
Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic]

This is a Fanfic... I don't own anything!!! All the characters belong to their respective owners!! --~Synopsis (SEASON- I, II, III)~-- Lily Potter sacrificed herself to protect her son but things didn't go as planned and find herself in a different situation than expected... How will Harry cope with someone guiding him in his steps in the Wizarding World? Find out about the young Wizard with a different take on destiny and the changes it brings... --~Synopsis (SEASON- IV)~-- Harry is no longer the weak little child that he was a few years ago. Now, he is no longer alone without any allies, but his enemies have also started to make their moves with new enemies starting to rear their heads... What will Harry do? Will he crumble under the pressure or will he thrive in the face of his enemies? ~~This is not a Canon Rewrite or anything similar~~ --~Support the Author~-- If you appreciate and love my work, then you are welcome to donate to support me and keep me motivated. Upto 25 Chapters advanced Chapters of this Fanfic are available on my P.a.t.r.e.o.n. P.A.T.R.E.O.N Link- p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/IngloriousMe --~Discord~-- If you want to discuss something or check the artwork or the character sheets then join my Discord Server. My Discord Server Link:- https://discord.gg/zdUqAGKrkm

InGlorious · Movies
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213 Chs

CHAPTER {294-296}


~~Malfoy Manor~~

Harry heard everything Connie had to tell him and if he was being honest, he wanted to kiss the woman right then and there… He had been looking for an excuse to start a War with Goblins and now he had one. He didn't even wait to consider that he was already involved in a War. After all, it was no longer a War.

The only reason Voldemort and his merry band of psychopaths were still alive and kicking was because he desired it to be so… If he wanted, he could finish the man at any time. All of his Horcruxes were destroyed except for the Ravenclaw's Diadem and Harry was already planning to grab the thing before midnight.

At this point, he was basically bullying the man since he wanted to drown Voldemort in despair before finally finishing him off, or doing something even more horrible to him, just like Tonks suggested… Harry decided that he needed to have a chat with Hela and see if they could come up with something really horrible for the man…

"You can't be serious! If we do this then it is going to be the end of us!" Harry was broken out of his pleasant thoughts by Narcissa. "All of our gold is in Gringotts vaults. If we do this then they are simply going to seize our vaults!" Narcissa snapped really unhappy about the prospect of attacking the Goblins.

Harry gave her a weird look… Was she really worried about something like that? Narcissa noticed the incredulous look and huffed in irritation. "Don't look at me like that. They have control over your Family accounts. Accounts that you can't access yet. They are going to seize those too" Narcissa explained.

"Can't you, I don't know, empty all of your vaults before shit hits the fan?" Tonks asked, looking frustrated. It was clear that Harry wanted to attack the Goblins, so she was already supporting the idea even without realizing what she was already doing.

Narcissa simply rolled her eyes at young Metamorphmagus… Sometimes, she was jealous of the girl's naivety. "They would never allow that… That would come up with some asinine reason to prevent me from withdrawing all of our fortunes from their vaults" Narcissa waved her hand dismissively in the air.

It would be like kicking a hornet's nest and she wanted to avoid such a course of action…

"That's more of a reason why we need to do this!!" Connie exclaimed, unable to stop herself from snapping at the piebald Witch. Here she was, willing to sacrifice her whole career and probably her life, but the Malfoy matriarch was worried about their riches. Can't she see the bigger picture?

"Don't be a fool! You might be comfortable with the idea of losing all of your life savings, but I am not. I refuse to lose everything I have over something like this! So what if the Ministry falls? So what if this country starts crumbling? We could simply rebuild somewhere anew!" Narcissa retorted heatedly. She was getting tired of this.

Yes, the Goblins held too much power over them. Narcissa didn't like that and she admitted that they needed to be culled before they could rise from their station, but not at the cost of her fortune… There was no way in hell she was going to sacrifice all of her fortune over something so foolishly righteous.

"Why you–!!" Connie began while glaring at the older Witch, but she was cut off by Harry when he raised his hand and used his Magic to silence both Narcissa and Connie.

"That's enough of you two" Harry said calmly, but there was a dangerous glint in his eyes. Narcissa didn't need to be told twice and even though Connie was angry, there was nothing she could do in front of him. "Narcissa, I can understand where you are coming from, but I agree with Connie. They hold too much power over us because they have our gold. They need to be dealt with as soon as possible" Harry calmly explained.

"But our vaults-" Narcissa began to speak, but this time, sounding way more subdued.

"Yes, I have my Family vaults too as you pointed out" Harry nodded his head in agreement. "You know how much I love my gold and I would be damned if I let those filthy buggers take what belongs to me" Harry calmly explained. "Do you have the statements of your accounts?" Harry asked.

The Goblins could seize their accounts all they wanted, but he would simply seize them back… The Goblins respected power, right? He would show them overwhelming power…

"Uh… Yes, I do" Narcissa admitted weirdly. "What are you planning to do?" Narissa asked, starting to feel nervous. She was aware of how Harry tended to deal with his problems and since he considered the Goblins to be a problem, he would be planning to crush them with his overwhelming power.

However, the problem was that the Goblins were extremely proud beings… They would refuse to surrender and Harry would simply keep on killing them until they surrendered or all of them were dead. Narcissa didn't like the Goblins, after all, she considered those creatures to be beneath her station but she didn't want all of them to die.

Sometimes, Harry could be just as terrifying as Voldemort… Narcissa immediately noticed Harry dangerously narrowing his eyes on her and she immediately decided to abandon her line of thoughts. Narcissa was many things, but being stupid was not one of her traits. She decided that self-preservation was way more important than the survival of the Goblin race.

If they decided to be stupid then their death was not on her…

"I don't appreciate you comparing me to him, but I guess you are right… I can be sometimes like him" Harry mused as his form relaxed. However, Narcissa was still stiff as a board… She had seen Harry lash out ruthlessly while looking as calm as possible. "No need to be so stiff, Narcissa" Harry said calmly, but Narcissa still refused to relax.

Harry simply shrugged and decided to ignore her… "I am planning to do something the Wixen should have done long ago" Harry admitted with a smile…



"Harry, you can't be serious!! If you do this then the ICW would be forced to get off their laurels and finally do something about you. Not that they would be able to do anything, but that's beside the point, isn't it?" Sirius raged, looking frustrated. He couldn't believe that his Godson was already planning to start another War and this time on a much bigger scale.

"Of course, not. I am Harry, you are Sirius" Harry retorted with a grin. The older man froze before he groaned in annoyance. "You said it yourself that they won't be able to do anything, so why are you getting your panties in a twist?" Harry asked with a roll of his eyes. Sometimes, his Godfather could be really annoying.

"I probably deserved that" Sirius mumbled under his breath with a sulking look on his face. "The effectiveness of ICW is beside the point like I said, I am more worried about the precedent you are setting with your actions" Sirius explained with a frown. "Look, it is not going to help you in the future if you decide to turn the whole world into your enemy" Sirius barely restrained himself from screaming as he paced in front of Harry.

"Sirius, you are overthinking"  Harry pointed out, but his words were promptly ignored as Sirius was busy pacing around, looking extremely annoyed and frustrated.

"Look, you need to start making allies instead of enemies all over the world. You already have SHIELD and MI6 wanting a piece of you. The ICW has been sitting at the sidelines for all this time even though you have spurned Grindelwald and his lackeys, but if you do this then they are going to come down on you like a ton of bricks!" Sirius finished with an angry scowl.

"Then let's not forget about the goblins. They would be frothing in the mouth to gut you" Sirius finished, looking concerned and worried.

Harry simply rolled his eyes at the man and decided to let the man continue his rant, but when it seemed that Sirius was finally starting to calm down, Harry decided to speak up. "Are you done?" Harry asked with an impatient look on his face. He could understand why the man was worried, but he genuinely believed that the man was simply overreacting.

Sirius opened his mouth to say something, but after a moment, he closed his mouth, his shoulders slumping down in defeat. "Yeah… I am done" Sirius mumbled before he plopped down in front of Harry, looking tired and haggard. He was planning to enjoy the day with his Godson since it was the first day of the year… Maybe, take him for an outing, but now his day was ruined.

"Good" Harry nodded his head, looking somewhat pleased. "Yes, I am indeed going to make new enemies, but are they going to matter? No. However, they are going to be annoying. Though, you shouldn't worry too much. You see, the Goblins aren't liked much by anyone and the only reason the ICW is going to take their side at first is because they can hold our economy hostage-" Harry paused and gave Sirius a meaningful look.

"-Alas, that situation isn't going to last for long… As soon as the ICW realizes their mistake, they will cut off their losses and join me" Harry finished with a self-assured look on his face. Sirius didn't know what to think, but he didn't think that it was going to be that simple. "You are worrying too much. You just need to relax and enjoy the show" Harry finished calmly.

Once again, Sirius thought that Harry was being too lax about starting a War with the Goblins, but he didn't know what else to say. He was feeling angry and frustrated at the inability to dissuade his Godson from this course of action, but it was pretty obvious that Harry had already made up his mind. Once again, Sirius started to wonder if Harry would have turned out any different if Harry had been raised by him.

"By the way, there is something I have to show you. Come, follow me" Harry said as he stood. Sirius gave him a confused look but followed his Godson out of the room.

Harry led the man to the basement where the dungeons were located and Sirius followed him wordlessly with a confused look on his face. He started to wonder if Harry was taking him to meet the Vampires, or maybe Dumbledore. However, Harry walked past all of their cells and stopped in front of a cell, which was supposed to be empty as far as Sirius was aware.

Harry tapped the steel door with his finger and several runes on the door lit up before disappearing. The door unlocked with a clang, revealing a figure strapped to an uncomfortable-looking wooden chair… Sirius squinted his eyes to take a good look at the figure before his eyes grew wide when he finally recognized the man. He snarled in fury and lunged forward to beat the man to death, only to be stopped by Harry.

"Pettigrew, you bastard!! Let me go! Let me go!" Sirius started to flail around, trying to escape Harry's grip, but no matter how much he tried, Harry's grip remained firm. Pettigrew, who was sound asleep, jerked awake due to the sudden noise and he immediately shrunk back into the chair, looking extremely afraid. He started to scream and struggle, but he was tied to the chair with barbed wires, so he started to scream even harder.

"Sirius, you need to calm the fuck down" Harry said in a firm tone as he jerked the man. "He isn't going anywhere, is he?" Harry asked with a malicious grin on his face and Sirius finally started to calm down. Harry finally let him go when the man was calm enough and entered the cell with Sirius following him. Pettigrew was gagged so all of his screams were muffled and the man was staring at Harry and Sirius with clear fear in his eyes.

"Where did you find him?" Sirius asked while gritting his teeth in anger. He really wanted to tear the bound man in front of him into shreds, but he was going to hold his horses for the time being.

"I found him inside the Shrieking Shack. He was ordered by Voldemort to grab something important from Hogwarts" Harry answered and Sirius seemed to be elated.

"Good. Good… I can already guess that this year is going to be the best year for me" Sirius started to grin cruelly and Petterigrew whimpered at those words…



"Please… Please… Let me go…" Pettigrew moaned in pain. To be honest, Harry wanted to do extremely horrible things to the traitorous bastard, but he was simply getting tired of all this torture. He simply wanted to kill the man and get over with it, but a part of him wanted him to break the man. "James wouldn't want this…" Pettigrew rasped out painfully.

"You dare!" Sirius snarled in rage and punched the man in anger. "You dare use his name!!" Sirius screamed again and continued to rain down blows on his former friend. He was bleeding from both of his knuckles but he was way too angry to notice that. "You don't get to use his name!" Sirius screamed before he finally stopped hitting the rotund man. Peter slowly slumped forward with his head hanging.

"Did he die?" Sirius asked mutely as he slowly turned around to look at Harry.

"No. He isn't dead yet, but he is going to die soon if he doesn't receive any treatment" Harry answered offhandedly. |Is there a reason to drag this anymore?| Harry asked his mother. Yes, he was the reason why Voldemort managed to find the Potters in the first place and a part of him was still mad about that, but Peter Pettigrew was just a sad and miserable existence.

Torture was well and good in his books, but surprisingly, torture was not something the man feared, at least, not truly… Peter would love to avoid all the torture and pain if he could help it, but it wasn't strictly a requirement… However, there was something that truly terrified the man. Funnily enough, both the Master and the servant were afraid of the same thing. Peter Pettigrew was terrified of death.

If Peter could live the rest of his life as a rat, then he would happily give up on his human form without a second thought as long as he could keep living…

His fear of death was what led him to join Voldemort. He knew in which direction the wind was blowing and decided to join the winning side. Alas, everything went sideways when Sybill Trelawney spouted the Prophecy and the grease stain decided to run off to his Master and babble what he had managed to overhear. Peter might have hated spending the next years as a rat in hiding, but he would take that any day over death.

|...Is there something else you want to do?| Lily asked, wondering if her son was getting bored. To be honest, she wanted him to keep torturing Pettigrew, but it stopped being fun some time ago. The continuous begging was starting to grate on her nerves too even though she refused to admit that. |Fine! Deal with him so that we can move on to better things| Lily relented with a huff.

"Then shouldn't we get him some treatment?" Sirius asked as he continued to glare at his former friend. It was obvious that even though he was tired, he wanted to beat the bastard a bit more.

"No. I think it's about time we gave him what he fears the most…" Harry trailed off with a casual tone, earning a questioning look from his Godfather. "-death" Harry answered the unasked question.

"So soon? Don't you want to torture him any more?" Sirius asked, looking confused. From what he could understand, his Godson loved torturing anyone who made the mistake of angering him and now his Godson wanted to kill the traitor this early?

"For your information, I don't like torturing anyone. It is simply the means to an end. I prefer to kill anyone who gets in my way and be done with it" Harry answered while he waved his hand dismissively. "Even then, I don't like killing, but people simply keep getting in my way" Harry finished with a scowl. Meanwhile, Sirius simply gaped at his Godson wondering if his Godson was listening to himself, shovelling all that bullshite.

"Really? Then what about the War you are planning to start? Nobody is planning to get in your way, instead, you are going out of your way to mess with them" Sirius accused.

"I said people, didn't I?" Harry asked with a smirk as he slowly approached Pettigrew. His head was still hanging down and Harry was certain that the man was not for long in this world. He placed his hands on the sides of Peter's head and raised his head so that he could look straight into his eyes… The man was out cold, but Harry wasn't bothered by that. He pulled back his hand and slapped the man.

Peter didn't wake up, which wasn't surprising… So, Harry decided to use his Magic to force the man to wake up. Peter stirred before groggily opening his eyes. His whole face was a swollen mess and he was bleeding from all over his face, so it wouldn't be a surprise if he could barely see. "Harry…" Peter managed to wheeze out.

It was obvious that his jaw was broken and his neck was probably fractured too. Harry placed his finger on his lips to prevent him from speaking anymore. After all, Harry didn't want Peter to overexert himself and shorten his life in the process, instead, he simply wanted the man to listen. "Shhh… There is no need to push yourself. You are already dying…" Harry pointed out and he immediately noticed the terror in Pettigrew's eyes.

However, Pettigrew was way too broken and injured to start struggling… He simply opened his mouth and tried to say something, but only blood trickled out of his mouth. His bodily functions were already starting to fail… "Isn't that what you are afraid of the most?" Harry asked with an amused glint in his eyes. "In some ways, you are quite similar to your Master… Both of you are terrified of death" Harry finished.

For a moment, he relished the terror in Peter's eyes before he snapped his neck… Peter's body spasmed for the next few seconds before finally going still…

"Well… That's that, I suppose" Sirius muttered while staring at the corpse of his former friend. "While I would have loved to torment him longer, I can't say I am disappointed the way he died" Sirius shrugged. Harry was right… Peter was terrified of death. The fear was clear in his eyes just before Harry snapped his neck. "What are you going to do to the body?" Sirius asked curiously.

"I am going to give it to Amelia. The Ministry desperately needs a win right now" Harry answered after thinking for a bit…


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