
What's Beyond Death

Haa... Finally, I committed suicide, wishing for death after completing my revenge. . . . I wished I would just vanish into nothingness without having to choose between hell or heaven. Oh, how wrong can I be...? . . This MF wants to reincarnate me and won't even tell me the reason... Well, not like I can refuse, let's choose some wishes and get this sh*t done with. The cover photo is not mine; please say so if the owner wants me to remove it.

SuCiDe_shit · Fantasy
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2 Chs


Harry looked at Liam who was unconscious, and chuckled at him. He then proceeded to the ground floor and activated the traps and machine guns he prepared four months ago right after his post-graduation.

He moves to the second floor and activates the smoke sensor grenades and Molotov cocktail traps. After completing he returned to the third floor, took out the 'zolpidem' drug from his bag and injected it into Liam. After 20 seconds Liam gained consciousness and started to wince in pain.Harry moved forward to Liam's chair, removed his left hand from the chains and held it with the wrist lock technique.

Liam struggled to free his left hand but it was of no use it was like a novice kid struggling in front of a veteran soldier it proved futile, akin to a novice child's struggle against a seasoned veteran . He continued to slap the arm just below the elbow after doing it a few times he said  in a grim tone after removing the gag from Liam's mouth."The nerve that I am holding is called the Ulnar Nerve if I pull it out like this it will be around 6mm square and you will feel pain starting from your ring finger and little finger throughout your arm until your shoulder sockets."After hearing Liam was scared, even though he did not understand most of it he understood he would be in even more pain and could not use his arm for the rest of his life. With that thought he immediately started to beg Harry."Harry… Sir, please don't do it. I know what I did was wrong, and I will repent my entire life for it. Please spare me."After hearing Liam calling him sir Harry laughed loudly once more, and without any words, he started to twist the ulnar nerve so that it would be clearly visible."AGHHHH..You moth*r fu**er I will fucking kill you and yo.."Just as he was shouting, the pain started subduing slowly. Confused by this Liam turned his head slowly backward to look at Harry, only to see him with a surgical knife and a psychopathic smile.HARRY's POVAs I was going to rip out the nerve from his arm I remembered the lessons my professors had taught me during my 1st year of post-graduation.

The ulnar nerve will break when not handled carefully or pressure is applied at one end so I must cut both sides of the nerve area to hold the nerve fully.AHH.. I can see it. I can then see the despair on his face when he saw me holding the surgical knife without any delay I cut flesh on both sides of the arm as soon as I cut the flesh, I can again hear the soulful music of Liam's agony.I held the nerve within my fingers and started to twist it by applying pressure, and it started to affect Liam's ring and little finger as they crumbled and he was writhing in pain I wanted to pull the nerve out already but I have to take it slow so I can make him feel even more pain just as I was waiting and playing with the cute ulnar I heard the car sounds, I knew that the man I respect most in the entire police department is here.Several minutes before...William Khojack POVI am going to face him again and for the first time I was nervous about facing a young man who just graduated 3 months ago I first saw him at the funeral of 'her' 7 months ago and I thought he was going down the wrong path for vengeance so I put an agent on him just as a precaution as my instincts were yelling that he is dangerous, not on a physical level like he can kill anyone with his strength but on a mental level like he has a fixed goal and he will go to any length and kill anyone without morals to reach his goal.But even after a month there was no information from the agent, I kept on him but I knew he was dangerous so I changed to the agent and put on an elite member through my personal connections 2 months passed and there were no moves from Harry and not even the general inquiry about 'How the case is proceeding' so I thought he moved on and he would live as a respected doctor after graduating in a month. How wrong can I be...?

I called off the elite agent and focused on my work again and forgot about Harry but after 4 months, I got a call from the city commissioner and was informed at the early morning 6:30  Harry killed two government officers, and he was about to go on a revenge murder spree and I should kill him at sight but even after 8 hours on this case, I got zero clues about where he is and Liam was kidnapped at 2:30 PM so the increased security on the son of the city commissioner (Liam) was of no use as well as the other 3 and we started searching for him by turning the whole city upside down and after 2 hours we got a heads-up that Harry was at a cement factory on the city outskirts, leaked by an anonymous sender. I know it was him—not only me but Stacy also guessed it.I got out of my thoughts and got out of the vehicle"Listen everyone our goal isn't to catch the murderer but to save Liam"As I said this, I can see some of the officers are unhappy as they just lost their comrades "Don't think with emotions we need to save Liam and can shoot him after saving him and remember to use glass masks he is a post-graduate doctor and he escaped after killing the doctor by releasing chloroform."After listening to their head officer no one was against his orders as they knew he was one of the senior officers and didn't listen to superiors blindly so he was transferred 17 times in his career and not promoted more than 10 timesAfter seeing the officers were ready I signaled them to surround the factory and snipers to take positions I also gave Stacy a signal so she could start negotiations.


"Mister Harry you cannot escape from here we have already surrounded you please surrender yourself and release Liam"As I heard those words, I knew the one talking was Miss Stacy and Mr. Willam was on the sidelines for now checking for anything that could catch me off guard but sadly for him he could not find any. I took the microphone that I had prepared beforehand for negotiations. In some movies, the criminal has to shout until their voice sounds sore whereas the cop would chill and speak on the mic. Luckily, I was prepared beforehand.As Harry was thinking about how lucky he was, Liam was happy that the dogs his father sent for him were here even though he was a little bit scared He knew he could escape from here with the help of those dogs after all their lives were meant to be sacrificed for him as he was the chosen one born for the commissioner of the police department.

"Oh my, what a sweet voice you have Miss Stacy," said Harry in an unusual voiceAs Stacy heard those words, she knew he was being sarcastic and even mocking her a bit even though she wanted to respond to his words with her sarcastic side she knew better than that when doing a negotiation

"Well thank you Harry, but that's not the issue right now"


"We can consider your demands if there are any to release Liam."

"Miss Stacy even though I wanted to negotiate your voice is turning me on so much and I can't focus on negotiation. I may kill this bastard in here so that I can masturbate in peace while hearing your voice."

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard Harry and Stacy got enraged when she heard what he was going to do while listening to her before she could even speak the mic in her hands was taken by Officer Khojak.It was not the first negotiation for Stacy. She had won multiple negotiations before this one. It's just that her confidence in negotiating is being affected by her fear of Harry due to the corpses of the people he murdered.

"Enough games Harry, release Liam and surrender yourselves"

"Mister Khojack, good day to you too…, Are you seriously asking that query once you spied on me with a few agents? I thought we had been beyond that factor in our courting.

Miss Stacy was a little surprised that they both knew each other and by the fact that William even suspected Harry from their first meeting.Seeing this is getting nowhere Liam shouted ignoring the pain of burned skin

"Officers why are you even negotiating just kill this bastard with snipers and save me"

Even though he is dumb and arrogant he knows when to call them officers and when to call them dogs.The officers face palmed inside at the idiocy of Liam, the last thing that the captive needs to do is argue and enrage the kidnapper. Even a few seconds passed after Liam's 'request' a hoarse wail was heard.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

SuCiDe_shitcreators' thoughts