
Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic]

This is a Fanfic... I don't own anything!!! All the characters belong to their respective owners!! --~Synopsis (SEASON- I, II, III)~-- Lily Potter sacrificed herself to protect her son but things didn't go as planned and find herself in a different situation than expected... How will Harry cope with someone guiding him in his steps in the Wizarding World? Find out about the young Wizard with a different take on destiny and the changes it brings... --~Synopsis (SEASON- IV)~-- Harry is no longer the weak little child that he was a few years ago. Now, he is no longer alone without any allies, but his enemies have also started to make their moves with new enemies starting to rear their heads... What will Harry do? Will he crumble under the pressure or will he thrive in the face of his enemies? ~~This is not a Canon Rewrite or anything similar~~ --~Support the Author~-- If you appreciate and love my work, then you are welcome to donate to support me and keep me motivated. Upto 25 Chapters advanced Chapters of this Fanfic are available on my P.a.t.r.e.o.n. P.A.T.R.E.O.N Link- p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/IngloriousMe --~Discord~-- If you want to discuss something or check the artwork or the character sheets then join my Discord Server. My Discord Server Link:- https://discord.gg/zdUqAGKrkm

InGlorious · Movies
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213 Chs

Preparation-They-Made (IV)

~~Library, Hogwarts~~

Daphne Greengrass stared at the newspaper in front of her with a conflicted look on her face. Grindelwald never escaped in her world and, to be honest, she didn't even know that Grindelwald was still alive. Almost the whole British Wizarding community believed that Grindelwald was killed by Dumbledore after their legendary duel, but much to their surprise, Grindelwald was still alive and kicking.

That was the exact reason why there was so much unrest in Britain right now, not that she expected Dumbledore to understand why people were panicking in the first place. Now that she thought about it, Dumbledore never said that he had killed Grindelwald. He always said that he defeated Grindelwald and it was the people who thought that Dumbledore killed Grindelwald, but the man never bothered to correct the misunderstanding.

And the last time she checked, not correcting a misunderstanding was not a punishable crime…

"You know, if you are trying to set that newspaper on fire then it is not working" Daphne was broken out of her musings when someone spoke to her. So, she finally stopped glaring at the newspaper and turned toward the person who spoke to her, only to find herself looking at her closest friend, Tracey Davis.

"Hmm… I may not be trying my best yet" Daphne wondered aloud with a hum. Tracey was a good friend, but she wasn't her best friend or anything. Tracey was one of her cousins and unfortunately for Tracey, she was a half-blood, so Daphne had to keep the girl close to her to protect her. It wasn't as bad as it was in the 70s when the War was raging outside Hogwarts, but it was still bad enough that Tracey might get Cursed in the hallways if the girl was left to her own devices.

"Ohhh… You are trying your best, but it is just not working" Tracey grinned and said in a sing-song voice and Daphne's eyebrows twitched at the antics of her friend. "So, are you worried about Grindelwald?" Tracey asked and Daphne simply gave her friend a 'Are you bloody serious' look, instead of answering her.

"Don't give me that look" Tracey huffed. "We have Dumbledore protecting the school, so there is no way Grindelwald will be coming here" Tracey explained like it was the most obvious thing in the world and Daphne had to agree, there was some truth in there… She didn't know much about Grindelwald, but he couldn't be that stupid, right? Attacking Britain or Hogwarts for that matter with Dumbledore still alive and kicking would be paramount of stupidity.

"I know, but I can't help but get this feeling that something bad is going to happen" Daphne muttered with a grimace.

"Yeah" Tracey agreed with a sullen look on her face. "I have heard some seniors talking that another War might break out" Tracey revealed, looking really saddened. "By the way, what's up with you, Daphy? Recently I haven't seen you hanging out with Pansy and her group" Tracey asked, trying to change the topic. She didn't want to think about a War right now…

"Everything is alright… I have simply decided to take an active role to train myself, so I don't get much time to hang out with them" Daphne explained with a shrug.

"Well, I never thought you would want to become an Auror or something… I always thought that you would be content by being a housewife" Tracey pointed out as she narrowed her eyes at Daphne. Until the start of this year, Daphne always acted like she was a delicate flower and she wanted nothing to do with physical training, but since the start of this year, Daphne had started to train and the changes were quite visible.

Tracey and the others had also noticed that Daphne had started to use dark humor and she was always somewhat distant from everyone, so it wasn't a big deal, but Tracey was quite close to Daphne, so she knew for sure that Daphne had changed quite a bit during the holidays.

"During the holidays I realized that there is no harm in trying to improve myself" Daphne answered defensively, but it was clear that Tracey didn't believe her in the slightest.

"If you say so…" Tracey said unconvincingly, but she decided to drop the matter for the time being… Meanwhile, Daphne was no longer paying attention to Tracey, instead, she was staring at the bushy-haired Witch sitting across the room. The Hermione Granger of this world was much different from the Hermione Granger of her world… This Hermione Granger didn't have any friends and if the girl wasn't bullied in her house then Daphne would eat her shoe.

'Maybe, I could reach out to her and give her the friendship she needs' Daphne mused as she finally stopped looking at the bushy-haired Witch. The Hermione of her World was somewhat of a royal bitch. The Hermione of her World never considered the fact that they might die. The noseless bastard killed them and they took the secret of Voldemort's immortality with them to their grave.

Hermione could have left a secret message or something like that… They knew that the man could be killed, but they didn't know how. They were simply fighting a pointless war… Alas, it was useless to linger on her past right now. Regardless of Hermione's imperfections, Daphne couldn't deny that Hermione is really intelligent and she could probably have some use for the girl. Daphne decided to keep an eye on the lonely girl for the time being so that she could approach the girl at the right moment…

Daphne was about to start paying attention to her homework when her eyes landed on the newspaper, again, reminding her how powerless she was… She knew very well that Dumbledore, Voldemort, and Grindelwald were in a completely different league… If she came across either Voldemort or Grindelwald, then would probably kill her, all of her training and Magic be damned.

Daphne clutched her hands tightly under the table… She had gained quite some improvements from the Ritual she had performed on the night of Hallow's Eve, but she wasn't quite satisfied with the results… She knew that she would never reach the level of Dumbledore, Voldemort, or Grindelwald, but she would push her to the limits and she vowed that she would do her best to stop what happened in her World from happening in this World.

She owed this World's Daphne at least that much…

~~Jacklyn's Pad~~

"H-How? H-ow a-are you so y-young?" Violetta stuttered out dumbly while staring at the man standing in front of her. The man looked so young that she could have mistaken him for his son if she didn't know better. She had seen his pictures in the New York Ghost when he had tried to break the Statute with the help of an Obscurus and the man looked exactly the same as the pictures. Even though the man wasn't armed, she could feel raw Magic radiating from the man even though it was controlled.

"The credit goes to my new employer" Gellert gestured toward Harry with a smile. "He rejuvenated me" Gellert revealed with a smirk, making Violetta gape at him.

"Re-ju-ve-nate?" Violetta muttered slowly, looking really absentminded as her brain mental faculties stopped working. After some time, her Mind finally caught up with the fact and she immediately whirled toward Harry with a mad glint in her eyes.

"Rejuvenate me and I will swear my loyalty to you right here, right now!" Violetta declared hurriedly with her eyes burning with madness.

Harry stared at the obviously unhinged woman, trying to decipher if the woman had finally lost all of her marbles. "Does Rejuvenation hold so much appeal to you?" Harry asked curiously only for Violetta to frantically nod her head.

"I will have you know that I was a looker back in my days and I want to have that back and if I become younger then I will get more time to progress my craft" Violetta quickly explained.

"A woman does love her looks. You should see, Katerina" Gellert mused in an amused tone.

"Alright! If that is what you want then who am I to complain?" Harry shrugged as he decided to accept her. "By the way, how long is it going to take you to match them with new Wands?" Harry asked as he raised his brows at her.

"I can't match any of them with my Wands… All the Wands I have in my shop have been registered to MACUSA, so I will have to craft custom Wards for them if I don't want to get in trouble with the MACUSA" Violetta explained and Harry nodded his head in understanding. It wasn't an ideal situation, but Harry didn't want to start a War with MACUSA at this moment.

"How long will it take you to craft his Wand? He is the priority right now" Harry asked and Violetta seemed to ponder a bit before she finally started to answer.

"If I have their ingredients at hand, then a few hours at most, but if I don't then I will need longer" Violetta answered. "Oh, and since I am joining you, you will only need to pay for the materials. I won't charge for my craftsmanship" Violetta answered with a giggle, making Harry feel a bit giddy on the inside. Maybe, he should raid the New York Guild base as soon as Gellert's Wand is ready…


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