
The Happily Ever After . . . right?

Anna stared at herself, standing there in the mirror. She could hardly recognize herself. Clothed all in white, hair curled and piled a top her head broken up by a multitude of flowers. All her dreams had come true, who could ever dream of actually getting everything you ever wanted.

Anna, since a young age had always dreamed of getting married, having children, and becoming a teacher. After years and years of schooling, late study nights, and tests she got a job as a second grade art teacher at the middle school she once attended. During all those years of college she had meet Rob in her sophomore year and they had been dating ever since. Rob also worked at the same school, he was a fifth grade math teacher. A month into working at the school together, Rob popped the question and after five years of dating what other answer could there be besides yes!

The day had finally come, she was so ready. She had dreamed of spending the rest of her life with Rob, wonderful, wonderful Rob. The man of her dreams, her knight in shining armor. She walked out of the dressing room and prepared to walk down the aisle.

Once outside she saw a huge commotion. Everyone seemed to be in a panick. As she wondered what was going on she tried to get the attention of Rob's brother, Lewis her soon to be brother in law. "Lewis what is going on? Why is everyone so freaked?" As soon as the words left her mouth everyone running about froze, slowly, but surly every eye turned towards her. At this who wouldn't become nervous, "What's wrong everyone?" As she addressed the group, everyone seemed to turn away or look at their shoes instead. Lewis finally responded, "I'm sorry." "Sorry for what?" ,questioned Anna, her voice instantly becoming scared. "He's gone. He left, Rob does not want to marry you anymore. And he went off on your honeymoon with your best friend, Lexi."