
What!? Never seen a Demon King of Lust before?

Magical Realism
Ongoing · 1.8M Views
  • 153 Chs
  • 4.4
    23 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is What!? Never seen a Demon King of Lust before?

Read ‘What!? Never seen a Demon King of Lust before?’ Online for Free, written by the author Kira_Kazuto_4040, This book is a Magical Realism Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, R18 Light Novel, SYSTEM Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Damien Julian is an 18-year-old loser, who has been bullied and mistreated his entire life, at home, he has to deal with...


Damien Julian is an 18-year-old loser, who has been bullied and mistreated his entire life, at home, he has to deal with his abusive father, and at school, he is constantly been bullied by delinquents, and to make things worse he is always looked down upon by his peers, till one day a mysterious screen appear before him as it said. [The world has seen the lingering evil in your heart] [Would you like to be one of the nine demon kings of this world] [If so what are you willing to sacrifice?] In the heat of the moment, Damien made a deal with the world, that he would give up everything he owns, or do anything it wants, and in exchange, he shall be reborn as a new Demon King, and what the world required from him as payment was. [In exchange for power, become a slave of the world, and act as an anti-body for all eternity] At that moment, Damien agreed, but little did Damien know, that becoming a slave to the world meant he has to be its immune system, what that entail is, that anything that threaten the world must be destroyed even if he has to wipe out humanity, to save it, or assassinate historical figures to bring fort balance or even manipulating events that can potentially end the world, to save the world, this is the story of a necessary evil, not the story of a hero who cares for others. P.S: The Art is not mine, all credits go to the original artist

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Set against the relentless backdrop of corporate conquests and towering skyscrapers, the meticulously orchestrated world of a tenacious and super-rich CEO teeters on the brink of chaos when an unanticipated force enters the scene—a gentle-spirited, unassuming young woman, her humility a stark contrast to the dazzling opulence that envelopes him. The very fabric of his existence is challenged, for she is not just a secretary, but a harbinger of change. As their paths converge within the bustling heart of the corporate domain, an unexpected resonance takes hold—a connection that defies the stark contrasts between their lives. Amidst the constant symphony of ringing phones orchestrating negotiations, the after-hours crescendo of crucial meetings, and the sotto voce harmonies of whispered office intrigue, their relationship evolves into an unforeseen narrative—a tale of improbable affection where the dynamics of power, the echo of personal insecurities, and the tumultuous clash of their distinct worlds must be masterfully navigated. Yet, it is amidst these intricacies that a captivating melody emerges, one filled with the promise of passion and intimacy. As the cadence of their shared moments rises and falls, a question lingers: Can their hearts recompose the agenda scripted by society, transcending the prescribed boundaries of their professional roles? Can they summon the courage to traverse uncharted territories, where vulnerability interlaces with desire, allowing the symphony of their feelings to crescendo into a fervent and passionate office romance? In the labyrinthine halls of their corporate sanctuary, where ambition and camaraderie dance an intricate tango, they find themselves entwined in a journey of discovery. Each stolen glance becomes a treasured note, every fleeting touch a melody that resonates long after the corridors grow silent. As their feelings deepen and harmonize, they find themselves on the precipice of a new movement—one where the boundaries between work and affection blur, and the sweet refrain of love becomes the true agenda. In "Love's Agenda: The Office Romance," the cadence of ambition meets the melody of the heart, weaving a tale that challenges conventions, awakens desires, and ultimately composes a love story that transcends the confines of the boardroom—a story where two souls, seemingly worlds apart, discover that in the grand symphony of life, love's sweetest notes are often played in the most unexpected of places.

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :Demon king Awakening
Volume 2 :Monster community
Volume 3 :Karma


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So many unnecessary words. The grammar is terrible, the plot itself makes no sense, the main character is just extremely unlikeable, and the author can’t seem to stop saying things that don’t even need to be said. I mean, Jesus. If the main character makes toast, the author would give an extremely detailed explanation as if babies are reading this. The author is clearly trying to seem smart, wise, and philosophical, but it comes off as annoying, especially when it completely breaks the immersion. One second, the main character will be having a conversation, and in the next second, he’ll start talking to himself for half of the chapter just to come to a single conclusion.


Shameless author review, this is my first contract work, so of course, I'm going to support myself, however, I hope you all enjoy the story and as a fellow elder in the Yandere sect who studied the Yandere dao to the pinnacle, this work will have a ton of Yandere, who knows maybe I even make a new subspecies of Yandere Waifu, expect chad MC, with a ruthless behavior, but yeah enjoy the plot if you know what I mean, and a power fantasy that can scratch that op itch


What can I say, I see Yandere I read, this was really interesting, so I won't say much but the MC is like Emiya Shirou if he went insane on his heroes' routes, but yeah this was fun, the system is also interesting as well too, the mc is also cruel, and a chapter a day so it's all good for me.


Reveal spoiler


it's interesting but I might likely die from cringe soon and it has a bit of grammatical errors, it's manageable though ....................


Great job I’m really enjoying the story so far especially the un charisma stat that glows him up. Keep up the good work, nice job on the steady updates, would love more even more to read




the start was a bit cringe but it got better when he become the demon. he was overpowered but not to the point of being the strongest. I've only red the 1st volume which were free but i plan to read the rest as it's very interesting concept of divine incubus and being the handyman of world. although there are some cringe times it come hands to Hands with harem and yandere.


I love his personality how it talk about world ams backgrounds


my honest review of this novel is that it has a lot of potential i came in thinking it was just gonna be a novel with 18 plus scenes every chapter but it isnt the beginning was the best part so far it started out slow and got into the power levels and different abilities and how the stats work which is very unique but i feel like the quality dropped when he came out the dungeon the author throws new enemies at us outta nowhere the power system seems all messed up like he can freeze the concept of levels how is that even possible i understand freezing time or space but levels and stats is absurd i think his eye is very underused he it can literally allow him to read minds and view their people lives so he should know there weaknesses and their fighting patterns yet he dosent do that and 1 of his lovers gets a "weaker" version of his time stop that allows her to be immortal to anyone but him and i dont like how the author throws enemies that are continental and have conceptual abilities at the palm of their hand at the mc i think author should just rewrite the whole novel as it has alot of potential just go slower dont make him automatically planetary and have the ability to fight beings millions of years older than him in 2 days worth of time


ok so quick transition for MC is nice and while there's a fast growth for him it doesn't feel misplaced. incredibly excited to see how things go from here as I'm on chapter 38


This book is amazing I enjoy reading it, the grammar is alright, and the updated stability is good, overall I enjoy Asmodeus's personality a lot, and can't wait for more, please don't stop writing this, as I see potential


Started strong, dropped of slowly, came back alright, and shot itself in the head


Mann make more ch ‼️‼️‼️🥺finna cry Mann 🥲


author is this really dropped?if its really dropped then...


I love this book and I can't wait for the updates. Author you have done a good job so far.


im in chapter 31 i just want to say it's fucking good but is this complete or hiatus or drop? because why there's no update for 3 months?


What a shame Depressing First it was smooth then came to NTR(even dough its was not her lover but his property got raped by a vampire prince and forgot about it ). Sadly the plot got worse as the chapters go by. Thanks author you got me temporarily happy i even enjoyed it for at least 30 chapter


I abandoned this novel due to not having enough coins a few months ago, but they were restocked and ready to be happily used on this. Well... they're gonna already but you'd better believe I'll be using the daily login coins! I won't give up this time, it's time to save!


I don't what happening but I like somehow...no, scratch that love it at the start it is mild cringe and irritating but after........yeah...............


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