
A Beautiful Woman

It had been hours since that little boy had left to get help. So, while I waited,I slept. And slept and slept. Eventually, I woke up. The faint light from the moon was still creeping in. I hadn't slept for very long. Then I heard voices, directly behind the door. But, they seemed to be getting farther away. I was far too tired to say anything other than "h-h-." So, I did the only thing I could do. I slept.


I glared at my friend, Kaito. He annoyed the absolute shit out of me. Especially when he brought my 3 year old son to a bar. He knows what will happen if we don't find Itsuki. the same goes for all of the employees who haven't seen him. They have 5 minutes to find him. Or else.

" You have 5 minutes to find Itsuki. Or else you're done for."

"Yes sir."

I was surprised when I heard Kaito say "Yes sir ." Too. Then as they all moved to continue the search, the door creaked open. More like slammed, but you get the meaning. There he was,Itsuki. But for some odd reason, he was glaring. At me. He ran up to me and pointed to the door. I walked over to him and asked him,"What?" He pointed again. So I scooped him up and went where he pointed. Soon enough we were just outside a broom closet. I looked to the general manager, and growled "Unlock it." She did as I said. I didn't even have to take a second look to know that there was a woman on the floor. A very beautiful woman.