
When The Heart Blossoms

a young woman living in Seoul with her Halmoni from Jeju. Ayoung has a crush on her school best friend and dreams of a happy future with him, but her life takes an unexpected turn when she accidentally meets her favorite idol, Hwang Min Su. As she falls in love with Min Su, Ayoung must navigate the challenges of a long-distance relationship and the scrutiny of the public eye. With the support of her friends and family, Ayoung must learn to balance her love for Min Su with her own dreams and aspirations. As the story unfolds, readers will be captivated by the heartwarming moments of love and the struggles of a young woman discovering herself in a world of fame and fortune. Join Ayoung on her journey of self-discovery and experience the true power of love in When The Heart Blossoms. As you dive into the pages of this story, imagine yourself as one of its characters. Allow yourself to feel their emotions, experience their joys and sorrows, and discover their hidden truths. Only then will you fully comprehend the depth and richness of this tale. Through your own eyes, you will uncover the secrets that lie within its carefully crafted words, and understand the layers of meaning that exist beneath the surface. So take a deep breath, and allow yourself to be swept away by the magic of this story, for it is only by becoming a part of it that you will truly understand its beauty.

_Yongvi_ · Teen
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32 Chs

Awaiting Cherry Blossoms

On the first day of the coffee shop, there weren't many people, but after a while, the crowd started to gather. I genuinely enjoyed working at the coffee shop. It was a happy accident that I ended up here, witnessing the joy on people's faces as they walked in.

"Excuse me, are you Ayoung?" a young boy wearing a hat approached me.

"Ah, yes, that's me," I replied, curious about the parcel he held out to me. Slowly, I unwrapped it, revealing a box adorned with stickers. Minsu's signature, accompanied by a letter on pink paper, caught my attention.

"How are you, my princess? Place this sticker in your coffee cup, and you'll encounter good people. I'll be coming soon. This is a small gift for you. Wait for cherry blossoms. I'm yours 🌙"

I kissed the letter, my heart brimming with happiness. A soft smile adorned my face as I carefully affixed the sticker to my coffee cup. Capturing the image of the steaming cup, I posted on social media, "I'm eagerly awaiting cherry blossoms."

Just then, a customer approached, requesting an Americano. I put my own coffee cup aside and prepared the beverage, ensuring to include the sticker that Minsu had sent me. As I handed the cup to the customer, our eyes met. It was none other than Byung Ho.

Later, I found myself on Byung Ho Beach, engaging in conversation. "How was your trip?" I inquired, attempting to maintain a composed demeanor.

"Good, Ayoung! Are you doing okay?" Byung Ho asked with concern evident in his eyes.

"Hmm, I'm hanging in there. Oh, man," I replied, trying to divert the conversation.

"Ayoung," Byung Ho called out, fixing his gaze upon me. Perhaps he sensed the tears I was holding back.

"There's something you want to say," he stated.

"Everyone has something to say...and I'm here to listen," I uttered sorrowfully, my gaze fixated on the distant sky.

Byung Ho proceeded to share a story, unraveling the events of that fateful day. I listened attentively, my mind drifting as I absorbed the words.

"He wanted to surprise you. He had flowers, but you were nowhere to be found. When I saw the letter, I handed it over to him. He searched all over Seoul, trying to understand why you left. Later, Jaashaa revealed that Director Bun had appeared, but you were already gone. Some of the things Director Bun said were untrue."

I couldn't sit still, listening to Byung Ho's account. I couldn't bear this pain any longer. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I whispered, my voice trembling.

"Don't be angry at Min. He's currently serving in the military. Let's meet him again. Let's resolve everything," Byung Ho suggested.

"I'm not angry," I replied, my realization dawning upon me that waiting itself is an act of love. Byung Ho departed for Seoul once again as the evening settled in.

I brought home some fried chicken and soju, my usual companions since arriving in Jeju. As was my routine, I emptied two or three bottles of soju and drifted off to sleep.

*Brr* The sound of my phone interrupted the quietude, signaling a message from Manager Jang. It was a link, leading to Min Su's latest song. I indulged in the music, savoring its melodies while accompanied by a glass of soju."

Title: "Whispers of Love"

Verse 1:

To snuggle up and warm you in the winter,

Flowers bloom in my heart when I'm with you.

Come, my love, let's walk holding hands,

Where did you hide? I'm longing for you.


I love you, my darling,

With a love that knows no bounds.

I'll give wings to my wish, send it to you,

Becoming a gentle breeze, near and true.

Verse 2:

Don't hide my love, please come quickly,

Let us unravel our story, undeniably.

Oh, baby, I can't shed a tear,

But let me rest my weary head on your lap, my dear.


In this world, only we truly know,

The depths of our love continue to grow.

I don't mind the disapproving eyes around me,

As long as we're together, no storm can bring us down.


Oh, baby, won't you come now,

Can you hear this song I'm singing somehow?

I search for you in the depths of my dreams,

Where laughter and joy forever gleams.

Verse 3:

When will you be here by my side?

Oh, baby, I can't bear to hide.

Love may sometimes taste bitter, it's true,

But my only wish is to share it with you.


Come soon, my love, for I patiently wait,

To embrace the seasons, together, in a fate.

Let's cherish each moment, heart-to-heart,

Creating a timeless love, a work of art.


I love you, my darling,

With a love that knows no bounds.

I'll give wings to my wish, send it to you,

Becoming a gentle breeze, near and true.


Come, my love, let's spend the seasons together,

In a symphony of love that will last forever.

Whispers of affection, tender and sweet,

Our souls entwined, love's melody complete.

Without realizing it, tears began to fall from my eyes, flowing down my cheeks like a river of sorrow. All I wanted at that moment was to escape from the grip of my despair and find solace in Minsu's arms. The weight of this pain made me feel like I was carrying the weight of a thousand lifetimes. I screamed a desperate plea echoing through the void around me. In a desperate attempt to ease my pain, I desperately passed out a bottle of soju in its immediate numbness. As the last drops of soju drained from my throat, I was left with a bitter emptiness, reflecting the emptiness within my soul.

With a heavy heart and an empty stomach, I went to the busy market. From the chaotic crowd, I picked out the essentials for our humble abode. But wherever I turned, my life seemed to lack purpose and meaning, so a sense of weariness settled over me. Every step felt weighed down by the weight of monotony, every breath a reminder of the desolation that permeated my being.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

_Yongvi_creators' thoughts