
Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic]

This is a Fanfic... I don't own anything!!! All the characters belong to their respective owners!! --~Synopsis (SEASON- I, II, III)~-- Lily Potter sacrificed herself to protect her son but things didn't go as planned and find herself in a different situation than expected... How will Harry cope with someone guiding him in his steps in the Wizarding World? Find out about the young Wizard with a different take on destiny and the changes it brings... --~Synopsis (SEASON- IV)~-- Harry is no longer the weak little child that he was a few years ago. Now, he is no longer alone without any allies, but his enemies have also started to make their moves with new enemies starting to rear their heads... What will Harry do? Will he crumble under the pressure or will he thrive in the face of his enemies? ~~This is not a Canon Rewrite or anything similar~~ --~Support the Author~-- If you appreciate and love my work, then you are welcome to donate to support me and keep me motivated. Upto 25 Chapters advanced Chapters of this Fanfic are available on my P.a.t.r.e.o.n. P.A.T.R.E.O.N Link- p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/IngloriousMe --~Discord~-- If you want to discuss something or check the artwork or the character sheets then join my Discord Server. My Discord Server Link:- https://discord.gg/zdUqAGKrkm

InGlorious · Movies
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213 Chs

The-Boy-Who-Improved (IV)

Harry took a deep breath and poured the Potion he had prepared for the Ritual into a stone bowl. He stirred the Potion a couple of times before nodding his head in satisfaction. After that, he picked up a brush from the side and dipped it inside the Potion. He wiped off the extra Potion from the brush on the edge of the bowl and then he started to draw the Ritual circle with the brush.

It took Harry somewhere around thirty minutes to finish the Ritual circle and when he was finally done, he started to re-examine the circle to avoid any mistakes. When he was finally satisfied with his work, he finally slumped down on the floor with a bit of a tired look on his face. He still needed to draw Runes outside the Ritual circle to stabilize the power output. The Runes weren't necessary, but they were highly recommended.

He decided to take a five-minute break before he could start working on the Runes. His mind was still reeling from the 'TALK' his mom gave him. Yes, he was much better than before and he was no longer blushing after every few seconds, but his mind was still recalling the whole conversation from time to time. He was glad that his mom was completely fine with his feelings, but he had no idea how to deal with it or if he even wanted to deal with it…

He finally shook his head to clear his mind when he realized that five minutes were probably already over. He once again dipped the brush in the Potion and started to draw Runes outside the Ritual circle. It took him somewhere around an hour to finish the Runes and after he was done he re-examined all the Runes. He finally nodded his head in satisfaction after he was finally finished inspecting the Runes.

|That's it, I guess. Now, you only need to draw the markings on your forehead| Lily pointed out in a relieved tone when Harry finally finished inspecting the Runes. She was also inspecting the Runes through his eyes and she was also satisfied with his work.

|I know, mom| Harry agreed while nodding his head.

|Hadrian, are you alright?| Lily asked with a hint of concern in her voice. It was pretty clear that Harry was still reeling from the 'TALK', so Lily started to wonder if she should have waited more or not…

|No, I am not, but I will be. Don't worry, mom, I just need some time to wrap my head around everything you said| Harry answered tiredly after a few seconds of silence. Lily simply hummed and decided to wait according to his wishes. It was a good thing that he was trying to deal with it on its own and if he failed, she could always give him a hand.

|It's almost time| Harry muttered after a few moments of silence and Conjured a mirror and cast a Spell to keep the mirror hanging in the air.

Harry grabbed a much thinner brush from the side and dipped it in the Potion. After getting rid of the extra Potion using the edge of the bowl, he started to draw some markings on his forehead. It didn't even take Harry a minute to finish the markings and when he was finally done, he nodded his head in satisfaction. Now that he no longer needed the mirror, he vanished the mirror with a flick of his Wand.

After that, he made his way toward his desk to grab the jar containing the pineal gland. Harry returned to the front of the Ritual circle and placed it on the ground. After that, he opened the jar and carefully took out the pineal gland from the jar, and then he finally placed it inside the stone bowl which still had some Potion left inside of it. Harry started to bathe the pineal gland with the Potion and after bathing the pineal gland in the Potion for exactly three minutes, he stopped.

Then he grabbed the stone bowl and placed it over the smaller focus inside the Ritual circle. Harry took a deep breath and glanced toward the clock on the wall. While Magic and Technology didn't play well together, a clock wasn't technological enough to stop working around Magic. Though a clock might stop working if a Spell is directly cast at it, but an analog clock won't have that problem. Only a few minutes were left before it was finally midnight.

Harry took a deep breath and shrugged off his robes… The robes pooled down around his feet and a blush crept up on Harry's face… After almost four years he was once again feeling embarrassed for baring himself when his mom could clearly see him. The blush on his face intensified when his penis started to erect at the thought of his mom watching him right now.

|It's alright, Hadrian. It's nothing I haven't seen already| Lily's breath hitched as she tried to assure Harry that everything was alright.

Harry didn't feel anything amiss and mutely nodded his head. He stepped over the bigger focus inside the Ritual circle and sat down, cross-legged with his face still blazing red due to the embarrassment he was feeling. His Occlumency was helping him handle his rioting emotions, but it still wasn't enough to suppress his disarrayed emotions.

He slowly turned toward the clock hanging on the wall… He thought that maybe he could stop thinking about the unhealthy things if he kept an eye on the clock, but unfortunately, it didn't work. When both of the hands of the clock hit twelve, his mind was still in the gutter.

Harry groaned in annoyance, but he still initiated the Ritual as his dirty thoughts weren't going to affect the Ritual in any manner. He almost lost his consciousness when the pain finally hit him…

He felt like someone was plunging a shearing hot knife into his brain. His head started to throb, making him feel like his head was going to explode. His forehead started to burn as the markings on his forehead lit up. His eyes were closed shut due to the mind-numbing pain or he would have noticed the pineal gland glowing along with the whole Ritual circle.

Harry grit his teeth and when he was just about to start screaming, the pain disappeared like it was never there. Harry slumped back on the floor and started to breathe heavily…

His whole body was covered in sweat, but he couldn't stop smiling. The Ritual was so powerful that he could already feel the improvements. His mind was much faster and calmer than before… He felt like an invisible weight had been lifted, which was weighing down his mind. Harry didn't know how to explain his feelings in words, but it felt amazing!!

Harry slowly stood up, his body still shaking due to the stress he went through during the Ritual. He looked around only to find that the Ritual circle was gone, only the pineal gland and the stone bowl were left behind, but the Potion inside the stone bowl was gone and the pineal gland looked like someone had sucked out everything from inside the pineal gland. He decided to ask Norton to get rid of the pineal gland as he was so tired that he no longer felt like doing anything.

A small part of his mind was telling him to take a bath as he was covered in sweat, but the rest of his mind was telling him to sleep. Harry finally decided to give in to his tiredness… He barely made his way to the bed and slumped down on the bed, face-down.

|Sleep, Hadrian. You have worked really hard today| Harry heard his mom's voice as he slowly drifted into the blissful embrace of sleep…

~~Timeskip~~ (Two Years)

Days continued to pass as the days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and months finally turned into years… The world kept moving on and Harry continued to improve himself either through hard work or Rituals.

He finished the Set of Seven Rituals and gained Poison Immunity and Flight along with a lot of improvements regarding all the aspects of the Rituals. His mind and Body were the ones, which improved the most since the Ritual to enhance his Mind and Body of the Set of Three Rituals overlapped with the Set of Seven Rituals.

His Mind was way more sharper than before, and was much faster and calmer too. Meanwhile, his Body was much stronger and sturdier than before. That was the basic gist of how much his Mind and Body had improved after performing the Rituals.

The Ritual to enhance his Desire ended up improving his Intent. To be honest, he had no idea why the Ritual improved his Intent, but he wasn't going to complain since the results were quite good. The Ritual made Silent Casting and Point Casting slightly easier for him. Thankfully, he didn't turn into a male Veela, which was always a good thing.

The Ritual to enhance his Magical Senses improved his Magical Senses, just like the name suggested. He ended up Sacrificing a Kneazle for the Ritual, and now, he could sense Magic… It felt like he had acquired a completely new sensory organ, which could sense Magic in close quarters. This ability was going to be quite useful against subtle Magicks.

Just like the name suggests, the Ritual to enhance his Magical Control improved his Magical Control. Now, he had a much better grip on his Magic, which also enabled him to prevent wasting Magic while casting a Spell. He still didn't have perfect control over his Magic, but the Ritual saved him a lot of work, so he was quite happy with the results.

The Ritual to enhance his Magical Power worked as it was supposed to. For this Ritual, he used Basilisk Venom, which gave him poison immunity along with what the Ritual was supposed to give him. Well, it wasn't exactly poison immunity. Calling it partial poison immunity would be more fitting as it didn't make him immune to all the poisons, but all the poisons or venoms, which were weaker or equally powerful to the Basilisk Venom won't affect him anymore.

On the other hand, the Ritual simply increased the density of his Magical Core to increase his power… Even though his Magical Core was still in the Liquid state, it was much denser than before. The Ritual saved him at least two years' worth of hard work, so he should have been incredibly happy with the results, but in reality, he was barely satisfied with the results. To be honest, he expected something more... A lot more from the Ritual… After all, he had to spend 4200 Galleons for the Basilisk Venom.

He barely held himself back from crying in blood when he had to hand over 4200 Galleons to Jacklyn for two vials of Basilisk Venom. Sleep didn't come to him that night. After that, paying 400 Galleons of Thunderbird Wings felt like almost nothing in comparison…

And finally, for the Ritual to enhance his Magical Reserve he ended up using Thunderbird Wings, just like he wanted to. He didn't need to use the whole wings for the Ritual, as he wouldn't gain anything extra if he used the whole wings and he would also have to spend somewhere around 2000 Galleons if he wanted to buy whole wings. There was no way he was going to spend so much money needlessly.

If he could have gained something extra, then he would have spent the gold reluctantly, but after performing the Ritual, he was quite glad that he didn't have to spend so much gold on this Ritual. This Ritual gave him the most disappointing results… Yes, he gained the ability to fly without any support, but he wasn't happy with the other results.

The Ritual was supposed to increase his Magical Reserve, but instead of increasing the size of his Magical Core, the Ritual simply increased the density of his Magical Core, just like the previous Ritual, but the improvement wasn't much like the previous Ritual. Unlike the previous Ritual, this time the Ritual only gave him barely a year's worth of hard work.

Even though he didn't gain much from the last Ritual, finishing the Set of Seven Rituals gave him a lot of improvements over all the aspects…

While finishing the Set of Seven Rituals was one of the crucial points in the last two years, those weren't the only crucial things which happened in the last two years… He also won the Under Thirteen Tournament and he also beat Jacklyn in a duel for the first time in the last two years…


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