
What if Someone got lucky(Onhold)

A mute boy one day sees visions of the future, he one day sees a sentinel hunt him down. Foreseeing his own death, he focuses his visions to become stronger. Deciding to hunt down anything to make himself stronger so he can fight for his survival. ----- This is mostly a mad power trip story

ZeOwl · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

A glimpse

----took me a while on this just because I was waiting for the new movies and such. New info was released and i'm like damn...woah...I can use that... So yeah heres the chapter----

Spiderman was an interesting guy. He was nice enough to even buy me a burger. He didn't have one himself due to his mask, but i still appreciate the food. His costume was complete garbage however, like something he put together from his closest. He was seemingly new to the super powers. He swung away on his webbing shortly after I ate and we parted ways.

Cool guy, I won't kill him. While eating my eyes shifted toward the future and I got a glimpse of new information. I saw the chance I needed, a set of criminals who created weapons to be used against Iron man. I wanted to get a hold of their creations, what better than kidnapping them and just ripping their souls and the information out of their bodies. Problem was 2 out of 3 of them were dead.

{The weapons they made don't seem particularly safe. That Extremis serum seems like it could kill you.}

I had an idea for that, I just had to get a hold of the Dna of both a scientist named bruce banner and the blood of captain America. Might need a mixture of other super soldier serums as well. Using my visions I can mix the right cocktail of ingredients to not have any side effects.

----Reference to the Centipede project btw------

{Except you don't think that harming your mind as a negative side effect.}

I was already considered crazy for years, why would a few changes to my brain be negative. Getting Dna samples of Bruce Banner and Captain America were the two more difficult tasks. Breaking into a super max prison. Was easy in comparison...

----6 weeks later(sorry for time skip.)-----

It took a while to find the right person, but I found a guard that worked at the prison in which held the person I wanted. Inside Seagate Penitentiary was Justin Hammer, a man who not only helped create the villain whiplash, but had also once stolen several Iron man armor plans.

I pretend to be Kyle Leewin a guard for the prison. I went about his day as he would, the mistakes I made were cover up by cognition. No one commented on me being exceptionally quiet. I couldn't speak, so the lack of conversation worked out great for me. Cognition could talk, but his voice would've been recognized as not belonging to the guard I was pretending to be.

When it was about time for me to leave I took my time and found Justin Hammer's cell. We have about 9 minutes, are you ready?

{Let's begin}

I opened the cell and walked in.

"What is it? Why are you coming in here?"

Cognition began moving around me, black tendrils whipped in around. Grabbing Justin Hammer by his neck.

"Oh god wh-who are you?"

A second person with the cell reveal themselves and I grabbed them to pinning them to the wall. Using Cognition to suffocate them into silence.

"Wait! WAIT! What every you want I'll do it! Just don't hurt him."

"Seems like this person is important to you, This makes our job easier. Tell us where you stored all the stolen blueprints you have on Iron man's armor and Whiplashes inventions. You can't be stupid enough to not have a back up storage."

"I- You aren't a guard are you?"

"Now you are getting it hurry up tell us, or else your friend here is gonna suffocate."

He looked at his cell mate, however I realized it was more likely his lover.

"If you access the Merolin Bank, Ivan had a storage box there. You can check there I-I really didn't have any backups."

I rolled my eyes, ask about Aldrich Killian see if we can get that serum.

"Iron man has many enemies, Aldrich Killian his serum do you know anything about it?"

He stopped before answering, it seemed like he was about to say no. However he had thought of something. "Trevor Slattery, he was here a while back for being a puppet for Aldrich's schemes. He might know more!"

I closed my eyes trying to focus my power, Trevor Slattery seemed to have been released from Seagate not to long ago. He was promptly kidnapped by the people he pretend to be. The Ten Rings...What the fuck is that?

Ask about it we have a minute left.

"Ten rings what do you know."

"I think they are a criminal organization based in China or something!"

China, that's far. We can fly there easy, but its not near our current goals we will have to put it off. It seems we are back to hoping Iron man has back up files about his enemies. Pressing down with the tendrils I severed Justin Hammer's head from his body. I used the soul stone to take his soul from his body. His cellmate was crying, not like it matter though. They were criminals, they threw away their lives when they were caught.

{So you have Justin Hammer's soul, is their a purpose of taking it?}

Using the soul stone and the mind stone, one could use them together to read the memories of the dead. So having Justin Hammer's soul could help later if I could get my hands on the mind stone.

Back on track, my only option is to check that bank. If there's nothing...I'm going to need to rob Tony Stark industries. I groaned...

-----Spider-man is a freshman in high school if I am right on time line stuff btw. There is an actual timeline error in Spiderman where its like 8 years later when its not so I am not sure if I did that right.-----