
When The Heart Blossoms

a young woman living in Seoul with her Halmoni from Jeju. Ayoung has a crush on her school best friend and dreams of a happy future with him, but her life takes an unexpected turn when she accidentally meets her favorite idol, Hwang Min Su. As she falls in love with Min Su, Ayoung must navigate the challenges of a long-distance relationship and the scrutiny of the public eye. With the support of her friends and family, Ayoung must learn to balance her love for Min Su with her own dreams and aspirations. As the story unfolds, readers will be captivated by the heartwarming moments of love and the struggles of a young woman discovering herself in a world of fame and fortune. Join Ayoung on her journey of self-discovery and experience the true power of love in When The Heart Blossoms. As you dive into the pages of this story, imagine yourself as one of its characters. Allow yourself to feel their emotions, experience their joys and sorrows, and discover their hidden truths. Only then will you fully comprehend the depth and richness of this tale. Through your own eyes, you will uncover the secrets that lie within its carefully crafted words, and understand the layers of meaning that exist beneath the surface. So take a deep breath, and allow yourself to be swept away by the magic of this story, for it is only by becoming a part of it that you will truly understand its beauty.

_Yongvi_ · Teen
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32 Chs

Seoul after spring…

Spring vacation has sneaked up on me too. Everything happened. Duho's trip to Tokyo and my trip to Seoul took place in the spring. I felt great pain when I left Jeju after living there for many years. My grandmother has rented a very nice small house in Seoul. I loved seeing a beautiful sakura tree there. A lovely small round table was constructed near the sakura tree.

At night, sitting there and enjoying a hot cup of coffee, the tiredness fades away. I am not a stranger to Seoul. I know every nook and cranny of Seoul.

But as I got used to life in Jeju, I forgot all about Seoul. Chanang University's first day felt like the first day of a new kid going to preschool.

Yoshie-chan, a Japanese girl who lives next door to me, also came to study illustration at our school. I got to know it on my first day of university. After a few days, she and I became best friends. As Duho said, I only talked to one friend. My Jeju best friend is now in Tokyo, and she knows it very well. I always think, "Who was there for me? Du Ho was gone. I have been thinking of sending a postcard to the address Du Ho gave me before he left, but I don't know how to write it. I had to write a letter because I don't know his phone number. Although I live in the twentieth century, I still live in an old-fashioned way.

One day I was walking here and there in Yeouido Hangang Park. I loved its beautiful silence at night. There was a small Taybokki shop nearby. I bought spicy tteokbokki from that shop and tasted it under a tree in Yeouido Park. Du-ho spicy tteokbokki is very nice. I remembered him and had tears in my eyes. I couldn't think whether it was because of this or because I remembered Du Ho.

"Du-ho." "Oh, how I miss you."

I quickly went home and painted a picture of a crying child near a tree in Yeouido Park. I wrote this on the back.

"I have been looking for you for a long time. Without you, my life has no meaning. Without you, I miss you every day when the sky is dark. Dear Du Ho, how is your new life?

By the time I finished writing and drawing this, it was morning. I quickly got ready to go to school.

"You didn't eat it at night, my child, did you?"

"Yes, Grandma, I forgot to eat yesterday."

"If you don't eat like that, you will be getting sick."

"Ok Grandma, I will eat without making mistakes from today on.""Shall I go?"

"Ayoung, didn't Du Ho speak?"

"We don't have his number." Halmoni, I am working at Lee Coffee Shop starting today. I will be late today. Halmoni, you've had dinner; go to sleep.

"Hmm, that's good, my children." Be careful and come back. "Remember to bring vegetables and seeds."

"Okay grandma," I'm walking down the street to the school.I saw that Yoshie Chan was waiting for me.

"Good morning, Yoshie," I said as I followed her.

"Ayeung, I tried to find the place where the boy you mentioned is. "Maybe by this evening, I will be able to find out about that house."

"Thank you, Yoshie. I'm going to send him a picture.

"Shall we go to the post office and get it?"

"We did that, Ayoung. "We don't have lessons this morning. "

"Can I say something else?"

"Shall we go see the upcoming Exo concert?"

Yoshiei, my favorite band is Exo. Then you buy tickets, and we'll go see it."

Before heading to university, we were both talking and going to the post office. Even though we don't understand some of what's being taught on campus, we're both listening as if we do. CAU is a place with many beautiful places to walk and enjoy. It is no secret that actors come to study in the drama and music departments at CAU. Some days, they have a lot of children to visit. But both of us did not even go to see it. We were both crazy about pop songs. People we liked were not in CAU, so we treated others like normal people.

"If you get a new phone, it is good for you, dear."

But, as if I hadn't noticed, I asked, "Why?"

"Get a phone, and you will be able to sell your art... and you will be able to find your Japanese friend."

There is no mistake in her story either. I said goodbye to her, After the lecture, we were ready to come home. But we both work part-time, so we went separately. I work at the coffee shop only until 10 p.m. After work, I went to the supermarket to buy something for dinner. Then I saw a beautiful girl on a notice board talking about a phone. I took food and went to the phone shop to buy a new phone. I went to the phone shop and asked. "Can you give me a phone?"

"Ah, here is the latest one, miss."

He showed me a light purple phone.

"This new phone is made for BTS fans, miss; would you like to buy this?"

"Yes, give it to me."

I give him the money, take it, and think as I walk down the street. Besides EXO, I listen to BTS songs. "But I don't know if I am a real army person." J-hope smiled, and I know very well how he won the questions that came to him. I didn't have my own phone, but Duho's iPod was given to me. We both watched the sea every evening and enjoyed Exo and BTS music.

"Ayoung, are we ever going to meet them?"

"You will have to find a lot of money to meet them." Duho

"If I wasn't angry with my mother, I could have gone to them."

"It's okay, duho, let's go see a show one day."

I walked on the street, reliving the old memories of Jeju. walking home without knowing. Halmoni was sleeping on the chair when I came home.

"Get up, Halmoni. I'm here."

"Did you come?" "I fell asleep here."

"It's okay, Grandma; you have eaten now; go to sleep." I'll eat later.

I gave her the food I brought and went to my room because I was tired.

At night, I had a pain in my neck. Today I went to sleep with a balm at home. I didn't have a cell phone when I was in Jeju. The reason for this was that Halmoni and I did not have enough money. I never bothered her by asking for things I liked. When we wanted to make a phone call, we went to Du Ho's house. Life in Jeju has become a little more difficult for me since I purchased the phone. I am looking for money more than usual.

Even if I have a campus scholarship, the cost of the house is a bit high.

I sent Duho's old mail a message saying that I have a phone. I went to sleep without eating at night because I was tired. On Saturday, I went to Uncle Lee's coffee shop because the customers are more plentiful on weekends.

Suddenly, a call came from an unknown number.

"Good morning. "Who is this?"

"The coolness of Jeju... I still remember her tinkling voice."

It's duho. I can hear his voice after a few days.I slowly crept into the storeroom to talk to him.

"It's been a while since I heard your voice." "I miss you too."

I said crying.

"I'm here. How are you?"

"I'm at work right now. "Shall I call you in the evening?" I asked him because if I talk now, I might lose my job. I finished work quickly, spoke to him, and came home. Grandma also talked with Duho for many hours. I was very happy to talk with him. I fell asleep that day talking to him.

I started my new life with my new friend and my old friend. As Yoshiei said, I also created an Instagram page. Little by little, I posted my pictures. And I started my small art gallery business. I also drew comics. I started creating webtoons because of what Duho said.

Some friends come into our lives to give us strength. For me, Yoshie and Duho are great strengths in my life journey. I am more tired than usual. I stayed up at night and studied and drew some comics. In the morning, I never cut my lectures short. Because I want to get a degree to work for a high-paying company. I attended the lectures in the morning, and I was tired. Unexpectedly, I fainted on campus. When I woke up, I was in a hospital bed. Yossi was with me. "What happened to me?" I asked her. She said, "You are sick because you have grown up." The doctor told me to rest a little. That was when my life started to change. After the hospital, we came home. I asked her not to tell Halmoni about this incident.

But I never thought that a tragic event would happen. I left the hospital and went to work at the coffee shop. Even though Yoshi told me to rest, I came home only after the work at the shop was over. When I came home, it was past 9 p.m. There was no lamppost that used to shine like a star in front of the house.

Although it felt strange, I slowly went home and looked for Halmoni. She was nowhere to be seen. She was nowhere to be seen. I went ahead to the tofu shop and asked about my grandmother. Then they said that she was taken to the hospital suddenly. I could not walk because of the pressure. I felt that my legs were crawling like worms. Niagara Falls' eyes welled up with tears. I floated past four houses and went to Yoshie's house.

I was at a loss for words. I eagerly told her the details and went with her to the hospital.

"Ayoung doesn't worry. "She has a little illness."

"I... want to see her." Kimiko Park, Room 22

"Okay, girl, we have seen the grandmother and met the doctor."

A nurse there said that there is room number 22 for Kimiko Park. As soon as I saw the name, I couldn't even go inside. Yoshie slowly opened the door and accompanied me. Halmoni was sleeping at that time. I didn't even have the words to talk to her.

"Ayee, my child. " "I am fine." That grandma's voice I screamed loudly and ran to her to hug her. "Please don't leave me!" I cried. I have no one in this world except my grandmother. I can't bear to lose her too.

"Is this you, Miss Ayeung?" A young doctor asked me. I quickly stopped the gesture and nodded my head without saying yes.

"Miss Ayoung I am Mrs. Kimiko's doctor. Her blood pressure has decreased, and she has been in the same hospital. "She does not have any other illness."

"Thank you very much, Dr."

"I will take good care of my grandmother starting today."

"It's good. You can take her tomorrow morning."

As soon as those words were spoken, I relaxed. With a sigh of relief, I was holding my grandmother's hand and sitting next to her.

"Ayoung come here for a while."

"Wait, I'll come." I went out to talk with Yoshi.

"Sit here. Eat this. "Here is the medicine; drink that." "If you get sick, who will take care of Grandma?" Those words from Yoshi brought me to tears. "Thank you so much," I told her, hugging her.

du-ho The only friend, I had after the Tokyo trip was Yoshie. Although she is Japanese, she is very loving and affectionate. It is my blessing to have a friend like her. That's how we spent that day in the hospital. The next day, we left the hospital with my grandmother. I prepared all the food in the morning. When the night comes, I take the food.

Every Friday night I talked to Duho. However, I was not informed of my grandmother's illness. After a while, I developed feelings for him. We talked every Friday via video call. We were happy like that for a while. I didn't express the love I had for him in my heart. I value friendship more than love. Duho suddenly stopped talking to me. I tried to contact him several times but failed.

I even sent emails and pictures. But none of them got a reply. Every time my phone rang, I thought it must be him. There was no news from him until the end of the year. I was looking forward to everything. One by one, memories broke my heart.

"Doesn't Duho remember me?" I asked myself.

When Jeju was there, he was there for all my problems. But I was the only one who helped me in Seoul. Sometimes I want to leave with my head turned away. But I was patient because of Halmoni. I had to work part-time until the end of the university to cover household expenses. Mr. Lee is our mother's old friend. So working in the shop is not that difficult. I used to work until late at night, and I would go home with dinner. Halmoni's daily soap is looking like a crazy person. Even if I come home some days, she doesn't care.

"I came home..."

When I looked at Halmoni, her eyes turned red. I was very scared.

"Oh, Halmoni, what's going on?" I hugged her.

"Oh, Kim Bum died. I can't bear it. I was wondering who Kim Bum is. Then I realized who Kim Bun was. Kim Bom is the main actor in her favorite drama.

"It's not good for you to cry." "But that time I will break the TV," I said angrily.

"Break the TV?" "Young, get out of here," she said as she smacked me with a pillow.

I ran to the room, laughing and shouting. Days passed without knowing any news about Du Ho. Du Ho's mother is almost always in a makeup advertisement. I thought, "If I had met model Yung, I would have known about Du Ho."

Since tomorrow is Saturday, Yeoshi also went to the agency to meet her.

"Ayeung, will this be okay?" I'm scared."

"Don't be afraid. "Let's try," Yoshi said, and we went inside the agency.

"Who wants to meet you?" asked a girl who was there.

"I came to meet model Mrs. Yung Aeri."

"Miss wants to know who you are," she said again.

"A friend of Du Ho's," I said. After a while, I was able to go inside and meet her. She is more beautiful than I thought.

"Why didn't you come here for a charity service?" she said proudly.

"Duho didn't talk to me for a long time. Is it a problem?

"Third-class girls have not attracted Du Ho." "Don't waste my time and get out of here," she said and left. That work also failed. "Maybe so," I whispered.

"Don't worry about that, Ayoung!" I know Yoshie said that to make up my mind. Again, I came home and thought. "Maybe I won't be able to see Duho again." I was tossing and turning on the bed.

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