
What's Beyond Death

Haa... Finally, I committed suicide, wishing for death after completing my revenge. . . . I wished I would just vanish into nothingness without having to choose between hell or heaven. Oh, how wrong can I be...? . . This MF wants to reincarnate me and won't even tell me the reason... Well, not like I can refuse, let's choose some wishes and get this sh*t done with. The cover photo is not mine; please say so if the owner wants me to remove it.

SuCiDe_shit · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


The time is around 5 PM and the sun is starting to set a beautiful orange sun can be seen but the scenery is disturbed by the noises of the sirens that are running throughout the city.

Nearly 10 police cars are traveling at high speed from the city to a factory on the outskirts. The faces of the officers are filled with fear, anger, and sadness as they are going to catch the criminal who committed six murders within the span of 8 hours. There are 2 captain-level police officers who are their comrades; a forensic pathologist; Edward, the son of a minister; Josh, the son of a famous underworld criminal; and Rhett, the son of an aged actor who once ruled the movie industry. These are killed by a single person in such a brutal way that even doctors had a hard time doing post-murder reports on the victim.

Now they are going to catch the murderer who also kidnapped the son of a police commissioner, and the pressure on these officers has been doubled by the upper officers. ' William Khojak, the officer who is leading the ten teams, is in a dilemma about whether he has to take the risky approach where the entire team will face the consequences or do it logically which would cause Liam to die, but they can catch the killer just as he is thinking about this. Miss Stacy, who is his assistant, asked him

"Sir, what do you think about 'Harry Oliver' the killer himself leaking the news about his whereabouts?"

coming out of his thoughts, William answered

"He is thinking about ending his game and there is no need to hide after his goal is completed."

"Do you think he will surrender himself after that sir?"

  "I don't know completely, but I am 95 percent sure that he will surrender after all his family is still alive, so there is a chance."

After that, both of them fell silent and only the sirens of a police car could be heard. Both of them knew they can't save Liam even if there were commandos on the team. It's just that Harry was that clever there would be no chance of a mistake happening.

In the factory on the outskirts of the city, there can be seen a man with blue diamond eyes with blond and black hair who can make any girl wet with his face alone, but now that face is swollen hard and some of the teeth are missing and even though his injuries aren't life-threatening the fear of death can be seen in his eyes due to the figure sitting on a stool opposite him.

Liam: "Mhmmmhmmmmmmm" "mhmmmmmmmmmm"

Hearing the struggling noises from Liam, Harry raised his head from his phone and looked at Liam with a weary look

"Can't you see that I am reading a novel? Please keep quiet for the... next 1 minute and 11 seconds."

When Harry said that Liam had a terrified face and screamed more than before and continued to do so for the next 10 seconds, he irritated Harry and without any hesitation, Harry took the safety pin that was placed in his pocket and pierced his eye just as he pierced it. Liam's whole world became half black and he couldn't even scream due to the fruit that was in his mouth and a cloth that is tied across his mouth around his neck.

Harry seeing the blood spewing from the eye dripping to the floor and covering the dust with red, removed the pin and he felt his fingers warm and sticky from the blood. He had a borderline psychopathic smile on his face while Liam struggled to get out of bonds but it was of no use. Harry cleaned up the blood that spewed on his phone and continued reading the novel.


"Fu*k, The stupid author did not update the R18 chapter and skipped the whole scene by saying, 'You know what happened'. Haa… I am looking forward to Edward and  Abby."After reading the chapter, I checked the time and the hyperesthesia serum should have started working on him as his screams got worse in this minute. Just as I got the confirmation from the heartbeat sensor watch that I kept for Liam, I stood up and took a rusted iron rod from the scrap lying around in the factory. As I walk towards Liam I can see the fear of me and the fear of death in his eyes—well, in his eye, as the other is a complete mess with blood. I stopped in front of him, took a petrol pack and started spraying on his pants up to waist level. He kept struggling on and on, but... 'THE MORE HE STRUGGLES, THE MORE I CAN ENJOY DOING THIS. Oh, I nearly slipped out keep the emotions in check, Harry don't overdo it and kill him easily'.

  As I finished with the gasoline, I took the lighter out of my pocket and started to use it but it is not working properly. I can see that every time I do this and it fails. Liam jumps in his seat out of fear after a couple of tries it finally lights up.

Now I stared dead into his and asked, "Are you feeling cold in this weather?" Liam started shaking his head like a crazy Buffon, but without giving a sh*t I threw the lighter on his pants and turned around to get something I needed even though I can hear his muffles due to the cloth gag around his mouth I am regretting not hearing his screams. Well I can hear his screams in the final round.

  I took the fire extinguisher and went back to him, asking, "Do you want to live?"

He shook his head again but this time vertically. I was not in the mood to save him that easily so I sprayed CO2 at his waist and stomach level so that only his lower half got burned after around 45 seconds I spared CO2 on his lower half after noticing that he got second-degree burns. Even though Liam is on the verge of breaking down due to the extreme pain caused by the burns Harry strips Liam's pants and made him elevate in the air through the chains that are connected to his hands making him bend over on the table.

Liam's body below the waist is swollen; red and white blisters can be seen. Harry removed the cloth and Liam forcefully spit out the fruit and started screaming in extreme pain.

"My..my.. looks like it hurts, huh?"

Liam is not in a state to respond to Harry's sadistic question and keeps struggling with the pain from his eye and the burns just as he turns around to see the rusted iron rod in his hand while his other hand has chili powder Liam gets a vague idea about what he is about to do, Liam immediately starts to panic and starts shouting, but there is no change in Harry's expression seeing that he started pleading with Harry and then continued to beg to spare him.

"Please leave me.. Let me live I don't want to die."

"Ughh..Dude. man up, you're the son of a City Police Commissioner and owner of the best pub in the entire country, needless to say, how many actors and movie stars you slept with": Harry

"What do you even want?" "Is it because of money? I can give you how much you need." "Please let me LIVE": Liam

"HAHAHAHAHA" Only a maniacal laugh can be heard from Harry after a few seconds Harry stopped laughing and forcefully injected 1/4th of the rod through Liam's backdoor.



'Before even he completes his words I shoved the rod through half of its size, I want to completely keep this rod and see him suffer but I don't want to touch his ass'

"Haa, same old cliché lines. I have heard those same lines 6 times before and you are the 7th person". After saying that Harry removed the rod and kept the gag in his mouth again.

"Now do you know why I killed all your friends and brought you here?" Even though Liam was in unbearable pain he wanted to know the reason and stall the time till the dogs his dad sent reached here, Liam nodded his head and looked at Harry with daggers in his eyes thinking about how to kill his entire family and him after getting out of this hell.

Seeing Liam nod Harry dropped his smile and started speaking in a serious voice

"Seven months ago, you and your 3 friends were racing near the city stadium, You accidentally hit a woman because your assole is stoned as fuck."

After hearing this line from him Liam lost colour from his face and started to sweat profusely, 'If he is who I think he is then I am in even deeper parts of hell than I thought'. Seeing Liam's face change Harry spoke again.

"OH! It looks like you remember the incident, Good for you in the case of the doctor he had to go through tremendous torture to recall the incident…". Just as he was continuing an alarm beep was heard and Harry turned his head to the laptop and saw that the officers were within two kilometers from his spot and turned to Liam.

"It looks like we have to speed things up a little." Just as he heard those words, Liam fainted due to fear and the extreme pain he was feeling due to the serum..

This is my first novel and English is my third language I try my best for the story...Plz comment your thoughts and if you find any mistakes tell me and I will edit them.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

SuCiDe_shitcreators' thoughts