
What If The Villain Always Wins | RE:MONSTER

It all begins with a simple goblin. Within a cave amongst many others, a man, a foreigner is reborn. "Yup, that's me. A lovely heart-throbbing goblin......!" But one that promises a tale of ruin. Merely a single step, yet depravity follows. Tumultuous flames that threaten mankind itself, burning entire continents till it reaches the next world. Just what kind of catastrophe had been unleashed? "Oh, c'mon~ we're all friends here, aren't we...?" However, greed fills his soul, a gluttonous hunger like no one had ever seen. This sickening darkness, relentless in its approach, only hopes to devour all things or trample it underfoot. "But...if it's my destiny, then I'm afraid I have no choice. My fellow brethren, it is time." He calls upon the many demons who kneeled alongside his throne, the ones who prosper and thrive within disaster. Merciless in their pursuit, blood pooled into rivers, seas, and oceans. Ghastly. What existences hadn't yet gone extinct? "Aw~ it's so sad, I just might cry~" To continue treading down this never-ending path...with each and every step, they shall poison the world. ***** Multiverse/World Traveling: RE:MONSTER How Not To Summon A Demon Lord Arifureta Zero/Arifureta I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in The Real World, Too A Wise Man’s Grandchild The Legendary Mechanic More included later or upon request.... Authors Notes: To begin, I must warn you beforehand, this is a Depraved story about an Evil Protagonist. Not some cook-cutter villain, but someone who is legitimately Cancerous. It is no exaggeration to say that he is a plague that indiscriminately encompasses all who contracts it. And as such, I warn you again, DO NOT come here with the expectation of this being something easy to stomach. If you are a moral person who cannot distinguish between reality and fiction, it'd be best if you skipped over this one. I will not condone any reviews or comments condemning him on how evil or immoral the mc’s acts are, as I refuse to entertain them after giving this warning and will remove such things immediately. There is no fixed updating schedule for this story, this is strictly for entertainment purposes. Now, if you understand the code of conduct, please click [Accept] *I own nothing other than my Original Characters in this story. Neither the series nor franchises included belong to me*

Depraved_Chap · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 14: Pain or Pleasure (R18)

I sincerely love everyone in the world with all my heart.

People are beautiful. That's why it takes a lot just to show how much you care about them.

Now I won't be an idealist and tell you that a bit of force isn't involved in getting your point across. Sometimes you have no other choice but to let your instincts guide you.

Don't be ashamed.

This is natural. The cycle of life is majestic. Embrace them with all you have. 

Do you understand?

Love comes in many forms. It's too wasteful to be restricted by one method.

Listen to papa here, he's trying to assist you. 

As payment for my advice, I merely have a single request.

Call me daddy.












Ezra | Ra | Day 8 | Kuuderun Great Forest, Southernmost Area, Former Orc Territory

Eri sat frozen in place, staring at the torn pierce or cloth in my hand, before looking down at her bare chest that now had nothing to cover it.



It's one of those times where you can't help but answer like a middle school girl.

You can't really put it into words, so you don't respond sincerely. What else am I supposed to say?

Bend over or some shit...….


I tore another piece of cloth off her trembling frame.

"Stay still."

"A-ah, no...."


"What did I just say....."


You're overreacting. At times like this, I can't be kind and gentle.

I continued shredding apart her clothes until she was almost completely naked. Don't get me wrong, this isn't the first time I've seen a nude goblin. And if popping a boner-kun is a crime, then put me away for life.

Ah, my heart....why is it pounding so fast. I've never done something like this before. 

In my previous life as a human, was I really this trash?

—My trousers dropped to my ankles.

Nope…..I was actually quite virtuous.

"Here, do you see it.....?"

"W-what is this, E-Ezra-nii..."

"Touch it. Don't be scared. Come over here and see for yourself."

That's right. 

Cocks don't bite.

I've never heard of one that did that before, so you can take my word for it.

Eri shakily crawled over, gazing pointedly at my holy rod with flushed cheeks.


The air feels particularly pleasant today. At any moment it could just fill up my insides and impregnate me.

I said a weird thing just now, please ignore it.

"L-like this...?"

She poked it. With her index finger, she prodded it a few times.

This is why you don't send fragile girls to do a man's job.

Like, what's the matter with you?

Grasp my penis between your walrus hands and stroke it like you've got some sense. 

Come on....!

"Please do not test me."


"Simple instructions seem difficult for you to follow, I see—"


I grabbed a handful of her greyish-white hair. Her face was right beneath my dick.

Oh my, don't breathe so heavily, it tickles a bit.

"I'm quite the impatient individual. It can't be helped, I lose focus easily. "

"I-I don't know, p-please, Ezra-nii....."

"You don't know many things, but that doesn't make you useless. If one doesn't know something, then they must learn. Is that not so?"


Tears pooled at the corners of her eyes. No matter how you look at it, this isn't bullying. I've never done things like that. Believe me, I'd know.

My mushroom-tip brushed against her lips.

Just that much felt terribly good. As if an electric shock had jolted my brain into submission. 

Yup, a flip has now been switched.

"...Open your mouth."



She did so with some hesitation. My hardened cock settled on her pink tongue. The underside was bathed in softness and saliva.

A goblins mouth is truly just as good as any.

"Why are you putting on such a show?"


"You're aware of how you should act. Is putting your mouth around it so difficult? If you wanted to be treated harshly, you should've just asked—You ignorant sow."


Then, I shoved my hips toward her face, slamming my dick against the back of her throat.


Keeping it there for a moment, I stared into her widened, teary eyes that held a mix of pain, sorrow, and lust.

"I really underestimated you, Eri. I'll be sure to indulge you more often."


I bobbed her head back and forth, feeling the warmth of her tongue and the tightening of her throat. She gave no resistance.

Her lips moved all the way down to the base, swallowing me in completely. With my hand clutching a fistful of her hair, I forced her head toward my pelvis.


Her eyes rolled back.

Pleasure rose from the depths of my soul. My cock twitched wildly inside her mouth. It took everything I had to keep standing straight.



Surprisingly, the moan was not mine but hers.

Her hands rested against my thighs, kneeling on the ground whilst having her mouth thrusted onto my cock repeatedly. The sight was almost enough to send me over the edge.

Semen rushed to the tip of my shaft as I watched saliva drip from her chin. 

My climax was imminent.


Without hesitation, I pulled her head back, removing my cock from her lips.


Eri gagged immediately. She sucked in multiple deep breaths, coughing up spit.

A dying fish is the only thing I can compare it to, to be honest.

I was the one who caused it, but I still had the urge to look at her as though she were unsightly.

Good thing I'm great at holding back.

"Aha. I knew you were amazing, Eri. Just look at your crotch. Do you take pleasure in being abused?"


I pushed her to the ground before turning her backside toward me. Her ass shivered as she squirmed in place. A clear liquid ran down the inside of her thighs. The air was filled with a thick, raw scent.

Lining my fully erect cock up against her folds, I waited not a second longer before ramming it into her moist cunt. 



A faint sound was all I heard. She stiffened up, frozen with her mouth agape. It was as if all the air had been knocked out of her.

Damn. There goes my purity.

Her fleshy inner walls clamped down on me. Holding on for dear life. Pleading for a moment of rest.

How adorable.


"Ahn~ Ngh~ Ah~ Ohhhh~...…!"

I gripped her hair from behind, pulling her head back. Vulgar moans slipped from her lips. My hips repeatedly smacked against her bare ass.


Her soft, wet insides sucked me in, inviting me to go deeper. The elastic feeling of its ridges caressed and hugged my entire length.


"HAA~ AHH~ YES~! E-Ezra-niiiii~....!"

"This perverted bitch...."


I slapped her ass as I pounded her from the back. This wasn't a gentle pounding either. Each stroke aimed to rearrange her guts.

A rampant tingling sensation ran throughout my lower abdomen. It was sweet, like a rich flavor you could almost taste.






"What are you, an animal...? If that is so, then I'll do my best to treat you like livestock from now on."


Her tongue hung out of her mouth, lapping up the air as though she wanted to devour it. She moved her hips in sync with mine, colliding against my pelvis with unmatched desire.

"....I'm about to cum. Be sure to get pregnant for me, alright?"

"C-cum….? HAANG~ AHNN~ MMF~!"

"Ding, ding, ding. Correct. Take my load into your womb....!"

I let out a final heated breath.



Leaning over her body, my lower half was glued to hers as I flooded her sopping wet cunt with semen.


My eyes felt hazy. It was like I had just dumped every ounce of energy I had into that single load.

I let go of her disheveled hair. She collapsed to the ground face first with me on top of her.

The only thing that could be heard was heavy panting. Eri's limp body continued shivering in the warm grass. Her labored breathing mingled with low, satisfied moans.

My cock was still inside of her, but that was a minor issue.

There was something far more pressing than that.

I just found out something crucial.

Though I am ashamed, I have no choice but to admit it.


…..I'm really bad at rape.


Authors Notes:

It's hard being busy. But since I decided to post, I want to see some noise.

If I'm the only one making noise, that would be awkward and disrespectful, no? 

C'mon. We have to respect each other.