
What can you do system?

MATURE AND EXPLICIT CONTENTS (Read with caution & at your own risk.) In a desperate situation, after a near-death experience, the lead accidentally gains the system out of nowhere without any warning. From then on the story of his life completely turns upside down and his worldview started to change slowly with time. There are many unforeseen obstacles but he gradually overcomes these difficulties with the help of his system and wits.

DevSCB · Urban
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162 Chs

It's already late

Two patients in the bed were laying on the bed which was attached to all kinds of equipment and being monitored occasionally by a professional. They were John's mother and sister who just went through an operation and was still unconscious at this time. According to the doctors, they will wake up within 24 hours and there would no complications whatsoever. After celebrating the success of the operation, he quickly called his sister-in-law and third sister. They obviously became joyful as they were also praying for the successful operation on their own. They congratulated each other and he felt some peace returned to his heart.

At this time, they had nothing to do and the waiting game began. He just spend quality time with his second sister and wanted to pass the time as much as possible. They wanted to stay in the hospital for tonight so they just went for a quick food outside for some time and came back. His second sister started to watch some videos on the phone so he also checked his mobile. After some thought, he wanted to learn some language and be proficient in it because he never knew what going to happen in the future. He quickly searched the contest for the widely speaking language English and started to memorize as well as learn it. It was fairly easy for him to memorize these languages and because he was different from the rest of the people, it was pretty easy to speak some basics in a short amount of time.

"Brother, it's already late. You go to bed and I'll watch over them.", she proposed because it was already midnight.

"I'm alright. You go to bed and I'll watch over them.", he proposed while looking at his mother.

"In fact, it isn't necessary to watch over them all night so let's just go to sleep. We are all in the same room so it's easy if anything happens. Let's go sleep.", she pulled him to the extra bed and directly place him on the bed.

"What?... There is only one bed. It will be uncomfortable to sleep.", he said while trying to struggle free.

"Are you kidding me? We slept in even worst places. Don't whine, it's enough for both of us.", she directly embraced him and slept on his chest.

"But I'm already grown up man. What if anything happens?", he asked while letting her do whatever she wanted.

"Just because you will be turning eighteen very soon, doesn't mean that you are grown up. You are still my baby brother. Just let me sleep. I don't care even if anything happens.", she glued her body even more.

"But… sigh… You guys are all the same. You never listened to me when it comes to sleeping. I give up, do whatever you want.", he shrunk his erect dick to the smallest size and kept learning the language in his mobile. His libido was increased a lot with his newly enhanced body so he was easily turned on by her sister's hot body. He was on the verge of collapse but managed to hold on.

"You don't hate us for doing this to you, right?", she asked while looking at his face.

"I would never hate you guys, no matter what you do. Even though my family is a little abnormal, it's my loving family.", he replied with a serious face while looking at her.

"That's good. Now, stop playing with your mobile and go to sleep. You are already sleepy.", she directly snatched his mobile and put it aside.

"But I'm working on something.", he tried to complain.

"Do it tomorrow or do you want to sleep naked in this hospital too?", she threatened while narrowing her eyes.

"That's not gonna happen. I'll sleep immediately.", he flinched because of his past memories so he quickly tried to sleep.

"That's better.", she smirked and started to fall asleep on his chest.

After counting many sheep and numbers, he finally fell asleep. His sleep was very deep too, maybe because he was feeling less stressed as his worries started to lessen a little. Money was not the problem right now and some of his family members were slowly getting out of danger. Everything was almost going well for him right now so he was very happy too. His second sister was still awake even after when he fell asleep. She looked at his sleeping face and kissed his cheek with a smile on his face. She did not want to disturb him that much so she played with his body a little more. In fact, she always used to do that so for her it was natural.

This was a hospital and the nurses kept coming occasionally for the checkup so she could not do anything excessive and did not do that too. While playing with his body as much as she can, she finally fell asleep while gluing her entire body with him and her legs wrapped around his body. His body was the best place to sleep for her and she always found security and peace in his embrace.