
When a star dies

When a star dies, it creates an explosion called a supernova, which in turn becomes a black hole; that was her, a star that died slowly and would soon explode taking everything in its path.

Maniac_Cherry · Teen
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18 Chs


Let's go to Mars.

They have felt that strange feeling of wanting to break everything and run away, because I have constantly experienced it. What does my life expect? It is the question that has been ringing in my head for the last few months and as much as I try to find an answer I cannot and that makes me want to explode.

I feel that someone takes a seat next to me, I don't even turn around because I already know who his perfume is, it gives him away, every year he asks me to give him that damn perfume so I've already had his smell tattooed; I take a long sigh and hear him laugh but his laugh is not at all happy if not rather melancholic like when you remember something that was happy at the time and now there is only sadness, I know that he is tired of all this because I am too .

-Likes.- he says offering me a cigarette, I notice by his voice that he cried if he could do something to calm his pain I swear by the one above that he would; But what a complicated life is life, if someone heard that the great Daniel Salvatore has cried, they would not believe it and they would call you crazy and envious.

"As you knew where I was," I said while taking the cigarette, Dani just shrugged offering me fire.

-I know you well enough to know that you would be hiding here, I never knew why you had so much appreciation for this place.- I took a drag on my cigarette and blew the smoke on his face, I knew I hated him and I loved to tease him.

"Can you please not do that you know I hate it." I just smiled at him, I knew that even if he said he would never do it again, he would do it again just to see how he wrinkles his nose and makes those gestures that make him look like a kitten.

-The answer to your question is simple. I love this place because this is where I met a certain boy with beautiful eyes who hates getting dirty and I always end up filling him with mud.- I said while taking another drag on the cigarette, I knew perfectly well that he hated This place never loved to get dirty and I love to do it according to Daniel in my other life I was a pig and I do not doubt it.

Daniel I have known each other since we were little the first time I saw him I thought he was the strangest child in the world because he did not like to play in the garden, much less run and not to mention swimming in the lake he could be four years old but he had the character of a man in his 80s and that didn't change over time. Our parents went to college together, and they became great friends and therefore we also became friends, we practically grew up together and as expected when when we turned sixteen we started dating formally, the first mistake we made.

People tend to assume many things about our relationship, the perfect couple, they seem out of a magazine, their love is so inspiring, they seem like the typical couple in a romance movie, these and other stupid things are what people often say about us.

If they really knew what our relationship is, I am sure that in their life they would want something like that, two depressed addicts who all they want is to flee or die, in my case the second option sounds so tempting but my cowardice prevents me from doing either of the two .

-I wish I was anywhere but here.- I took a last drag on the cigarette and took his hand letting him know that we both wanted the same with the passing of time our connection became bigger so we did not need the other to speak to know what I felt.

-Happy future husband anniversary.- I said in a small voice and a tear spilled down my cheek, I didn't want to cry because I knew that it would collapse me, I wanted to be strong for both of us, but as soon as I hugged my walls collapsed.

-Happy anniversary future wife.- in his eyes you could see the pain and suffering we both knew what was happening inside and although neither of us wanted to do it, we had no choice but to give in to the designs of our parents, we knew perfectly well what would happen if we we denied.

We got up from the ground and brushed off the remains of dust that we could have, Daniel extended his arm and I took him we walked towards the entrance, when we were only a few steps away I stopped and fear paralyzed me I did not want to enter I turned to see the forest and then he looked at Daniel straight in the eyes and I knew I couldn't do this to him, we loved each other but not like lovers do not in the way that everyone thinks, you could say that Daniel Salvatore was my soul mate but the Soulmates are not always lovers, they can also be your best friend, your brother or even your mother. Apparently nature shared our pain because the wind became very intense and the clouds are about to explode, a thunderclap made me see reason and I continued on my way when the doors were opened my mother ran to me with a smile in her face but his eyes radiated fury in its maximum splendor.

-Honey you're a mess, they don't know that the groom can't see the bride before the wedding.-

-Well, the bride also has to arrive a virgin at the altar but we don't follow protocols or yes, Mommy.- Daniel let out a laugh and my mother gave me a look that if they killed me, I'd be three meters underground.

We'd better go fix you up a bit before the ceremony starts, you're a mess, with your permission Daniel.- My mother took me by the arm, burying her nails I knew they would leave a mark but nothing mattered to me, let me guide her to my room , when we went through the door I was waiting for a slap or for him to yell at me how obnoxious I am or how much he regretted having brought me into the world but none of those things happened, he dedicated himself to adjusting my hair and shaking my dress all in sepulchral silence which was scarier. Sherlyn Rebert never kept quiet.

I only wanted the best for you, you know, everything I wanted when young was put on a silver platter, that you had the life that I could not in my youth.- he said and I only saw her through the mirror she looked something sad but I more than anyone knew that she had no feelings.- I know you hate me, but I want you to know that everything I did was for love one day you will thank me Liraly.- I let out a faint laugh and I walked away from her as if her touch burn.

-Love you say, what do you know about that Sherlyn, the only love you feel is towards money and power and now do me a single favor in my fucking life and get out of my room I'll end up alone or better yet talk to the nannies that they dress me I hate you.- I couldn't finish talking because he slapped me here was the proof of his great love

-As you want, don't delay because we're already late and don't do anything stupid because you're going to pay me. - he said turning around to leave once outside, I took the vase that was on the nightstand and threw it towards the door, and before he could continue throwing things there were three knocks on the door.

-If you don't get married I'll give you my car.-

-Naynay-. I ran hug her I had not seen her for more than a year after she told my parents that she would get divorced they threw her out indefinitely it was a complete joy that she was here again.

-What are you doing here?.-

-I could not miss the wedding of my little sister, also mother and father paid the ticket and the lodging, beautiful lights they have already told you.-

-You are the first person to say it, but thank you.- I did not hold back the desire and hugged her when I realized I was already crying like a cupcake again I don't give a damn if the makeup was ruined or if my eyes would look terrible in the photos , cry and download everything, it seemed like hours but it was only a few seconds.

-Don't get married go and be happy, do what you want, study medicine and fulfill your request please, for both of us.-

-You know better than anyone that the Rebert family has a name to take care of and I'm not going to be the one to destroy it even if I have to destroy myself.-

-But if you don't love him, you don't have to continue with him, don't make the same mistake as me because one day in 10 years you'll wake up and you'll regret not having run.- Nayla was older than me by 10 years when I was 18 They forced to marry the son of a partner of my father, Lucas was a good boy when they just got married they decided to go live in Spain and they lived well for a while until Nay when she was pregnant with her first child discovered Lucas's secret, Let's say that Lucas prefers those of the same gender, when he realized this he wanted to divorce right away but my parents prevented him and even threatened to take away their little Carlos, Nay gave up and lived almost ten years in marriage with Lucas until they both decided that it was best to separate and tell everyone when it was done so they couldn't do anything. They were very brave in doing that. I'm happy for them because they both found happiness. But I am not as brave as my sister and I am not strong enough to face my parents.

-In business, love does not matter Nayla, only money.- I walked away from her and regained my composure, wipe my tears and get the best of my smiles.

-Just promise me one thing.-

-Which you want.-

-If one day you get fed up with all this, don't look for the easy way out, I know very well what you and Daniel do to feel better but if one day you need me, just call and I'll come, now we're all waiting for you.- I just nodded because my voice no longer came out I took the bouquet of red roses and walked through the palaces like a banshee when we went down the stairs and I saw that we were getting closer and closer to the front garden my legs were weak I could not continue however I forced my legs to obey me, the The wedding march began to sound and I only looked everywhere at the altar there was Daniel with a smile more false than Aunt Laura's boobs, my parents were in the front row, mother was crying crocodile tears and my father only looked at me seriously, Daniel's parents had a smile and grandmother looked at me sadly, she and Nay were the only people who were worthwhile in this family, then I started shaking at any moment I would faint or vomit I started to sweat cold I turned to see The grandmother again maybe it was what I needed and the one above sent me a signal when I turned to see her again her lips said run at that moment all happened in a slow bed a thunder was heard taking me out of my trance, I turned to the front and saw I knew Daniel in the eyes that our connection was so great that he would understand what I wanted to say to him, I whispered a sorry and took all the air that my lungs allowed me to throw the bouquet away and I ran, I ran as if my life depended on it I ran with my soul, I didn't care at all at that moment I just wanted to run away. Nayla followed me and we both laughed out loud.

"This is my car, let's go." I scream and I didn't hesitate for a second and we got on, I was elated, I couldn't believe what I had just done.

-Start now.- seeing how the guards came after us.

-Where are we going? .- I turned to see if they were still following us, but it was a bad idea. Daniel was there on his knees in the middle of the road and for a micro second I thought about going back but I couldn't and I know that one day he will thank me.

-Let's go to Mars.-


So far the first chapter I hope and you like it, it should be clarified that it is not edited so there are grammatical and spelling errors.

I am open to constructive criticism.

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