
What do you mean I can’t do dmg?![dxd]

In this fanfic our mc is not allowed to do dmg so instead of the normal gamer way he well become the best support so people can do his work This is me just reminding that I’m new to this and this just me doing this for fun so don’t expect much

Hi_how_are_you · Anime & Comics
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What do mean I can’t do dmg?!

…What… is this? Where am I? Why can't I feel my body? I try to scream, but nothing comes out. I can't feel my throat – I can't even breathe. It's dark in here, I can't see anything.

What… what have I been doing before… this? I was somewhere in… damn it, I can't remember. The last thing I remember was a hot feeling in my chest, then I felt cold. I was scared when it happened – there's no way I can forget that feeling.

I felt alone, cold, and in pain, but why? Why did I feel all of that? What happened? What did I do?

Did- did I.. die? Is this hell? Purgatory? I'm not oblivious; I can still remember the things I did before whatever this is. There's no way I'm going to Heaven unless God had a fucked up sense of humor and decided to reward the selfish instead.

I fully doubt that though.

...Am I stuck here? Is this my punishment? My personal Hell? A void that stretches endlessly with nothing to do. Not even the ability to feel my body.

Haha… That's just too cruel, isn't it? I felt weird is this what feels like going insane i wander when those voices well appear too oh god I'm starting to go insane ask i thing calm down calm down.

Okay now that I'm slowly calming down let's try and remember what happened all felt was hot sensation on my chest so maybe i was shot or stabbed god damn it fuck I'm freaking out again deep breaths deep breaths…oh who am I kidding I'm going insane.

[Well this is interesting]

Staring at blue screep that appeared out nowhere i felt weird like i knew this but can't remember where and what it even was. I tried talking even screaming but nothing came out because my move mouth doesn't exist anymore

[Don't worry i can read your mind or soul in this case]

Okay that is making me both happy little and scared that it can read my mind or soul as it said

I'm not too sure how to go about this but do you any explanation?

[You are dead]

I've figured that much. How if I may ask?

[A direct stab to the heart. You did not take long before dying, only felt sharp agony for a few seconds]

I-I… see…

So I did die then, and in such a stupid way as well. A stab? Really? Couldn't I have dodged or something?

There is no point of crying over spilled milk anyway so I'm not gonna expect second chance i was bad person anymore so this for the best i guess.

[You seem… awfully calm about this, considering the situation]

Well, I tried to scream and move, but I couldn't, so what's the point? Of course, not counting the shock that's keeping me calm right now.

As amusing as that would be to see lose your mind, I'd rather be done with this.

Be done with what-

[Congratulations, you've been chosen as the next host of The System]


[...Do these remind you of anything?]

Perk Gained

[Gamers Mind] - perk

Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through.

Allows peaceful state of mind.

Grants Immunity to psychological status effects.

Perk Gained

[Gamers Body] - perk

Grants a body that allows the user to live real life like a game.

Skill Gained

[Observe] (Active)

Provides information on target

Skill gained

[ID Create]

Creates an Instant Dungeon.

Current Dungeons available:[Undead]

There is no way this is real and it was given to me of all people..? Was this really happening me given power reach unlimited power and wealth was given to somebody one of the worst people?

I can't help but ask why? Why was it given to me.. no there has to be catch here there is always catch

[Guess you got me there is catch]

'…' after reading that maybe there is no catch

[Hey come on i was just trying to lighten up the mood]

Is this same person who said they well find it amusing watching me go insane..?

[Yep same person or thing because I don't have body i'm just the gamer system AI]

Well your one weird AI if i say so.

[Okay that was mean]

Well mister normal AI of the gamer system I'm sorry for calling you weird

[Ew don't say that again]

Oh but never said anything i just thought because I don't have mouth.

[I die cress let's continue with tutorial]

Please select your race.

[Human] [?] [?] [?]

Human, and three unknown choices. Mind explaining?

[Two of the choices are lower-tier entities, such as Goblin, Insects, Slimes, and so on]

[And the third choice is a high-tier entity. Dragon, Leviathan, True Devil, Primarch, etcetera]

Okay this hard choice there is alot of potential in here and alot downsides to it but I'll just be safe option and choose human because it's guaranteed middle and because humans are jacks of all trades so no big disadvantages that i can see here.

Humans it is then.

Race chosen!

[Human] – Race

With every universe existing, Humans shall walk its Earth as well. In every corner of this Omniverse, you'll see subjects of this race living, cruelly dominating weaker races in numbers, as well as having mid-level intelligence and strength. Humans' true potential in their ability to learn and understand, as the strongest and most intelligent of humans were able to turn the tides against far more powerful foes of different species.

25% EXP gain

Comprehending, making, and learning new skills is slightly easier

Race stats:

HP = END x 10

HP Regeneration = END x 2

SP = END x 10

SP Regeneration = END x 2

MP = INT x 10

MP Regeneration = WIS x 2

Huh, quite a bit better than I initially expected to be honest. The EXP bonus is gonna be very helpful, especially when I become powerful. The seemingly average race stats are good as well, but I can't be too sure just yet.

I still have no idea how powerful the people will be in whatever world I'm thrown in.

[Well the world your thrown in is one you watched for many reasons and the main one is buba]

Am i going to dxd..?

[Correct to you want your prize now?]

I..i can work with this somewhat but did you have to throw me in dxd of all worlds a world with so many people that don't need to look at me and I'm dead really system?

[Well if you i can send you to dc or marvel if you want]

No no dxd is fine

How about we continue system.

[A yes let's continue]

[This step is optional, but you can receive one perk for a trait. You might gain an incredibly powerful perk like a blessing from a powerful god or a catastrophic trait like cancer]

[And keep in mind that not all traits are bad some can help physically, mentally and spiritually and have the chance to aid you in certain circumstances]

[Oh and before I forget if you roll really good perk you well get really bad trait]

Okay i guess that sounds fair..

One roll please


Trait gained!

[Major sin of lust] - trait

You are an incarnate of lust.

Be drawn to the opposite sex and sexual acts.

Perk Gained!

[Adonis Reborn] - perk

You are reincarnation the God of Beauty and desire. Your so handsome that all women are attracted to you even The goddess of love, Aphrodite will think that you are Adonis himself.

CHA is multiply by five

Increase successful with Charisma check

Trait Added!

[Perfect Dick]

Your dick will be the perfect size for the opposite sex. Your dick will never get tired after multiple sex!

[Perfect Body]

Your body is always in perfect condition and shape no matter the condition

Well I don't know how to feel about this but i'll roll with it

One more please.

Trait gained!

[Androgynous] - trait

The User's appearance is altered to look partly male and female in appearance

reputation/affection system is altered so all males can use the affection system

Perk gained!

[Great magic core] – Perk

A magic core is a spiritual 'Organ' that continuously produces mana within the being until their reserves are completely filled, and yours is an unnaturally powerful core.

triple MP Regen.

…i..i closing my nonexistent eyes and opening them.

Hey system..your kidding right..? This has to be joke please.

[This is not joke host]

I felt like crying right now but I don't have eyes or even face

Gamer mind kicked in little but it still hurts me like bitch

Sigh.. what did i do to deserve this..

Roll it again…

[Roger that]

Trait gained!

[Thy who shall not hurt] - trait

this curse was created to stop the evil gods from destroying and hurting the multiverse it was created by the goddess of life and death

This trait makes the user unable to do kill or damage others.

Perk gained!

[Rising Star] – Perk

You are born a prodigy among prodigies, with growth that will make all your peers envious yet in awe. Your ability to learn and progress far exceeds that of regular beings, whether it's in the mental, spiritual, or physical department.

With your unnatural growth, leveling up and becoming stronger is much easier, and as such, EXP and stat gain are doubled. Learning and comprehending new abilities comes naturally for you, and for that, all skill Rank-up requirements are cut by 25%


You know? Maybe death is not the worse thing that can happen to me right.

Hey system can i ask what's the chance of this happening…to be honest I'm just done with this shit

[Well.. the chances of this happening is 0.00000000001…]

What's the point of continuing.. with that trait I can't even level up the only way for me to even fight is to use othe-

…. Wait.. can i just make others do the work for me? System answer me!

[Huh you found the flaw in that goddess plan really fast]

With new found determination I'm thinking about how to do this.

[Well now that is done do we continue?]

Sure I don't want to lose the ability to move next.


[Now please choose class]

[Fighter] [Ranger] [Support] [Mage] [Rogue] [Production]

Alright this is fight between mage and production but i think mage takes this one maybe i'll get production class later down the line so mage it is

[Mage class chosen]

[Select a specialization]

[Elementalist] [Illusionist] [Druid] [Necromancer] [Summoner] [White mage]

Well the only two that can help me right now is druid and white mage that is if summoner and necromancer don't work as well because of my trait

[No comment]

..? Well anywayy let's continue i think white mage is the one that I'll choose for now

Class gained!

[White mage] - LVL 1/100

Gain 5 INT and 5 WIS every level

Skills gained

[Light Magic (Novice)](Passive)

Gained novice knowledge about light magic.

Light Magic related spells are 10% stronger.

[Light Bullet]

Fire a bullet made of light magic

Deals 50 plus INT Light Damage

Costs: 25 MP

[Minor Stat Buff]

Buffs one stat of your choosing by 5%

Costs: 25 MP

[Minor Heal]

Restores the target's health by 5%

Costs: 25 MP

Huh that's interesting I thought I'll start with just heal but the stat buffer is welcomed the light bullet is useless other then being distraction for me

Well now i have to plan ahead for the future and how to win most of fights

[Well now that is done let's start using that WP]


[WP is World Points that you can spend to change the world your sent to like changing someone gender or personality and few other things i'll show you later]

Okay that sounds good i need to take advantage of this as much as possible.

[Okay so let's begin]


Please choose the starting base

[House: -15WP]

Normal house that has what every house needs it has the following:[Bedroom], [Bathroom]x2, [Guest room], [Kitchen] and [Living room]

[Apartment: -10WP]

Normal apartment it is has what every apartment needs and you well have to pay rent but first month is already paid for you and it has the following:[Small bedroom], [Small bathroom], [Small kitchen] and [Small living roome]

[Mansion: -25WP]

The place most want to live but can't afford and it has the following:[King size bedroom]x2

,[King size bathroom]x2, [Guest room]x8, [Bathroom]x8 [King size dining room], [King size living room], [Big kitchen] and [Training room]

And the additional 5 maids that well take care of your mansion

Okay now what would i want big mansion with most stuff anybody would or normal house or just apartment and the answer for this is apartment because i might need the points for the other things and i already lived in apartment in my past life so let's go with apartment

[Okay so next is the world change]


[Character personality change: depends on how big the personality change is]

[Gender bend character: -5WP]

Okay this looks normal but i think i stick with same characters personality because what if i change random character personality and the hole plot is out the window

Now the gender bend one that has potential and I'm not saying that because i have that major sin of lust it's because i have the idonis reborn perk making easier for me to get affection with females so i think genderbending well do the trick and might you ask that I'm genderbending well if it was not that obvio-

[Issei,kiba,sanji,Ddrag,vali and albion is that all?]

[I'll take that as yes]

[Now into next part that is optional]


[Starter pack: -10WP]

The starting pack has the following:[150 credits],[Necklace of healing],[3000 yen],[MP regen potion]x5 and [HP regen potion]x5

[Common Familiar: -5WP]

[Rare Familiar: -15WP]

[Legendary Familiar: -25WP]

[Common Companion: -5WP]

[Rare Companion: -15WP]

[Legendary Companion: -25WP]

This is what i wanted to see finally something that can help me directly system i want everything here

[Okay that's all your WP gone on the first time well you did need it to be honest but now let's check you status]

Alright status

Alan smith

Level – 1

Title - None

Class - whitemage - LVL 1/100 [0%]

Race - Human

Rank - Mortal

Alignment - True Neutral

HP - 100 [20 per minute]

MP - 100 [60 per minute]

SP - 100 [20 per minute]

STR - 10

END - 10

DEX - 10

INT - 10

WIS - 10

CHA - 10 X 5=50

LUK – 10

HP = END x 10

HP Regen = END x 2

SP = END x 10

SP Regen= END x 2

MP = INT x 10

MP Regen = WIS x 6

Okay everything looks good now what system

[I'll reincarnate you that's what's next]


Wait i want to pl-


-ap for little lon-


I guess yo-


-ur just gonna a-


At the least let me f-


Phew that's done with i hope i did better this time but that's it for this chapter and i want ask some of you if you have any companion ideas because my brain is not that creative