanted to have her. She didn't count that in the middle of the way a ghost of the past would rise from the ashes...

Noize_Cristina · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Capítulo 11 Willian

"Love is a feeling that strong and true,

If there is no silent love between two people, then there is no love,

Because, one cannot love alone.

Author: Noize Cristina

After we arrived at the company, each one went to their own tasks, I had a lot of meeting and a business lunch to define who would take over the companies that were Harissa's that are now mine, her executive manager seemed to me to be a reliable and good man, later i will ask her about it, the farm manager we will chat in person on the thursday when i visit, and i will also ask her about it, she more than anyone can tell me because they work so long for her.

I didn't see her all morning she stayed in the meeting room with the employees and the afternoon will be with the executives so I'll be able to watch her sex seduce me effortlessly and without knowing how enchanted I am by her and every gesture at each step and everything very well calculated and that enchants me and the smart mouth she has, closer to me it seems that all this disappears and it's just my sly kitten Harissa that I'm more delighted every minute, I can say in love and that's right in love. ..as never for her, I'm going to surprise her and who knows, maybe there's good sex, for dessert after lunch, just thinking about it, my buddy is already awake and I wait... I went looking for her and they told me she was in the meeting room , I went in without making any noise and as usual she was on the cell phone talking to a man, hearing him say that her hymen was a new elastic band, very strong that stretches and chooses with force, now I end the pain at the time of sex, and he said that she was like a virgin m again, it made me happy and even happier I was to know that the deceased had not broken him after she had surgery and that I was the first one after so long, and I would be the only one if it was up to me, she turned around and me saw it looked like a tomato in red I approached and kissed her on the neck wanting her to bury it soon, she moaned and the man saw me and he hung up the call she said something to which I replied yes and I took it and put it on top from the table was already ready to stick a finger in it when the door was opened and caught us in the act by my executives headbutted by Otavio, sincerely after knowing that day that he was interested in her and on top of that, I encouraged him to run after now i don't want him near her even an inch and knowing that there is a bet to be with her and that he is part of that bet my blood boils how can a man do that bet a woman it shows me that he is not to be trusted, and I'll keep an eye out open with him and the others, not to get close to her, he apologized and the moment was embarrassing but she quickly left the situation and started her work then we left and she stayed there to attend to the collaborators, I spent the rest of the afternoon on video conferences with my other branches to set important details I bought another soy and corn farm around mine, then went looking for my kitten, and I heard Otavio's voice coming from the meeting room he seemed annoyed, as the door was open I heard him say that she didn't know me...

I thought it was petulance on his part to interfere in our life, and I immediately cut him off, I said that she would make the decision to stay in the company, but I also said that I no longer needed his service, I no longer had confidence in him now even more and he may well want to harm me, I know how a man who loses a woman to another is, so it's done, but if she asks me to go back, when we got to the hotel room she saw my thing, she didn't say anything, she just smiled and kissed me, now we are here in bed lying together, as I heard her conversation more silky, I didn't provoke, we showered together nothing else... and it's so good to have her in my arms...

-Willian I'm done here I was wondering if I can go home tomorrow or Sunday, as I'm going with you to London I have many things to do and another I have to ask permission to travel with my babies documentation this thing and pass some patient that need face-to-face follow-up, to another professional at the Clinic...

-We can go whenever you want my beautiful tomorrow after the time whenever you want...

-But you don't have to leave someone responsible for the company, since you dismissed Otavio...

- Well, I want to know about you...

-No, I can't give up on that, the company and yours, if you did it and because you don't trust him then it's not up to me to give up anything in this regard...

-So you don't trust him too?

-Well, it's not about trusting or not and that he was never a real person, he was always you know how can I say without using technical means, two faces, James never trusted him, and we always had a back foot our class said that he he was the gossip of the class, I also know that he is a person of dubious nature...

I heard her say that made me get the flea behind my ears, so I decided to audit the company I'll send a specialist from London to do...

-Ok so Hari I do need to put another one in his place but I do this anywhere...

- So can we go tomorrow?...


-That's wonderful, let's go so soon I'll pack things up...

She got up packed our things I saw her pack my suitcase with care and zeal and I was thinking what it would be like to have her take care of everything, and what it would be like to have her as my wife for a long time I didn't feel this desire for a woman the only one who woke me up betrayed me, I can't go too fast with her, but just the thought that I'm going to be close to her family and I can make our commitment more serious makes me wish I didn't expect anything and go in the rhythms of the hurricane called Harissa Camargo and even so she and a hurricane, in every sense...

After everything was fixed, the woman was burning and insatiable and we made love until dawn, and then we fell asleep with quilts and something like that I started sleeping with her, the nightmares will disappear, and that made me relieved...

In the morning I woke up she wasn't in bed and I went to look for her and nothing looked and saw our bags near the door, but no sign of her, so I went to the bathroom she must have gone somewhere, or run or exercise at the hotel gym ...

I came out of the bathroom and saw her standing fixing the table she had in the room and she was beautiful wearing a flowery dress with bright blue flowers and thin strap sandals in the same shade as the dress and the hair I love so much in a ponytail... she turned around had a beautiful smile on her face, and came towards me...

-Good morning my beautiful... as you spent the night you slept well...

And gave me a peck on the lips with like peach...

-Oh yes I slept well but I wanted to wake up a sly kitten with orgasm but I didn't find her in bed...

-Um, that would be great, more anxiety to go home after a week away made me wake up early and prepare breakfast for you my heart comes...

She took me to the table and I can confess she had a lot of good things about her and each one was more delicious than the last, we ate with her smiling all the time... then I got dressed and we left the hotel I went to check out she said no I had to make sure everything was ok...

-No dr. I can't let you pay my bills, it hurts my male identity, aflo...

She laughed out loud, which caught people's attention...

-I'm the owner of this hotel if I let my boyfriend pay the bill...oh...I'm sorry...

-Don't be sorry for that, and the truth is we are boyfriends and I want to shout to everyone... HARISSA CAMARGO WANTS TO BE MY GIRLFRIEND...

She put her hand over her mouth, and I saw a tear roll down her cheek, and I was kneeling in front of her...

-Yes William you fool now get up from there...

-Please sir a photo...

Before she even answered, we saw the flashes being fired over us as she was getting up off the ground and I took advantage of it and pulled her in and kissed her there in front of everyone, now the world would know that the widow Dr. Harissa Camargo was no longer available and that the famous Willian Negrao was too... and we heard the hotel staff applaud and whistle... and soon the manager approached with glasses of champagne...

-A toast to the couple, our Harissa deserves to be happy...

She cried and hugged the woman, and I saw that they were friends, in fact everyone involved was her friends or acquaintances I felt like a teenager dating the popular girl from school... we left the hotel and outside there were two cars, and one it was hers and another one in oil green waiting for us...

-Oh William I'm sorry but let's go back by car...

She's on point for what she's been wearing all week...

-This is from my niece a birthday present and another one behind and mine...

I looked at her and then at the car...

-What was it, didn't like the color...

-No, my beautiful, it's not that, well I like more discreet cars...

-Hmm so get used to it boyfriend I like flashy cars and exclusive colors these two beauties were made exclusively for me, I'm the only one who will have him in that color, well I'm one of the members of the factory here in Brazil...

-My God, more than you and a woman...

She laughed...

-You will see sir, in my city there are many things, but that doesn't matter to me, I manage everything from wherever I have it,

She used my line from last night to answer me...

-So I'm dating a rich woman or shall we say powerful....

She laughs more...

-Let's say that the deceased left me in good financial condition, is that a problem for you sir?


We got into the car that she said was hers, and as she wanted to feel the engine, it was behind the wheel, I confess that I remembered that on the day of her accident with her daughters that she almost lost her life, she was the one behind the wheel, but she was a good driver, had to trust..