
Chapter Seventeen

"It's about to go down, in a minute! Let me touchdown, I'mma get it. 'Cause I, I, I've been waiting all night!" Guy Diamond sang cheerfully, taking Poppy's hand and dancing with her while they skipped through the cheering trolls to the game zone, a cluster of buildings marked with high beam signal lights and flashing neon colors. "To make it go from the friend zone, to the end zone, tryna take it to the house, baby, let's go! 'Cause I, I, I've been waiting all night. It's game time!"

"Do you think this will work?" Poppy giggled, bumping her hip into the glitter troll.

Guy spun the princess in a flashy dance move, catching her by the waist. "It most definitely will!" he exclaimed.

"I'm so excited I could scream!" Poppy said, breaking away and cartwheeling down the path.

Guy Diamond waved and chased after her, "Hey, wait up!" he laughed.

The Game Zone was everything you could desire. There was an expansive arcade, carnival games, giant critter rides, bumper car racing, and even competitive pie eating. The trolls were crammed at the gate, waiting impatiently for the go ahead to enter. In a flash of white smoke, the critically acclaimed Nova Swift presented herself to the crowd, balancing on top of the metal gate that separated them from their fun, her fans screaming and going wild at the unexpected entrance.

She was the village's most influential trend setter, and the fashionable troll with striking yellow hair blew kisses and waved, "The honor is mine, my little nuggets!" she said happily."I'm here to get us started in our festival games at the request of Princess Poppy! Play to your hearts content, make memories and dreams come true, and party on until the night gives out!" The troll pulled a confetti popper out of her pocket and pulled the string, the tiny celebratory pop releasing the stampede of excited trolls into the district where they spread out to their favorite choices.

Nova jumped down from the gate and was instantly surrounded by her admirers. She smiled pleasantly and chatted with them for half a second, then brushed past the trolls and pointed earnestly in another two trolls' direction. "You there, little grey troll!"

Branch tried to ignore her, but Creek took him by waist to keep him stationed. The purple troll was getting a little too bold for his liking, placing his hands wherever he pleased every time he wanted to avoid an approaching headache. He understood why he had to stay, but he was going to fight it to the teeth because that was the only thing that proved he wouldn't be easily manipulated. Branch was bombarded by the many eyes of Nova Swift's fans while the group turned to look at him. Passing through the gate undetected would have been a joy, but now he was being summoned by, yet another, one of Poppy's friends.

"What is it?" Branch asked, quirking his brow and straightening his back to meet Nova Swift as she sauntered over to him with her followers trailing in her wake.

"It's time for your surprise," Nova said pleasantly, "We have picked out an especially trendy game for you and Creek to share."

Knowing that this was what Poppy wanted, Branch's mouth twitched but he didn't refuse, following the fashion troll through the gate and into something that resembled a small town in itself. Creek was unusually quiet, skeptical of what was in store for them. It seemed he didn't know that the 'surprise' was for both of the trolls. Branch watched the purple troll from his peripherals, noticing that his lip was tight and his hands were twitching at his sides. Either he didn't know what lie ahead, or he did know and he didn't like it.

Trying not to become too vexed, Branch looked to his right and left, drawing his curiosity to the different things the trolls were doing. Some were hurtling splat balls at each other and some were popping balloons with squirt guns. Prizes of all shapes and sizes were being offered at the carnival games, the stuffed animals noticeably larger than even Biggie.

"Do you like stuffed animals?" Creek asked Branch quietly while they followed Nova through the crowds.

"No, it's fine," Branch said quickly. He wasn't about to let Creek fetch him a prize, his pride wouldn't allow for it. That sort of thing was meant for couples, not displaced friends.

"This first game screams sizzle!" Nova said suddenly, throwing her arms out, "and it's something you all know and love from your adorable teenage years." The female troll smiled slyly as she turned to face them, gesturing to a tall, freestanding door that was placed in the middle of a circular plaza. "Seven minutes of hug heaven."

The door was illuminated by a bright spotlight, encompassed by dozens of couples who were waiting in line for their turn. Then, the door opened and the current pair came out of the closet with flushed faces, giggling like children. The two trolls hugged each other then skipped out of the way for the next set. Branch gripped Creek's sleeve and took a step back, ready to bolt. No way, they wouldn't actually try to make Branch do something like that?

"These two are next, by the order of Princess Poppy!" Nova Swift shouted out, jumping behind their backs and pushing Branch and Creek towards the group.

"You'll have to kill me first!" Branch yelled, dodging around Nova quickly and making a break for it. He was going to get the hell out of here and go back to his bunker. He was done with this entire fiasco of a party! Absolutely finished!

"Now, now, don't run away! Grab him!" Nova commanded, and her fan group grabbed Branch at the shoulders and dragged him to the open door while he was flailing madly. "Poppy said you might try to fight but this is more than I could have imagined," Nova pondered. Creek was in no better position. He was frantically trying to talk to Nova and change her mind while she blatantly ignored him, but they seized the purple troll as well and they were both thrust unceremoniously into the closet, the door snapping shut.

"Timer, timer," the trolls chanted. "Ready, set, go, seven minutes of hug heaven!"

Branch twisted in the closet and felt around himself, trying to gather his bearings. "Damn it all, damn it!" he cursed.

It was hot and cramped inside the costume closet. Branch pressed his back against the thick layers of hanging clothing, trying to inch away from the troll on the other side of the darkness. His heart was hammering out of his chest. They couldn't have even cleaned out the place if they were going to use it for their stupid games?

Creek said nothing and made no direct movements, which confused him considerably the more seconds that ticked by. He'd expected to be tackled with a hug immediately, but instead Creek was playing a silent, evil game within the game. He definitely didn't appreciate it, wishing the purple troll would show a little more crazed demeanor to fit the situation. Branch's skin crawled, all of his senses straining. They were so close together he could feel the caress of air coming from his breathing.

The laughter and chatter continued to blare from the other side, muffled but still loud enough to vibrate their enclosure. Branch kept one hand clinging to a random crumple of fabric hanging at his left side, feeling around with his right towards the door to test the handle. He jimmied it roughly but it didn't budge. They were definitely locked inside.

"I can't freakin' believe it," Branch growled, slapping the handle in frustration. His ears twitched and turned at the slightest sound of shuffling. There was no way that Creek didn't feel as awkward as him right now. "You don't have to hug me," he said. "We can just wait this out and go back to the survival bunker. I'm sick of this festival, anyway. Stupid game, right?" Branch snorted, his nerves shaking into his voice, "and honestly, we both know you don't want to be cramped up in here with me, so don't worry about it." He wanted to make his stance clear about their position but the more he spoke, the more he regret his words. Stinging pain worked its way through his feelings and Branch felt pressure at the back of his eyes. This whole ordeal was pushing the limit and he felt like he might cry because of it. He was stressed out, sick of the bullying that he had to endure.

Parties, making friends, and just participating in the happiness that was the Troll village; all of these things Branch avoided like the plague and it really got him thinking, what was the point? He fought tooth and claw, but in the end he always ended up doing what the village wanted. Unfortunately, he could feel part of himself aching to be included… the small yearning inside budding up whenever a troll looked in his direction, and a desperate longing to get a hug inside of a dusty closet from a handsome, purple troll. He really did want it and he was disgusted with himself for always pushing those wants away. He pushed away while they pulled. The two halves of his personality were doing a tug-o-war in his heart and he was sick of it all. Afflicted and tired, Branch closed his eyes in the darkness to relax away his grief.

He heard the other troll take in a sharp breath suddenly. Branch quirked an eyebrow, pondering what it meant. Branch's mind reeled at the possibilities, each one worse than the last. Did Creek actually hate being this close to him? Creek still wasn't saying anything and he seemed guarded. They stood, facing one another, without a single word exchanged and it was incredibly uncomfortable. Branch clenched his teeth as he fought back the wetness growing in his eyes. He'd always expected to be pushed away by everyone because he was the unhappy, grey troll of the village. Even so, he wanted to believe that Creek was different now.

Irritation settled over his depression while he still couldn't see an inch in front of his face. The closet was pitch black, stuffy, and smelled strongly of cosmetics, plastic, and used fabrics. Sweat bead on his forehead and he swiped it away, wishing the seven minute game would end already. The stagnant silence reached lethal levels and his heart beat wildly in his chest with every passing second.

Creek cleared his throat then, startling him back into the clothes rack. Branch squinted his eyes in the darkness, barely making out the faint outline of his figure. He was shaking his head back and forth, quiet but refusing. 'No?' Branch questioned sourly in his head. No, what?

"I don't understand you," Branch scoffed, losing his patience. "Do you actually want a hug, or don't you? Why don't you say something? Is it really so bad, being locked in here with me, that you can't even talk to me?" When he was met with more silence, Branch did his best to hide a hiccup, the emotional chunk in his throat threatening to make things worse. "Fine, that's great. I don't even like hugs."

The purple troll huffed in frustration and raised his arms quickly, capturing Branch and pulling him in for a tight squeeze. It didn't take much effort since they were already so close together.

"Hey, hey! Did you not just hear what I said? I don't like hugs." Branch's face contorted in a blush and he grabbed Creek's shoulders to try and push him off. He smashed his palm into his nose, but Creek pushed it aside and moved his head next to Branch's hot cheek, out of reach. Stubborn mule, Branch thought briefly while he struggled in the vice grip. Being stubborn was something they had in common, so he couldn't hate Creek one hundred percent because of it.

The guru wrapped his arms tighter around, splaying his hands on Branch's back and just held him in silence. Branch shifted slightly against his solid torso before he gave up the struggle with a soft sigh, his palms resting on Creek's chest… Creek seemed to have a knack for giving Branch all of his unspoken wishes, even in the fits of his anger. His body was incredibly warm and comfortable to lean against. Branch's heart felt loud and reckless and he knew that Creek could feel it pounding into him like a drum while they were pressed together.

"I wish I knew what you were thinking sometimes," Branch grumbled quietly, laying his flushed face on Creek's shoulder, eyes wet but not overflowing. "Being around me gets you nothing… I have nothing to offer, nothing to give you... and you're going all in, for what?"

Laughter and music echoed through the closet while the dark troll wallowed in his conflict. Any moment now and Poppy would let them out of this hellish place. He was getting hotter and it was difficult to breathe while being constricted in the small area. Creek's hair was stronger than ever before, emanating that minty smell that was all too familiar now. The scent was filling the closet to the ceiling and masking over the other uncomfortable mixtures. Branch breathed in slowly, letting the wonderful aroma permeate. It was the first time he didn't try to reflexively recoil away from it.

"You smell so good, Branch..."

Branch almost missed the whisper in the background noise. Creek's hands moved on his back now, caressing in small, slow motions while he felt up and down his silken black shirt. Branch breathed sharply and was about to refuse being handled so intimately, but a gentle tremor of pleasure seeped between his nerves and his brain stopped his tongue. The massaging ministrations broke through his thick hide like it were made of wet paper, entangling his thoughts.

No one was ever allowed to touch him like this. He never willingly accepted any kind of contact. Trolls couldn't even get close enough to do it, except Creek. Was he really about to let Creek do what he wanted? His swallowed heavily while his thoughts blanked, dialing in on the movements. He didn't hate it, not at all. There was something different about Creek right in this moment that Branch couldn't place. It was like the purple troll was purring against his shoulder, hands exploring without containment. It interested him and frightened him at the same time. It's not like Creek didn't know who Branch was. He knew exactly what kind of unforgiving, grumpy troll he'd grown to be, and yet he took brave steps without looking back, totally oblivious to any possible repercussions. He was either very confident or extremely dumb. The closet was dark but Branch bet his bunker that he could absolutely punch the troll square in the face right now, if he really wanted to, but he didn't.

Branch's heart beat impossibly faster, feeling a particularly deep caress down his spine. The bodily venture continued, becoming even more daring. Both hands moved along his tensing muscles and around the back of his hips and just barely above his ass, repeating the path several times. The strong fingers traveled farther and pressed into the junction of his shoulder blades, massaging upwards, rougher than before. Creek released a heated breath through his nose, like a geyser of steam, against Branch's shoulder. "What is this? Your scent… is intoxicating," the purple troll whispered.

Wave after wave of delight showered over Branch and his breathing came in little pants, eyelids fluttering. His scent…? Did he have a scent in the same way that Creek had one for him? The sensations of Creek's hands combined with his soothing mint leaves engulfed the grey troll in a blissful cocoon. His body was melting easily into those amazing hands. Creek unraveled the years of strain and tension built into his muscles, teasing away aches with fine expertise.

Branch gripped handfuls of Creek's purple cloak, needing support while his legs weakened. The pressure in the closet was changing, the air becoming thick and sweltering. Mischievous, lithe finger tips snaked under the edge of his shirt and hooked the material up up the middle of his back, touching the naked skin with his other hand. Branch's gasp hiked up and caught, sparks igniting like raging fireworks, and he made the smallest, uncontrolled noise. Creek moved his mouth onto his neck, letting the grey troll feel that his breaths were also short and quick. Branch's panting elevated and he angled his head backwards, a bodily shiver traveling through him. The purple troll sucked deeply through his nose and opened his mouth along a tight neck tendon, lips dragging upwards to where Branch's sharp jawline and earlobe met. Blood coursed hot and fast in Branch's veins, goosebumps raising while he felt his ears about to be assaulted.

"W-Wh.. Wait," he breathed hastily, fingers clawing hard into Creek's shoulders. How did it get to this point? Creek was going to eat him alive and Branch needed it with every fiber he possessed. His consciousness was beginning to peek through the haze, but all he could think was please don't stop. "Too much," Branch whined in urgency. He had to try and stop this before they couldn't turn back.

The troll ignored his protest with a disgruntled groan. Creek's tongue slipped out and gave a full bodied lick over the shell of the pointed ear then bit into Branch's lobe.

"Fuck!" Branch cursed with a broken cry, sagging heavily into Creek's chest and holding on to him for dear life. His ears were so unbearably sensitive and desire danced playfully between his chest and his groin. He couldn't help his body from arching forward while Creek dug his teeth endlessly into his pathetic earlobe and massaged the tender flesh with his tongue. Then, the purple troll made an intimidating primal growl, clamping both hands tight into his bottom cheeks to keep them pinned together. Branch shuddered, the pleasure jerking him inward and their hips ground erotically. Creek was hard.

"I want... I want you, Branch. I always have," Creek whispered passionately in his ear, his voice dry and trembling. The troll went to planting kisses following down his exposed throat.

"C-Creek," Branch pitifully responded.

He groaned, "you were my everything," and sucked on Branch's neck, scraping his teeth into his skin and licking the bite with lacking coordination.

A strong thigh slipped between Branch's crippling legs and pressed into his crotch, pulling another sharp moan from the dark troll. He scrambled against Creek's body, the last thread of coherent thought lost to the void. The painful coil of his arousal was winding inside, tormenting him and loving him at the same time. Let him touch you. Touch him back!There was nothing else he wanted to do.He was craving what he didn't know anything about; craving so much that it made him insane. Branch's hands rose fast and delved into the back of Creek's hair, grabbing handfuls of the delicious sapphire locks. They pressed their sweaty foreheads together while his hips moved as they pleased, stroking against the bulge inside Creek's pants with his own.

"Mother of God, yes," Creek panted fiercely.

Branch was crazed with lust, every sound and movement that Creek made only drove him harder into oblivion. He didn't care anymore, he needed more than this. He wanted to strip off the troll's clothes and pull every pitch from his pleasured voice while he writhed underneath him. Then, a soft laugh resounded from his aggressor, arms holding him up while his legs were unsteady.

He laughed. Why did he laugh?

Creek grabbed Branch's chin abruptly and held him steady through the flames of their passion while he dipped his head to kiss him on the mouth. Just before their lips came together, suddenly from outside Nova Swift yelled "Alright, TIME'S UP!"

The door to the closet burst open and a multi-colored arms reached inside. Branch was dragged back out into the plaza, blinded by the harsh change in lighting. He flew his hands to his eyes and rubbed them painfully while the crazy trolls jumped, shouted, and cat called at him over the blaring music. He blinked several times then looked around quickly to the closet door, staring at the one that had made his entire body set fire. Creek was ushered out behind him, already being replaced with another pair of trolls who giggled and slammed the door shut. "Timer, timer! Ready, set, go!" the crowd yelled for the next couple in the closet game.

The purple troll looked as disheveled as Branch felt, cheek's flushed and mouth open agape while they both panted, out of breath. His perfect, two-toned hair was sticking up in small places, especially the back. Creek stared back at him, eyes overcast and dilated with sexual hunger. Then, he put his hand to his temple and tore their eyes apart, briskly walking away in the opposite direction. A cold splash of reality smacked Branch without mercy.

Running out of the woodwork, Poppy jumped and waved at Branch while she trotted up to his side. "How was it?!" she asked Branch enthusiastically, startling him with a shoulder shake. "Did you get a really nice hug from Creek?? Eh?? I bet you did, from that look!" She elbowed him the side with a smirk. "Tell me what happened!"

Branch swiveled around to the pink troll who bounced up and down on the balls of her feet. A sudden anger boiled up inside him, his eyes livid. "Why did you do that?" he demanded.

"Do what?" she asked cheerfully, tilting her head. "What's wrong?"

"Why did you put us in there?!" he cried out, looking back towards Creek and watching him drift farther out of view. He was headed back towards the entrance to leave the festival arena, pushing through dancing trolls and dodging around rolling snack carts.

Poppy frowned and crossed her arms, "I know you guys did more than hugging in there, it's written plain as day all over your faces! Don't get mad 'cause I helped you along, someone had to!"

Branch scowled at her, but then his expression shattered into deep despair. "How are we supposed to be friends like this, Poppy," he asked, tears filling his eyes. "Just when I thought we could go back to how we used to be. I can't stop myself from wanting him," he sniffed, covering his eyes with his arm. "How can we be friends now, after that? How can we, when.. we..."

Poppy took Branch's hands in her own and squeezed them reassuringly, giving him a small smile. "That's easy, Branch. I know it's hard to think about but you can be more than just friends. You guys were meant to be together, don't fight it anymore! You both have incredible chemistry, in more ways than one!"

"That's impossible!" he yelled at her, yanking his hands out of her grasp. Branch turned his back on Poppy and covered his mouth, all of the different emotions swirling inside his stomach. He felt like he was going to puke. "Just tell me one thing," he managed to say. "Did you force Creek into your plotting? It seemed like he knew what was going to happen, as did all of your other friends. I feel like I was on a pre-made path to this horror."

Poppy bit her lower lip and tapped her fingers together, "Er… No. It's not like that, it's kind of complicated. I mean, I guess I did ask my friends for help. We were trying to match you guys together. But it was only for your own good! This entire event was made just for you, Branch" she said quickly, waving her hands defensively. "And Creek only knew a little bit, I only talked to him about my surprise!"

Of course.

Pieces fell into place inside Branch's mind and the more it made sense, the more it hurt. This night, Poppy had harassed him for the last time. Her actions were unbearable, never listening to his concerns, always trying to include him in things that he didn't want. Festivals, yoga lessons, even placing Creek in his bunker to begin with. This time, she had forced Creek into playing with his heart. Just when he had started to open up to the purple troll, his defenses were broken and his feelings were toyed with. Was Branch some kind of sport to them? The utter betrayal from both trolls was almost intolerable, but Branch was strong. He could handle this, just like any other thing pushed his way. He couldn't believe how stupid he was, thinking that Creek could be more than anything but a rival.

"I get it," Branch said quietly, turning back to Poppy. He fought back the turmoil, but he was losing the battle. He didn't want to cry anymore, not for them. Their business weren't worth his feelings anymore.

"You do?" Poppy asked worriedly and inspected the grim lines in Branch's face, trying to read what he was thinking.

"Stay away from me," he choked on the threatening emotional lump lodged in his throat. His eyes were going to deceive him if he didn't get away from Poppy quickly. "Just leave me alone."

"What, what, what?!" Poppy gasped. "Branch, you can't be serious? I'm just trying to help you! Please calm down," she begged, reaching out to him. "Let me explain everything to you, I swear it's going to be okay. I won't leave out any details, then you'll understand!"

"Don't touch me!" Branch stepped back from her a few paces. The trolls around the two of them noticed the conflict and they started to hush, watching the strife unfold. "You and Creek. Both of you, just don't touch me. No more, I don't want it anymore." He turned away from the princess quickly and followed the path that Creek had taken, gritting his teeth while pushing through the onlooking trolls. The scampered out of his way with a fearful squeak. He left Poppy there while she looked baffled that her plan hadn't worked at all. Don't cry, he thought to himself. Don't look back. His tongue tasted bile and his palms sweat while he tried to replace his grieving with anything else he could muster.

"I'll fix this, Branch!" Poppy yelled to his back. "I promise I'll fix it, okay? Don't give up!"

That's precisely all he wanted to do. He wanted to give up, escape, but not after he gave Creek a piece of his mind. Branch never wanted to strike the troll so badly in his life. His body burned where Creek had touched him and it only fueled his increasing anger while he trudged through loud, obnoxious trolls in search of the fleeing culprit. He couldn't bring himself to fully take it out on Poppy, even though it was mostly her fault. She was the princess and he had to force himself to respect her, but he could avoid her all he wanted until he settled down. Creek, on the other hand, was no longer safe.

Branch was heartbroken and upset. The angrier he became, the faster he walked, until he was full blown sprinting through the festival to the outskirts of the stadium, following the trail out of the gate. He wiped his flowing tears quickly with the back of his hand and scanned the empty grassland. The sun was beginning to set over the horizon of Serenity Lake, the shade of dusk casting itself over the plains. It was hard to discern anything in the fading light, but then he spotted Creek slipping away between a thicket of trees standing tall at the West side of the stadium, over a hundred yards out.

"YOU'RE SUCH A HYPOCRITE!" he yelled at the top of his lungs.

Guy Diamond's short little song: Flo Rida - Game Time


Lawllycreators' thoughts