
A Very Very Long Day At Work

I stomped my way furiously across the building. All the way to the Ceo's office. The assistant looked very surprised that I had just appeared out of basically nowhere. That happens when all you do at work is read manga. " Excuse me, but may I ask you why you are standing outside the Ceo's office whilst being very agitated?" Ohhhhhhhhhhh. I hate it when people act like they know better than you. Especially when they Don't. Even though I wanted to beat the shit out of her, I managed to cool down. Barely. " I have a thing or two to talk about with the Ceo."

"Sorry, but he's not taking visitors right now. He 's currently working on very important things."

"Like what?"


The voice that had just screamed, startled me so bad that I almost wet myself. But I instantly recognized it. It was the voice I hear taunting me every night anyway. Not in that way. You see we had a mutual understanding. Since his son- Itsuki, had taken a liking to me, I was tolerated. We had actually only been in this situation for about a week. It all began in a bar.