
When a star dies

When a star dies, it creates an explosion called a supernova, which in turn becomes a black hole; that was her, a star that died slowly and would soon explode taking everything in its path.

Maniac_Cherry · Teen
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18 Chs


All I Want

"When she left, a part of me went with her."

¨Maybe in another life, our destiny allows us to be together¨

I stayed in the same position for hours, she was gone, she left me in this place full of shit people, I felt so many things at this moment anger, fear, sadness and happiness. Liraly was my person and now that she was gone a part of me went with her; When I saw her walking to the altar, I knew that if I had to spend my entire life with someone that was her.

All my life I knew that she was a star that would one day explode taking everything in its path and leave a black hole in the lives of the people around her. What will I do now without you sunny? what happened to him always and forever; Ly come back and take me with you please, I shouted at nothing in the hope that my call of pain would reach your ears but nothing happened.

-Dani you have to come in, it's been five hours. - I didn't even flinch. I didn't care if I spent a lifetime here, I wouldn't move until she returned.

-You don't understand Klum, she has to come back for me, she can't forget about me.-

-Dani don't do this to yourself.

-He can't, can he? .- Klum didn't answer anything, he just sat next to me and hugged me, I knew perfectly well that nothing he could say would make me feel better so I was grateful that he was silent.


Naynay I were hiding in a motel on a road and although I was somewhat relieved or rather someone did not leave me alone, Daniel will hate me for the rest of my life, just thinking that I left him in that fucking place makes me realize that I am just like them because I only thought of myself; Sometimes the only way is to leave.

-Tonight we will leave so I will go buy some things because it will not be normal for us to take the train dressed in this way.-

I did not refuse because I knew he was right we would attract everyone's attention. When Naynay left I began to undress, without a doubt the wedding dress that my mother had chosen was beautiful like that of a princess, I am sure that any bride would kill to have the same dress but all I wanted to do was tear it off because it burned my face. skin; when I saw myself in the mirror I realized that I was disgusting my hair was a bird's nest and my makeup was smeared I looked like a raccoon.

I took a long bath and I convinced myself that I had made the best decision and if Daniel had been in my place I would have done the same, I could not regret all my life; I am finally free to do what I want and my past will not bind me.


8 years later.

There are decisions that hurt, but they heal.

Time passed, some days as fast as a blink and others as slow as the gait of a snail, I lost count of the minutes and hours that elapsed since that day, time was always one step ahead of me and when I woke up one day It really hit me, eight long years had already passed; Life, my life, her life had changed, we were no longer those 18-year-old children who once played at being the perfect couple.

Throughout these years I learned a very valuable thing, no matter how painful or beautiful the past is, it will never be a good place to live. Some time they asked me what was the most masochistic act I knew and my answer was simple and without thinking I said, remember, it is the most masochistic act I know.

Lately the memories invaded my system and felt like daggers in my heart, guilt and insomnia returned maybe it was a sign from above maybe destiny or just life liked to bother me and see how my anxiety consumes me, I took a Cigarette from the pack next to my dresser and I lit it, not even seven years of medical career had been able to take away this damn trick and I fervently believe that nothing could anymore, like that timbiriche song, tobacco and I were one and the same.

Why precisely today? All those memories had to come, it was not funny at least not for me it seems that the one above loves to torment me and no matter how much I regret it, I cannot erase that, it stayed with me forever as if it were a tattoo.

-Are you ready? .- Naynay entered the room, she looked beautiful with little Darcy in her arms who extended her hands to carry her so I took her in my arms giving her a kiss on her head after leaving the cigarette in it ashtray.

-It would be such a bad idea to leave a man at the altar again.- I said wanting to make a joke, but as my grandmother says between jokes, the truth appears.

-Well, you and the commitment apparently do not go in the same sentence.- she said laughing as she cleaned Darcy's babita.- If you let me give my humble opinion, unlike the previous time, now you have options and nobody is forcing you than me. know, also Nery is only going to ask you to marry and you would be in all your right if you decide not to accept everything, it will be fine little just trust.

Would you run next to me again? .- I asked with a small voice

-Without hesitation.

I was sure of my answer now, the fear and the memories are gone as they arrived, I gave the little Darcy to Naynay I got in front of the mirror I smoothed my dress, I took my red lipstick giving me a touch up and when I finally felt ready I walked to the door and left the room.

Do not need to say a word Naynay understood it and together we entered the great room, we entered the party, my engagement party everything was beautiful and as I dreamed it the scarlet and gold color dominated everything there were red roses and photos of us throughout The three years that we have been dating, to be honest, no photo did justice to her beauty. In the distance I could see him standing out from the crowd, with his beautiful hair perfectly disheveled, with that pair of brown eyes that took my breath away from the first time they saw me, even more so with that unique style, he was thin but not as much as to look like a noodle he had a good physique but even better than his physique is his soul, Nery Michael Serkin was just perfect. When he realized that I was watching him, he smiled at me and then I reiterated that he was no longer in doubt, he was always my sea cockroach.

-I ever told you how much I love how you dress.

-I ever told you how much I love you.


-Always.- Nery extended his arm and without hesitation I took it, we walked together to the platform, he went up first and then he helped me up like a gentleman, which made me remember when Daniel was going to propose to me we were so drunk and doped that We ended up falling off the stage, revealing all my flowery panties and provoking the fury of our parents, but this time none of that happened, we both went up and neither fell and, most importantly, nobody saw their panties; They all looked at us and then the moment came. Nery got on her knees and took a small black box out of her bag and when she opened it there was a beautiful ring in the shape of Harry Potter's golden snitch.

-Liraly Ander Rebert, you made me believe in magic again and find something extravagant in the smallest and simplest, you are the smell of my love, I would be a fool if I let you go, so Liraly you want to spend the rest of your life with me and continue to find magic in our life until the end of it ?.

-There is no other person I would like to do it with.