
What's True?

There was a Princess who woke up in a full of golds around her. She thought every single day that, she was the luckiest and richest girl, not until she met the young poor boy, who opened her eyes to the things she couldn't see and have, the diamonds.

BlacklyPastel · Others
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What's True?

Once upon a time, there was a princess living in a beautiful and most expensive castle. She was born elegant and rich; anything and everything she asks for, her parents will gave it to her. Her parents are giving her everything she wants, but there is only one thing they cannot give, and that is love, attention, and care.

One day, a young poor boy entered the castle and looks like he was looking for something. The princess went to the boy and asked him, "What are you doing in my house?" ; the young boy looked so mesmerized and was not able to answer the princess' question. The princess repeated her question, "What are you doing in my house?" ,and there caught the young boy's attention. When He looked at the girl's eyes, he was stunned and he answered, "I-i was looking for my pet but i saw this castle so I went in." He stuttered. The princess asked her maiden to change the boy's clothes into something elegant, so he did.

On that same day, they talked and played casually. The princess didn't feel so shy and mad. She was happy playing and talking with the young boy.

Days went by, the boy always went to the castle to play along with the princess. Until, one afternoon, the princess' parents went home after a month of travelling. Her parents looked so furious especially her mother, so the day after that day, the boy didn't allowed to enter the castle ever again, and the princess was locked in her room.

After a week of being separated, the princess' felt again her loneliness and emptiness. She was not happy, and her parents saw that. So, the parents gave everything to her; toys, dolls, dresses, shoes, and gadgets. But none of those made her happy as happy when she was with the boy. She didn't feel the same feeling she felt everytime she gets what she want, like the old days. So, she decided to escape at night and went to wherever her feet can go. Unlike the usual, she gotten slept in the street, and woke up without any maiden helping her out; but even though there was no fluffy bed, comfortable room, and a maiden helping her, she felt free and happy.

She started walking again and again, until she bumped into the young boy, he was holding a plastic with porridge in it. The boy got so confused and asked her, "Why are you here? Didn't your parents forbid you to go out?". The princess run towards the boy and hugged him without answering his question. The boy got shocked but hugged him back. After that, he asked if the princess wanted to go to their home, and the princess said yes.

As they arrived at the boy's home, the princess got shocked. She looked around the area and realized that the boy's house is just as big as her shower room, she looked at the boy with a questioning look but the boy just smiled and walked in the house. As they entered the house, three little kids run to the boy and hugged him. The three little kids saw the princess and looked so confused, and the boy just said, "She is my friend. Come on, let's eat!" and went to the small kitchen and put the porridge to the bowl. While the boy is serving his siblings, the little girl stayed with the princess and still looking at her with so much adoration and she said "You look like a fairy princess", the princess got shocked because of what she heard but still managed to smile and say thank you.

After serving the three little kids, the boy asked the princess to come with him in their small veranda facing the street. The boy started and said, "You see, I'm just a poor boy who cannot buy everything I want and also, my siblings want; but you, you have everything you don't even ask for." he stopped and looked at the princess and continued "But you know, I still feel happy and contented, knowing that we can still breath and love each other."

After that, the princess decided to went home already. When she got home, she saw her parents waiting in the lounge, and she felt touched. She was about to run and hug her parents but they looked at her with a mad eyes. Her mom shouted, "Where did you go?! Didn't I told to stay inside your room and don't dare to see that poor young boy?!", She was about to explain but her mother went to her "Why are you not obeying your parents? Ever since you started talking to some strange poor boy, you acted so differently! What do you want?! Is your things not enough?! Tell me!." The princess cannot hold the anger anymore so she burst out and said, "Really? You're going to ask me what i want? Why? Will you willingly give what I want?!" She asked. "Do you really think, material things will make me complete, happy and loved?!" she added. Her father talked calmly but full of emotions and said, "Why darling? What is your problem? Do you want another house to live in?" The princess laughed horribly and said, "I don't want a house, i want a home. Home who i can lean on to, whom who can ask me how is my day going, and whom who can love and show me care." The princess cannot hold it her feelings anymore so, she run to her room and locked herself. She was just crying and crying and crying until she fell asleep.