
When Everything Came Crashing Down

Anna didn't know what to say, she didn't know what to think, nor what to do. Her life was exactly on track, now what was she to do. She had planned on spending the rest of her life with Rob. Not only had she been abandoned by her fiancé, her best friend and Maid of Honor had left right along with him.

Anna was broken she didn't know what would come next. She was to depressed to get up, to eat, and to go work. Luckily she had taken a month off for her wedding and honey moon. Her mother and brother called her everyday, though she never answered. They had even stopped by her apartment on a few accasions, she pretended she wasn't home.

It had been a full week since what was suppose to be her wedding day and she hasn't eaten since the night before. She was to concerned about looking good in her wedding dress so she still hasn't eaten much. There was plenty of food in her house, but none of it sparked her interest. She didn't know when Rob would come back, she had tried to call, but it went straight to voicemail.

All she seemed to do now was sleep and cry. In her mind the world outside her room no longer existed, the was just darkness and her own inner turmoil. She didn't know what she had done wrong. How long had her best friend been sneaking around with her fiancé? Why would this happen to her? How could she have been so blind? Was this the reason Rob had been staying out so late at night? He had just told her he was grading tests in the cafe by his house, the house that was soon to be their house.